Taoist Law

Chapter 168 I want to join the fleet (Blueme Water Wishing the Linghu Road to return to the morning)

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... It is three days. In addition to seeing the fleet is outside the Dynasty, Wang Jianguo left the scale How far is the island, what is the sea area is completely no concept. Not only her, the rest of the seventh group doesn't have any concept, but in the military has been in the army, everyone understands, did not tell you, don't go easy. Yang Xianjin's old man in this kind of navigation is a preliminary judgment. The fleet is not too far from the demon. Maybe there is two days, you can reach the edge of the demon jail sea, but which position is, because he Don't be responsible for the rudder, it is not clear. On this day, the branch finally reduced the speed, listening to the sailor, and slowed down to one tenth. Yang first judge, this is waiting. If Yang's advanced, the next morning, there was a black point above the fleet. After the decline is height, it is a flight instrument. The flight instrument slowly falls on the flagship Fuzhou number, and Wang Jianguo, who is far away, Wang Jianguo, who is in the Suzhou boat, and Luo Qinglai. Luohuqing and the branch commanding Xiaoshan talks about anything unknown. After a while, the flight instrument lifted and went to the north. The entire branch fleet immediately turned the direction and started north. Wang Jianguo refers to the refurbishment of a small black spot in the sky, introducing Yang's first introduction: "That is the building, called Qingyu Bao wings ... Luo Huiqing, do you know? Master's incapaciors below the refiners!" Yang first, the whiteboard behind Yang, "I certainly know ... Hands, he is really powerful!" Unfortunately Wang Jianguo only slamming his horizon, did not see him, he could only put a whiteboard. Qingyu Bao wings pointed to the direction of the fleet in the air, and the branches have been in the north, and the northeast is changed. After another two days, Yang's advanced finally judged the goal of the fleet, announced to the seventh group: "We are likely to go to Zhongfai Island!" The seventh group did not heard that Zhongfai Island did not heard Name, asked: "Where is this?" Yang Hengjie explained: "Zhongfai Island is next to the prison sea in the demon, in the chart, things are almost a line, and the land is about eight More than a hundred miles, because there are very few people, there are not many people who know. "" What to do here "" This is a group of islands,

Underwater terrain is more complicated, it is good for the boat to enter and exit, but it is not conducive to the boat, unless it is familiar with the underwater situation, otherwise it is easy to breathe. As for why it will come here, is it asked? "

"The fleet of the Haitan League is here?"

"So far, I just want to explain this."

In the afternoon, the dividers suddenly turned to the northwest and then stopped in a sea area. The long anchor chain is only in ten feet.

Yang's first reflection, immediately judged: "We may be in the northwest of Zhongfai Island, the farthest will not exceed 50 miles."

In the evening, there were two thousand heavy destroyers, twelve five hundred fender, twelve patrol boats and 18 wind express delivery, which made up for the shortcomings of the branch guerrilla vessel, and further strengthened the main force The power of the warship.

This small fleet accepted the flagship Fuzhou command and incorporated into the jurisdiction of Xiaoshan.

According to the inspection fleet, the two thousand ships belong to the zero five second battleship, named 2 Beijing 13 provinces; thousands of battles belong to the zero-five-level heavy-duty destroyer, named the state government; five hundred baby ships belong to zero five The six-level frigate, named county; 2,000 patrol boats and one hundred winds and boats are named directly in digital marks.

Because the prefers and naming methods have been tried for three years, the fleets gradually adapt to this styled, which is a process of formalization of the fleet.

At the time, the fleet command Xiaoshan convened by the ship's commander to the Futang, and dozens of monks boarded the flagship and met.

After the Suzhou destroyer's ship was returned, he immediately called the whole staff to gather on the deck and officially read the combat army.

The main force of the inspection fleet is full, and the orthodox is set to the main force of the Haiyan League of Zhongji Island!

According to the combat plan, Xiaoshan commanded six thousand high-deferred vessels, 18 five hundred fence frigate, 28 patrol boats and forty wind boats were compiled into the third part of the inspection fleet, responsible for intercepting The sea vessel escaped in the northwest direction.

I heard the news, the hundred people on the Suzhou number suddenly broke out the thunderous cheers. Not only the Suzhou number, there is also a snoring on the various battleships that are parked.

In the three years of fighting with the sea, the inspection fleet is always in the state of passive beating. This is the first initiative to launch a decisive battle, and it will surround the main force of the sea, can you not be excited?

Wang Jianguo was also excited to shake, looked at a large-scale warruily on the surrounding sea, and looked at the naval who had dense Ma Ma in the battleship. She was excited to tears.

The powerful fleet, the soldiers of all the best, a shocking voice and singing, how can you not be hot, how can you not be hot?

After the war mobilization, the fleet started busy, and the wind boat went out around and expanded the fleet to the sea.

Commanding Xiaoshan compiled twenty patrol ships into two groups. Once the sea vessel fled to this direction, it will be entangled from the speed of fast patrol boat.

The six thousand heavy destroyers and twelve five hundred fenced vessels, which were responsible for the main mana, were released, and the last three months of linear tactical arrangement is ready to intercept.

At the same time, the Suzhou number started cooking, and the whole staff will be dining immediately.

Yang Xingjin and the seventh architectural monk team gathered together, the small voice talked about the upcoming battle.

For the increasing strength of the inspection fleet, Yang Xianjin feels the deepest, he wrote on the whiteboard: "Just four or five years ago, the three major battalions of the Daomen Water Army did not have the strength of this fleet in front of us. Now, now, This is just the third fleet ... "

Renewing: "What about the first and second branch? Is there a fourth branch behind? What is the main fleet? It's hard to imagine ..."

Blue Water Ink Pride: "The main fleet is of course the main force, just like the Chen Tianshi, Nanzhi, who saw it in Ladye, and Zhejiang."

Yang Xianjin came into a face, and the whiteboard was deeply affected, a piece of hand: "What is the scene of such a giant ship, what is the scene? I'm looking forward to it, and there are several examples of the inspection fleet. What about the giant ship? Unfortunately, we didn't see it in the main fleet ... "

It is no way: "Do you always follow the things around Chen Tianshi? Just ask him."

Blue water ink answered the second feelings of Yang's advanced: "I have seen the Fujian number and Shandong."

Wang Jianguo added: "I have heard that Sichuan and Northern Zhidi, as well as Cantonese."

This is seven, a few people again.

Yang Xiang entered the board: "Last command, Du Yangchen asked me, there is no intention to join the fleet, I hesitated, but now regret it ..."

Wang Jianguo hated the iron and reflected the steel, pointed to Yang's advanced: "The opportunity you can't ask you can still hesitate, it's really no self-motivation, rename you!"

Yang Xiang entered the board: "I will go to the captain now, I want to be a fleet!" Said, get up and rushed to the captain.

Wang Jianguo caught up: "Wait, there is me!"

PS: Linghu Dazu sent the title blessing, Blueme water prize, wishes the Linghu Road for a great time with the Mountain of the Junshan, who owes the event. This chapter blessed the event to consume the Linghu Zone ancestor.

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