Taoist Law

Chapter 19 Charity Hall

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Throughout April, Zhao Ran is all-in-hearted, with the non-stop cultivation of merits, the more accumulated in the transformation, the strength of the gas is gradually strong, and the help of him practice the paint and the system The greater; the process of non-stop paintings and instruments is also a process of non-condensing manifestation, and the three form a good interaction cycle.

Compared with the practice of practicing, Zhao Ran's "Congenital Gong Dynasty" is in the need to do a lot of trivial affairs with intensive effort, unlike other exercises - such as "on the top of", "can be directly Swalling from the heaven and earth aura, I always feel more red dust, less than a few fairy people.

But the benefits are also obvious, as long as the cultivation of merits can grow, so, if you are in the practice, you will not know how much it is.

And Zhao Ran did not realize that because several relief stations were set up, coupled with the poor households in Yanyang County, the year of the family, the house, the door, "send warmth", etc., his big name has been Thoroughly started throughout the county. The people have said that there is no nephew for a Zhao Xiao Shenxian, and it is the three defenses to respect the world to save the rescue.

However, when the thing in the world is as good as people, when Zhao Ran did not smell the window, he suddenly found that from this morning, the merits of their own gas have become greatly reduced, it originally It can stabilize more than 30 shares. But now, it is afternoon, but only more than ten shares. This situation is very abnormal, he immediately realized that the relief station set up, and almost certainly determined, the problem was in the charity hall.

I have waited for a long time. Zhao Ran saw the signs of Deli did not improve the sign, so he couldn't stand it, and he planned to see the mountain.

After taking the old man, Zhao Ran hits the mountain, but he encounters the doctor who has arranged himself in the hometown of the Heroes. The doctor's surname is all, Zhao Ran, who is hired by the city of Yucheng City, and is in the middle of the road. Zhao Ran ride in the old man, this whole doctor rushed to the hair and scattered.

Zhao Ran quickly called the whole doctor. The whole doctor saw Zhao Ran, urgent: "Zhao Fang Lord, go to Charity Tang, Charity Hall!"

Zhao Ran asked, but I didn't know how to come, I came to pick up the house. In addition to taking people, it has temporarily suspended the operation of charity. It is a poor that is trial in the hall.

"Do you want to do this? Who is the team leader?" Zhao Ran only missed,

It is a written consent of Kong County. Don't say that Jin County is still "own people", how can this kind of thing?

The whole doctor is hard to face: "I don't know the class, I don't know that it is not like the three classes of the county ..."

"Isn't the county? Where is it?"

"This, I don't know, the head is very horizontal, nor does it show officials, and Li's facilities are arguing with them. Being hit by the head." Li's facility is the only old children in Lijia Village, the unpolaricorn, because Zhao Ran often Going to Lijia Village, it is familiar with this child. This old childcourse heard Zhao Ran to settle the charity, and immediately said that Zhao Ran hired to do something.

"Who are they come to take? Isn't you mixed into the gangren? I am not a good time. Before putting the charity hall, you should register, you can't make yourself, you will not put it in the hall. of!"

"Square, those servants don't seem to be taking the thief gang, but search for the debts of foreign counties."

Zhao Ran stunned, wondering the film, did not want to be thorough, simply: "I am rushing to see, you go up the mountain, the name of the poor, one is looking for a person, one is the Taoist Taoji Gion, the second is the square fire Second, let them speed to come to the charity hall. "

The old man is far from the front, the Pinellin is not far from the unpredied mountain, and it is not allowed to take a moment to arrive at the charity. In the eyes of the eyes, I will see a depression outside the charity hall. The store has been resting, and hundreds of people are looking at the old distance. There are both hawkers and passers-by, and they are fingering.

See Zhao Ran's arrival, the hawkers immediately embedded.

"Zhao Fang Lord, what is it is good, do you have to do it?"

"Zhao Daozhang, is it to be sealed? I will wait, but the law is good, the official is waiting for you to do anyway!"

