Taoist Law

Chapter 155 Pose

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Taoist law 155 chapter posture Juorheng Mountain with water, two, just from the waterfront When they came back, they found a smuggled sea boat, arresting a family owner of a finishing school, is going to find Suichuan medicine. I am busy all night, the sky is bright, three people walk, the giantheng Mountain is still in the side: "When is it, I dare to smuggle, I don't know how the war is, the sin is added?" The waterway shook his head: "As the abbeza said, this person, but if there is a few percentages, will it be ridiculous? Hey? What is more than one percent? Forgot ..." The fire reminder: " 50% of dare to take risks, hundred percent of all rules in the world, 300%, dare to sell yourself to you. "Jumaiang Shan Road:" The word door is ended, the light is a penalty. Let them pour this, don't mention the mainstay, at least three years. "To the secretary department, Suichuan medicine made them fill in the routine documents of today's end, three people each took the black auditor brand card. , Make it in front of Suichuan medicine. Suichuan medicine took out a small box, and put the famous brand of the giantheng Mountain, push the number on the scorpion, said: "Intermediate task, add 50 points, check the ship to catch people, plus one thousand points, You are now 10,0003,300 points, and you will be a thousand or seven hundred points from the main treatment! "The hi of the giantheng Mountain will retrieve the card, and the treasures are harvested, and the smuggling of this time The ship is small, and I will fight for two thousand points. "The two of the water fire also added so much. Their contribution broke through 10,000, and the two people got a breath:" Finally, the rudder, Going to Qin in the evening ... The restaurant is a good time! "The giantheng Mountain asked:" Sukeki, how much is the group of group? "Suchuan's reply:" Liu Chunjiu is still the main, Lin Ayu Lazy, or disciple ... You don't laugh, you are not chasing it. "Three people are busy asking why, Suichuan medicine:" , 50,000 Three thousand points, how do you chase? "The giant balance was dull:" He just passed the main owner in the last month ... "Suchuan Pharmacy:" A time plus 30,000 points. "Three people exclaimed:" What did he do? "Su Chuan's medicine was white:" Don't ask! "The three people also looked at each other.

Suichuan is also giving a dedication: "Just, after a while, Li Wei, Li Wei, who is going to go to the mountain, Zhao Fei's guns have passed, you have also hurry to swollen, I will then go. Originally. Look for someone to make a number, it is not used now. Or old rules, this work can add ten points. "

When they hurriedly rushed to the three Qing Dynasty, they saw Zhao Fei Gun and the three knives that were already in place, and their hand was in the hand. It is studying posture problems.

"Hengshan, the brothers come back? Hurry to enter the position ... said that I was a challeled posture last time, the photo method was not very nice. The abbot said a posture, right hand shot After the top, the head is leaning up, make a shot, look at the sun, let's take a look ... How? "

The three knives turned around the Zhao Fei gun twice, meditation, Dalang said: "I always feel less ..."

Erlang said: "If flying in the air, this posture is very good, the clouds floated after the clouds ..."

Sanlang took the sorrow to see, suddenly hexaed: "Can you tie some ribbons after Zhao, then make a fan, let the ribbon flutter?"

Everyone is bright, even the giantheng mountains and water fires will help it, they will finish it. At this time, Suichuan has already arrived, and rushed to: "It's almost prepared, Li Wei is going to hill." In the vesting place, a simple rule of France, then go out to pick Li Wei.

The seven-star monks came to the posture, and the parties in each station, including the highest level of the stairs, start the character, and the winds wrapped around, and there was a sense of cloud in the cloud.

Li Wei is accompanying the Ms. Lu Ziyu, walking is the same process as last year, Suichuan medicine will just fade in a simple magic of a teaman, attracting them in two people.

After I came in, I saw the style of the seven-star monks, especially to see the most eye-catching Zhao Fei. Lu Ziyu killed his lips and did not let him laughed out, but Li Wei was really shocked. On the side of the plane, he walked down to the Zhao Fei gun, and it almost stumbled on the steps.

Suichuan medicine will send Lu Zhun and Li Wei to the main hall, and turn around Zhao Fei. I smiled: "Okay, Lao Zhao doesn't have to be used, tired, take a break."

Zhao Fei took the body and left and right: "How?"

The giantheng mountain took the lead, the water fire two and the three knives had provoked the thumb, the same spirit: "British!"

At the front court outside the temple, I waited for about Moqiqi, Yang Fuwen, looked at it, and the seven-star monks quickly stood and continued to play.

Li Yu took the main hall, and turned it on the stairs. He once again, respectfully worshiped to the three Qing Dynasty. Tonight, I will squat, and the teacher is Tai Fu. "

Lu Ziyu smiled slightly: "The poor road is a person who loves the official position."

Li Wei said: "It is a disciple of the disciple, but it is a filial piety of the disciple."

The two glanced at the seven-star monks on the steps. Li Wei took the Zhao Fengjun, and he went to the outside, Suichuan medicine collar it came out, and Lu Yu: "When is the yellow crown?"

Lu Zhun said: "Before a month."

Suchuan Pharmacy: "Work hard. When the Huang Crown is complete, you can respond to the day, the French will receive you into the room disciple, pass your golden Danfan, when you are the same."

Lu Ziyu was very excited: "Then I have to call you a teacher in advance."

Out of the chicken gover, send Lu Zi Yu and Li Wei to get on the bus, Suichuan and politely inquiry: "When will I return to the country under Hall?"

Li Wei is very up, and it is said: "Don't dare, in the future, you must call you teacher. The disciple is going back to Wang Jing after seeing Your Majesty, practice hard, don't break the building."

Suchuan Pharmacy: "Go back or take the sea road?"

Li Wei said: "Yes, now the Daming Inspection Fleet is smooth, the coast is very safe, the waterway is very safe. I really hope that the days of the Haiyu will come a little more!" The sea is just that day, this big sea is really too flat.

It is said that people can become a country, how much is a little mysterious gas transport, although Li Wei is just the owner of the country, but the same fleeing does not take off the rules, his blessings are immediately checked by a thousand miles away, and immediately Hit a few sneeze.

Taoist law

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