Taoist Law

Chapter 166 Mile bomb (I wish you a happy birthday)

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the first hundred and sixty-six chapters of the Taoist (I wish you a happy birthday) Zhao Ran promised the number of votes in the hand, Huang Bing is big and big, but still does not dare to ensure steady, Zhao Ran asked: "When is it public?" Huang Bingyue said: "Maybe it is after a month, or later Zhao Ran and asked: "What is going on next?" "I have already went to the next time before you will be able to stay." "" Disciple has an idea, do you see if you look? "" Your brothers " Symmetric, what is Zhao Shi's idea? "Zhao Ran's hand:" That's a young brother. Brother has no special esteem, it is better to go to Yuanji Island to perform a job? It is a month. "Huang Bing Will I: "It is also mine that I am talking about the general consultant of the joint meeting. I have not seen a look in the ground so far, it is not ah. Also, I will go to Yuanji Island this month. If I have time, I still have to go to the ladie Chen Tianshi, Chen Tianshi is also a long-awaited elder. "There is Huang Bingyue brought the Heilin Heli Flight Raise White Yulin Golden Pole, and the two men have arrived in Yuanjue Island. The island is busy, the warship, the number of container ships have never been come, and the group of sergeants, sailors, and monks travel on the island, which is very prosperous. Zhao Ran introduced: "When the spring of the year, the army occupied Yuan Sijimao and Dalisson Island, it was very cold here, but after the summer arrived in the black island, the blockade island chain was basically formed, and Yuanjue Island and Dayre Island were once again prosperous. Many of the fleets are now transported from local transportation, Daming Haishang, South China Sea and more Western seas have smell the business opportunities brought by the war, flocking with goods, here is now this. "Huang Bing is watching, keeping nod:" If you don't want to treat the world, you can bring a new weather. I also have a lot of red-haired high-nostrial ghosts on the island. Western place? They also believe in the door? "Zhao Rong said:" Most of the average letter, most of them have their own beliefs, and we have the same strength, but doing business is the same. We are also through these The ghosts learned the situation of the pole, these things have to come slowly. "The inspection fleet headquarters has moved away from the Ye Island. Now it is the transfer command, Lu Xixing just protects the ship.

After the news, I was very intended to come.

Huang Bing is in the air, and the three people are governed in the headquarters.

Zhao Ran invited Huang Bing to Yuanjue Island, not to go through the form, but since the heart, the upcoming battle, let Huang Bing's truthfully participate in the battle, and achieve the merits of the war.

Lucy Star pointed at the sea. "According to the latest news, the Haitian fleet is focused on this, preparing to disturb our transfer lines again."

The place he refers to, is it is a Kimi Island.

Huang Bingyue asked: "Is this news accurate?"

Zhao Ran said: "Our people have already boarded the contracted boats of the sea, all the news is the most important, Huang Zhen people rest assured."

Lu Xixing took out a picture: "We not only hit their gathering place, but also their specific quantity, a total of 823 large vessels, including a turtle ship that can snorkel in underwater."

Huang Bingyue asked: "The turtle ship? Can you diven underwater? Is there a style?"

Lu Xixing took out a sketch to hand it to Huang Bingyue, Huang Bing looked at the sketch, frown: "If we don't know, there will be a big loss, but since it knows, it is not difficult to deal with ... Washed in the hand paddle? I am afraid that I can't get up, the turtle is quick, and the name is just name. "

Zhao Ran and Lu Xixing laughed, Zhao Rong said: "Huang Zhen people can't fight the hipster, you can see it, good, this kind of ship's underwater speed is very low, and you can't worry, as long as you find it, one is sure."

Huang Bingyue asked: "Look at your two chests, it is necessary to have a way?"

Lu Xixing said: "I have been thinking about it. From the warship, I can't see the turtle boat, but I look down from the air, the black shadow of the hull is very obvious, and I can find it at a glance."

Huang Bingyue thought about it, nodded: "Sure enough."

Lu Xixing also said: "When this idea goes down, there are two ways to combat the turtle boat. The easiest is the tutor, put a light-filled iron cassette, put it into the sea, go to fry Turtle boat. Another way is to send monks to the sea, directly screaming. "

Huang Bing is nodded: "Good idea, I will tend to use light characters ... Tet bomb? What is this?"

Lu Xixing said: "It is a well-launched lightning. Because the distance is too far, it is more because the water depth blocks, the success rate of the iron nail black cassette after the light is very low, so Junshan Technology is improved. In the text, the delay is added. After an accurate and large number of tests, it realizes that the fifty feet is highly throwing the thunder bomb, the water is bursting, and the water is 3 feet detonated, five feet detonated, eight feet detonated four. "

This, Huang Bing is a bit surprised: "The Taoist strength of Junshan Technology is as it?"

Zhao Renxiaoxiaoxiaoxiao said: "It is accumulated for more than ten years."

Huang Bingyue said: "To award, you can't stand them."

Zhao Rong said: "You can rest assured that you are in the eastern sea seal, or you are also selected by them. In fact, in my opinion, these things are not the best reward, can't worry To carry out road law research, it is the most important thing. I used to say that there were thousands of avenues. I chose one. For them, I found it to my own practice road, and I was able to improve it. This is the most important thing. "

Huang Bingyue asked: "Do they improve?"

Zhao Rong said: "The main research and development monks have harvested: Cai Dawei - Cai Yun Shen Shibo has developed successful lightnings in the past year last year, and after ten days ago, it was closed and shocked the refining troops on the spot. High Longqing, also branched Jin Dan in May last year. Other seventeen auxiliary monks have improved these two years, the highest is five yellow crown. Their start is low, now still I can't see it, waiting for the future, it will be the most important means of promoting it in Junshan Science and Technology. "

Huang Bing was listening to the head and didn't stop "that is good, that's good", the last again: "As you have said, our people have already boarded the contacuation of the sea, they are deeply dangerous, in the future It can't be gone, and it is also considered a reward. "

Zhao Rong said: "With you this sentence, even the risks of the risks are also worth it."

Huang Bing is lamented: "Such people, their pay is the greatest, how many people are dead for a lifetime!"

Huang Zhen's feelings, the same is the same by a thousand miles away, after a series of sneezes, Chen Feizhu took out a bottle of Wushen pills to handed her: "Yesterday, let you don't get water, catch a cold?" Eat two capsules. "

PS: Today is the birthday of Dao You, maybe hopeless, Linghu Road, ancestral, send a blessing to the birthday birthday, eight treasures people, I wish you a happy birthday, work well, practice is satisfactory.

Taoist law

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