"Small people just have three money to rent silver ..."

"The tea cake sold in the morning has not yet checked, and the guest is scared, at least in 50 yuan ..."

Zhao Ran separately, walking: "You are wide, the poor road has its own measures, the driving will let a let go, let a let ..."

When I got the door, I saw two servants held two sides of the water stick. Zhao Ran was in the first place, but he was blocked by the servant: "This is a long, it is handling the case.

Zhao Ran "" has a sound: "The poor road is the Employees Fangtang Fang Zhao Zhao Ranran, this kind of good hall is a poor pass, you said that I can't get it?" I don't care about two kinds of servants. "

The shed is full of people in the southern wall, and the old and weak women are mostly, most clothes are sorrow, which is obviously the poor people accepted in the good hall; the public is tied more than a dozen people outside the public, It's been in the ground, and I have the Lee, which I have invited.

Several sergeants were surrounded by a team, and the people under the rods were loud. The people under the shed: "... Mo will retrieve the , do not know the money, the sky! Who is the debt hide here Some stations will come out, so be the surrender, otherwise I will find it out, I have to eat some bitterness! Do I have someone asylum, I can escape the king method ... "

The two-door sergeant flew to the head of the head: "Liu Tou, the Zhao is coming."

Liu Shi looked at Zhao Ran, who came over, did not care, then reprimanded the people under the shed: "... As long as the King Fa, no one is asylum! You help the people, don't commit confusion, otherwise Severe punishment! Ok, now ten people are one, report each other, not concealing each other, if it is notified, it is found out! "

"Slow!" Zhao Ranqi, endured to Liu Shiji, "" The poor road "is the square of the square, Zhao Zhaoran, the admission heard the surname Liu? Liu Shou, the poor road is ritual."

Liu Shi slammed into the eyes of Zhao Ran, very casual arched hand: "It turned out to be Zhao Dao Chang, Liu met with the road. I heard that the long is the Lord of this Hall, this is just, Liu is a letter from my master. Specialized in Guodai, the road is long, and I will have a difference between Liu. "

"I don't know which one is your master?"

"My family is the new Tang Dynasty in Pingwu County, surnamed Dongqiu."

It turned out to be the servant of Pingwu County. Zhao Ran is very inexplicable. At the local local concept, the counties have always taken only the things of their own jurisdiction. If the case is not a case, it is generally not conference. The servant of Pingwu County ran to Yugang County to take people, and there is no Gugang County servant to help - Zhao Ran once again swept around, and did not discover the servant of Yugang County. When it is a pile, this new flat Wu County, Dong Qiu, don't know the rules?

Zhao Ran asked: "I don't know what the case of Liu Shi is? Can there be a private paper issued by Dong County? Can you Zeng Valley County?"

Liu Shi took Zhao Ran, cold and cold: "The case in Tuen Mun, there is a self-evidence, is Zhao Dao Chang too much?"

"This charity hall is created by the poor, Liu Shi Teng trade is coming in, the case does not explain, the official document will not be issued, and the people in the hall are detained, and many people are arrested. Don't you? "

Liu Shute pointed to the land of the land: "Is this your home? When you really don't know how the sky is thick, the official handling case is dare to stop, Liu will bring it back to Pingwu County, let him know what is Wang Method! As for these people, Zhao Dao Changru is one more to protect, less than a suspicion of the prisoner, advise the long sentence, the best regulations look at Liu to make a case next to Liu, do not give yourself, if it is, this crime Zhao Daoger is still can't afford! "

Zhao Ruye, he has become a smeared, and he has been respectful, and where is this public humiliation? What is the status of Daming? What is the identity of the sideline? What's more, he is still one of the eight major executives of the Ease of House, and this small sergeant class is so rude! (The novel "Taoist rule" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there are 100% lottery gift to everyone! Now open WeChat, click on "+" "Add Friends", search the public number "Qdread" and pay attention, speed is talented!) (Untrained ..) (this article is started)

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