Taoist Law

Chapter 157 Silver Problem

Welcome, please remember the address of this station:, mobile reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Rules" at any time ... Taoist law, the first fifty-seventh chapter silver problem listening to the true people, Hu Laodou sinking , Said, "This is a bit difficult." ::: I still want to go to you. "" "Oh? Hu Lao has something to say." "I want to use you to borrow the soldiers, bring your league boat to the state." "This ... Hu Lao I am laughing. "Hu Laotou put his hand:" I didn't talk to the real person, I didn't have enough strength. "" As far as I know, Hu Lao recruited hundreds of soldiers, after the green bamboo island, etc. A batch, the total of the front, so strong force, still can't take the state? "Hu Shoutian:" So we are all very good, the population of the four island of Hezhou, the size of the gods, although not me When the monk's opponent, but there are many people, I am not afraid of death, I have a unique secret, I am not familiar, it is easy to eat, so I have been in their south. Island. "I heard that the Spring Mae has succeeded for more than 20 years, and the second time is successful. The mind of Balang also recovers a lot. If you don't have it together?" Hu Shoutian: "It's all don't want something, I can't make tens of hundreds of evil spirits, and there are all kinds of rare weird spirit beasts. It is not good to play. In the big demon in the island people, there is also a second time. I don't know how many years, Ming Lu Zhi, is a giant, eight-headed eight tail, appeared in the West Island, and the Spring Mae and Balang were unlike the enemy. Even the ancestors were alarmed. Being in Yizhou, I am ready to personally take myself. "The real person is amazed:" The ancestors personally shot? This Lu Zhiju is so powerful? "Hu Lao said again:" So, take my mind, you don't follow the door I killed, I followed our Qingqihai. The Yizhou land is big, and the land is all distributed to you. This is not to go to the door to the door to be the Laosi, the old is strong? Do you have a long old? " The true people don't move, in fact, the goals of him and the fairy are very far away, that is, the Lord of Qingshan, reached an agreement with a certain big monk in the Taoist, to sign the main servant contract, and fly after here Contract. It is not easy to achieve this goal.

There is no bigwork, or it is not the main owner of the Duan Dao, such as the Lord of Qingshan, the identity of Hong Ze, and how to make hundreds of millions of credits to help you resist the robbery. ?

Therefore, When the secondary type is repaired in the future, when the "self-owned people" as a "self-owned", the "self-owned", the "self-owned", is not a chapter, and is this?

He has started planning ten years ago, supporting the Wutong Taoist, cultivating Lingqi Island forces, and the purpose is here.

Unfortunately, the Tao suddenly got an inexplicable chicken spending in Heaven, through the training certificate and the sea trade license to collect people, disrupted his plan, have to launch in advance, and have a situation in this day.

But this kind of mind does not have to reveal to Hu Laoto, but it is a topic: "After all, it is our own place. It is not a taste. I heard that Linghu old ancestors playing Yizhou, for Yinshan ? "

Hu Laoti smiled: "I love money in Qingqiu, let live people laugh."

: "I don't know what the Linghu old ancestors want so many silver, this is a matter of Qingqi, I don't have to ask, but I have heard that with Daming's land, it is not a silver ten Wan two, Yinshan Yinshan ... Where? "

"In a place called bird's feathers."

"The feathers of this bird ... How many silver money? 200,000 two? 200,000 two?"

"Ha ha……"

"Hu Lao, I have a million two, can I recruit the fleet back, help me fight?"

Hu Laotou took into account a moment, got up: "The real person stays, let the old four speaking with you."

Hu Laotou turned, and the real people sat in the same place. His face was scary, so I didn't dare to get up with the fox, including Hu Laodi, a Linghu Laosi.

I don't have to accompany them, just sit still quietly, like a bone.

I don't know how long it took, Hu Laoti came back, and I couldn't agree with the real person. "The real person, I can't agree, the old ancestors find the figure of Lu Zhi's snake, need for the soldier to continue to the Zhangzhou Helping the gods to put pressure, it is really notasting. At the old man, I will go to Green Island immediately, and I will recruise a batch of monks. "

The truth is very disappointed, and the flames in the eyes have weakened a lot.

Hu Laotou went to: "However, we have seized a group of their warships in Zhangzhou. This ship name is a turtle, and can walk under the water. If the real person needs, we can sell a batch of such a ship to live. "

"I have heard this kind of ship, how much is I heard of this boat, how much?"

"Eighteen. If you need it, I am the old man, and each turtle ship is 30,000 people."

I used to order vessels in Daming, thousands of big boats also used 20,000 silver. Hu Laotou took 30,000 for a turtle ship. It was already obvious to slaughter, but the exclusive people still did not hesitate to agree.

Don't say that the turtle is really a good use, even if it is replaced with ordinary thousands of ships, he also has to be as weak, the shipbuilding capacity of the Islander Alliance is too weak, and the fleet has not been added for a long time.

Hu Laotou asked: "There are more than 60 seductive Hezhou war boats. Do you want to have a warfare in the ship, you pay a million silver, including the turtle ship, all ships are given you. Rest assured, The specific number of old men didn't have a clear point, but in this batch, I guarantee that there are no less than ten ships above five hundred. "

I bought the exclusive people.

After paying the ship within one month, the live people left the Qingqihai, rush back to this island, and arranged the Wutong Tao to ship. He went to Wutong: "Good life, fight for the inspection fleet, perhaps this, the door must admit Ling Huange."

There is a new ship to join, Wutong is big, ask: "Yafa and peas ..."

"The pea is not your call, called Jiai Fairy."

"Yes ... don't you don't know whether Xaf and Cai Wei fairy end?"

: "We will drag Chen Shan Dao. You have a good arrangement, you must win! Where are you going to fight?"

Wutong thought, said: "Or is his transfer line!"

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