Taoist Law

Chapter 183 Disposal

The truth and the fairy of the fairy were put on the ten boat treasures, and Chen Shan Road made a gambling, and then went. Tong Tong people took Zhang Wei, sneaking from another direction, sneaking into the sea.

Chen Shan Dao and Huang Bing have a treasure of the treasure, including more than one hundred and eighty thousand two, more than 80,000 two, coral, Haizhu, jade, etc., the value of 100,000, conservative estimates, all the goods at least More than 330,000.

When the Wutong Tao family fled, there was a set of sets when I was in the middle of Zhongji Island. The next day, the sea of ​​the remaining island owners in the Lord of the League Island, the main list of the Haiyan League Island, and sent to Chen Shan Daojun. .

There are also two island master test drive boats, but also succeeded out of the Central Sai Island Sea, but it was found by Luo Zhiqing in the air, and was driven back from the arm.

The inspection fleet has held a decline in the central atoll while also a list of results. There are more than 500 large vessels, and thousands of marine, which caught more than 10,000 people, and the monks were more than nine hundred people.

The property of gold and silver on each ship has seized a mountain, which is expected to be at least two million.

On the big reef, it is full of the sea of ​​the sea. Some is the Lord of an island or even the island. Some are not island, but there are many ships in the hand, basically all people, now I dare to come out in front of Chen Shan Road. After the body of these people, they kneel on their own letter.

Chen Shan Dao and Huang Bing slowly slowly in front of them, and he looked at these sea collections. He listened to the temporary tuning for the fleet intelligence officer.

"The No. 2nd of the Islander Alliance No. 2, Lingqi Islands, the first bureau of Yin Dynasty, and the battle with our inspection fleet is one of the main warfare."

Chen Shan Dao looked at the wind, listening to the wind, showing that there is no other evil assessment of Yin Dynasty, so Chen Shan Road and Huang Bing continue.

"The Alliance is in the book No. 9, Zhijim Island is a big Ming, which is one of the people of Yunzhima. According to the confirmation, it is said that the multi-time ship attacks our supply lines, causing a large loss ... Long Qing two In the year, Liu Jiazhuang, who took the boat, was he, hurts 18 people, burned 36 rooms ... "

Exquisite to Ming Minggui: "It is its main thing when the war ..."

Listening to the wind people next to the knife: "Jiajing twenty-seven years, Haining Chen's big case is what he did."

Damn is big, and you are arguing, Chen Shan Road has already opened: "Drag out, pay for the Eyes."

Two sergeant tiger wolves will generally be dragged out of the disabled, and they are in the side, and they are registered by the Empress Horizon. Following, more than ten backbone of the year island is also dragged out from the rear, and throw it into the Eastern Pavilion.

The Haihai is even more shivering.

"The Alliance No. 13, Lao Tong, Hai Yan, the main force of the Haitan fleet, participated in almost all the actions of the inspection fleet. But the captured regrets are very good, actively cooperate with the fleet to settle the sea, except for the ministry It also assists in the survey of more than 60, and the person has a big job. "

Chen Shan Dao nodded, looked at the wind, and the words were highly nervous, and the eyes of the baba looked at the wind, and he saw the style of the style of the wind. "Music."

Chen Shan Dao reached out and helped: "Please come up with the mainstay of the Islands.

Sword, Palus, a soft force, to hold him,

One of the hearts of the heart, the period, Ai Ai is about to thank Chen Shan Dao, just listen to a riot, and the family rushed up, the wife and son, the woman took the words and cried.

When you cry, the words of the words, let the family kneel in front of Chen Shan Road, to him, Chen Shan Road, I saw the two seven-year-old children, when the opening query.

Lao Da took the reply: "Brother whispered, his sister is not sensible, let Tianshi smirk."

Listening to the wind laughed at the side: "These two children have qualified roots, if the palm is willing, why not seek Chen Tianshi, see if there is any opportunity?"

Lao Da, I can't believe my ear, tremble and ask: "When ... serious? Tianshi will receive my two babies?"

Chen Shan Dao Shen said: "The poor road has already been not charged, but my disciple Li Da hidden without audio, thinking about it. If you are willing, I will let these two children worship my disciple, ok? "

This kind of disciple is, there are many things, although two children are worshiping under Li Daji, but he is in the meaning of Chen Shan Road. In fact, when it is taught, it is not an apprentice, and the words are I don't want to win, I only feel that the pie falling down by the sky is born, and I have been dizzy for a moment.

The name is continued: "The Alliance is in the section 17, Hongfoxie people, this name Mu Yun, is a big treasurer, the waiter of the survival of the sea, and do some sea green building ..."

After a clear point, the crime of crime is transferred to the East Pavilion, San Qingge, and the people released the accommodation on the spot, and the crime was temporarily detained.

After that, the five fleets will start separately, according to the tasks assigned by Chen Shan Dao, to the implementation of the island to implement the occupation and receive the results of the three-year war.

Huang Bingyue said to Chen Shan Dao, he wanted to take the white jade gold mouth crane to leave China Kwai Island, the world's impermaturing the public will have set the date, just after half a month, he has to reach the day and Zhaoran business.

Chen Shan Dao is sending: "When I arrived, I will be friends to the Lushan, shouting for Huang Zhenren."

Huang Bingyue is in the end: "Thank you, Chen Tianshi."

When Huang Bing was arrived at the day, the news that the auditor's East China Different Battle has appeared in the big journal on the night, followed by the various articles that have been prepared, including Huang Bing, including Huang Bingyue. The legendary experience in the fog fog - even if it is not legendary, the rendering is already legendary.

In all reports, in addition to Chen Shan Road, the number of Huang Bing is the most reported by the total consultant of the joint meeting, in fact, he led the motor fleet to reinforce the third division of the fourth division, and it is also very important, its significance, How to be touted.

Huang Bingqi just returned to Moon Moon Mountain, and he received countless fidelity to him, the flything to him, with the same door of Heilin Pavilion, with Jin Dannanzong, and many of the weekdays did not deal. For a time, I was busy with Huang Bingyue, I replied to a time, I was so tone.

Just a battle, Huang Bing's prestige is lug, and the wind is not two.

This time, I don't have to wait for Zhao Ran. Huang Bing can't hold it. I personally came to the Chicken to see Jingyang Tower. He waited for half an hour. I will return to Zhao Ran.

"I am very sorry, the brother rushed back, I didn't welcome this teacher. I set the banquet tonight, and I won the brother."

"Thank you, I'm going back, I have come back, I don't know it, I am not. After coming back, I received a lot of co-witches, many people are willing to support me in the real teacher. I can have this harvest. Real Lissen sequentially. "

Zhao Ran is exhausted: "Not enough, let's add a fire."

Huang Bingyue asked: "The meaning of the teacher?"

Zhao Ran handed an invitation to Huang Bingyue, Huang Bing, but the invitation from Mao Mountain, inviting him to attend Zhang Tengming and Pan Jin Niang Double repair ceremony after the three days.


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