Taoist Law

Chapter 171 Air Rife

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Luohuqing let each group report results, soon, information is passed. The infinite lotus wrecks two turtle boats and hurt one. The clouds are slightly smaller, only three people, only two rounds, so the result is slightly smaller, seriously injured, and inference one of them can't repair it short-term. The flying ruler of the Heilin Court is more sensitive, and the ability to accommodate is also large. The result of the result is similar to Qingyu Bao Wan, confirmed three sinks, and hurt one. Luo Liqing reported to Chen Shan Dao: "Successful! Confirm that there are ten boats to hurt the turtle!" Chen Shan Road immediately spread to the blockbusted fleet, more than two hundred battleships up! " The squadron of Luo Ziqing, the squadron of the "zero" box in the "zero" box is also empty. Seeing that many sea boats are below, Luohuqing how to leave, immediately ordered: "Open the three boxes, use a deep three feet, and each group is highly bombed in 60 feet." Also special desire: " Big boat, don't have to deliberately find a turtle ship. "So, the four-piece flight instruments were scattered, looking for the thousands of materials in the sea fleet, five hundred bathers. But this round of hamma is very intense. The aerial height of the flight instrument has no precise measuring instrument. When the fifty feet is high, it is better to say that because a large number of repetitive exercises, the flight controller is in place for the height control, and the difference is more obvious. For example, Luo Qingqing's Qing Yu Bao has actually rose to sixty-five feet. In this distance, it will take two consecutive times, and the lights are detonated in the air in advance. Of course, relying on the murder of the iron nail, the killing of the person is very horrible, sweeping a large piece, but for the sea vessel itself, it is only added many iron nails, perhaps allowing some of the objects on some boats. Destroy, but the damage to the hull is not. When Luo Zhiqing discovered this problem, let the flight manipulation re-decreased during the dive, the monks in the sea have come out from the panic, with a flight manifest or hu, intercept the falling lightning bomb. Universal warships and turtle ships, the top of the turtle is equivalent to the lid of the buckle, in general,

The deck of the ordinary warship is all people, and there are many monks on each board.

For the monks, as long as the Huang Crown Safety is above, the lights that can be seen in the flesh eye can be seen, and the ten pieces are blocked, and they are intercepted ten, or if you go out, you either let you come back from where you go? And even hurt the flight instrument.

Seeing that the effect is not big, Luo Ziqing has to order the team, and the four-piece flight instrument rose three hundred feet safely, flying toward the west, only left a wolf.

After flying out of China, I saw the first fleet of Yan Hua, Luo Zhiqing sent infinite lotus and white jade gold mouth, which was used by Huang Bingyue of the first branch of the town, and his own Qingyu Bao and Yunxiao A circle of rows, returned to Chen Shan Road's main fleet.

Wutong said is half-dead, and the four-piece flight instrument caused a significant loss of your own, this is what he never thought before.

It turns out that the flight instrument can also be used so, how did I not think of it? Can you think about it? This kind of thing is the baby's baby, and many of the paramenses have, how can various island owners?

While changing the loss, the island owner, the shopkeeper, very fast, four or fifty people got the Wutong people's warship deck, and the loss was also initially statistically.

Lost thirteen turtle boats, people have casualties more than two hundred, it seems that the goal of the other party is the turtle!

Such a turtle boat, he received twenty-three boats from Hu Laodou, and he was hired, it was a grief.

So I quickly arranged the people of Qingshan, and the remaining ten ships entered into the boat. The top deck was also arranged to guard the monks, and it was necessary to make the second air raid to fall.

After all, he is busy, he is to the island, the shopkeeper: "Today's enemy is not accidental, meant, I want to be clear, the inspection fleet is already coming to the door! Today, this time is still not big, just injured There are two boats. Under the concenishment, the enemy can be reflected in the heart! "

I have a meal, watching around, seeing no one jumped out to refute his qualities for today's war, and continued: "Of course, it is undeniable that the enemy has no results, but the impact on the morale will be large, so I invite Standardize the military heart, don't let the brethren are scared, the flight law is not a terrible, he can't take us! "

Said, the cuffs are shaking, throwing out a package full of silver: "After returning, give the brothers, not allow private!"

The land of the island and the shopkeeper got the silver bag, and the morale was completed.

Wutong said: "For the sake of concealing where, we have contracted it in the island. Now it seems slightly wrong. Since the door knows our situation, then hidden, it is meaningless. Just ahead, it is necessary to judge the inspection fleet road……"

Several shopkeepers are said: "Doumen's flight law went to Zhengxi, they should be in the west!"

Wutong Road: "You can't mind, the southwest and the north must find it well. Take the palm cabinet, the palm cabinet, Songbao cabinet, Chen Shun cabinet, I will take you four boats, visit the enemy!"

These four promised, Wutong also said: "The rest of you also immediately go back to the people, and you will see the enemy, let's see you!"

The island owner, the shopkeeper immediately scattered, leaving Yin Tin, Zhang Wei, and Qingshan Road on the vessel.

Qingshan Taoist persisted Wutong: "Alliance does not have annoying, in fact, our original strategy is the main force of the inspector fleet into the battle of Kuni Island, this is the heart, everyone doesn't have to make them to make them hook, people themselves Come, haha! "

Wutong Taoist is stretched: "Qingshan said that it is reasonable, but I am now worried about another thing."

Yin To Long and Zhang Wei face each other, I don't know why, only Qingshan Road: "The thief is the thief?"

: "If there is no inside the thief, how do you find this place? Why do you focus on the turtle boat?"

Qingshan nodded: "This is also good, knowing that the turtle is the news, that is, then a few people, I will know. We must not be, the rest will also assign more than 20 brethren. "

Several people are in order, they feel unlikely, Zhang Wei is said: "There are three people."

The green mountain face is slightly changed, and immediately understands which three people.

PS: Today is the birthday of the sailor 135, the Linghu Daozu and the Bibao Congratulations congratulate the happy birthday, all the things, the Taoist friends sent a blessing, and the third owe of the Linghu Dazu.

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