Taoist Law

Chapter 21 Credit Transfer

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The ten famous people in Pingwu County have no psychological preparation, and it is a good fight. "Top novels,

There is a strong, picked up the iron feet in your hand, the whistle sticks, but these guys don't have much killing, and they are not open by the crowd. Instead, it will be angry, and the fists are more unfortunate.

There is a timid, immediately escape from outside the door, but was blocked by the second and others, so he flustered the road to rush around the charity, but where to escape, it was chased by one by one.

Looking at this uncontrolled scene, Zhao Ran's first reaction is a bad thing, but in detail, I can't help but laugh. This group ** If it is placed in Zhao Ran, it is quite serious, no matter whether it is wrong, the main parties of both parties will be held accountable. In this world, Daming to this event is completely different. Taoist is striving to stabilize, the government is most afraid of civilians, as long as the civil society, the official practice will cause the people to launch to the top tank, in order to calm the people, and to appease the people, as long as the people do not Change transformation into "starting up", then he is good, I am good.

This is two different governance styles, and its root is whether the reliability is confident.

Evallighted bullion, triggering the people's group resizing, single, guarantees Zhao Ran to stand in morality; at the same time, if the evil difference is not allowed by the door, he will break into the Tao Industrial search, in the program It also guarantees Zhaoran's correctness. Packed this layer. Zhao Ran is much more stable.

Of course, he can't let the people who will die with anger, otherwise it is likely that things will generate variables. After reading a little later, Zhao Ran will recruite Jin Long and Guan two, and they hurry to returned, don't get people. As long as you don't live. He is fully able to stand enough, and it will not be implicated.

There is a difference between Liu Shi and Guan two helping, Liu Shi, etc., the difference in Pingwu County, there is nothing to kill on the spot, but there is no less crime. Liu Shi's nose is swollen is swollen, and the mouth is full of blood, and it is not coming for a long time in the ground. The rest is mostly the same, there are two resistance to the most competitive, and the injury should be serious. It seems that the legs are stepped on, and it hurts to roll on the ground.

Zhao Ran gave people to concentrate, and then started training: "Life is in the world, the concept of good and evil must be clear. Too big: , only people call, good and evil, such as shaping. Wait, etc., will call the evil report. If you are not blaming others, all in your own body. Not only the news, you will have made it, you will have a lot of money, and the anti-innocent report is behind. It will be retributed, not only retribution on you, will also be implicated to your child grandson.

It's really unbearable today. Therefore, I remind you, I don't know if you can't listen. "

Daming took the door to the national education, Zhao Ran's truth-oriented, and everyone heard that everyone heard that it didn't care about the roots in the next day. Today, he proclaimed him. The people have heard very serious, and they immediately worshiped: "Dao Chang is compassionate, thank you very much."

Only Liu Shou and other Pingwu County serviced, and the words did not send it.

Zhao Ran didn't think about it. He said that these words are in the style of their own justice, and they didn't expect others to change the evil. If Liu Shi, if they are tears, they will refer to the evil spirits, then he will feel that it is not big. .

Zhao Rong Road has been very good, the homework is very transparent, and it is not expensive to preach. He is very good, until the mouth is dry, this is over. Just finished, he suddenly detected that the strength of his gas in the sea increased more than 100 silk, couldn't help but wear a big joy. It turned out that the world was also a good way to increase the merits. It seems that these poor people in the charity hall, to the propaganda Still quite comprehension!

Have a harvest, Zhao Ran's mood is more better, so it is going to do it, it will be honest.

"Liu Shi, the poor road is so persuaded, and I don't want to listen to it. Today's things are not intended to continue to pursue, but if you continue to be evil, the poor pass will report this matter. In the county Zhongyangyuan, when you dispose of you by Central Cascade, you will arise from the worms of the people! If you do this, carefully think. "

These differences have been frustrated in the charity hall today. Although Zhao Ran himself is not afraid, but they have to prevent them to have no priests, so they have to say these words in front, it is intimidated in advance.

But I didn't expect that Liu Shi Heng's neck: "Today, and whether it is wrong. But your charity hall does hold a lot of money, Zhao Dao, you can't protect it for a while. This case is always not finished! "

Golden a long time: "Dog kills, do you not want to live!"

Liu Shi was scared to shrink the neck, did not dare to provoke in words, but the semi-eye of the eyes still looked at Zhao Ran: "Zhao Dao Chang, even if Liu has been planted, but how to report to my house in Dong County ? Zhao Daoger has to give a sentence? "

Although Liu Shou, these words are very unaudited, but it is true, Zhao Ran thinks, and it is said: "Who is it in your Baowu County?"

Liu Shi took a hand from his arms and took a saken, and Zhao Ran took over and wrote more than 20 names, so I transferred to Li, "I found it, is it in my charity?"

Charity Hall has the registered book book of the people, and Li's management checked some, and then picked out, with a total of seven households on this list, they all fled together. There are more than 20 two, less than seven eight or two, of course, is the principal, the actual principal is not much.

Li's work was asked again. The people did not hide, and they did not owe the debts, and they immediately squatted in Zhao Ran. Please saved Zhao Ran.

It is a wealthy loan! Zhao Ran helpless, to Liu Shi Tao: "Go back to tell your family Dong County, this debt, my charity should be."

With Zhao Ran's promise, Liu Shi was also finished. You can return to Pingwu County. Therefore, I don't dare to stay again. I have left the charity hall with a bunch of life. When I came, I was arrogant. Wolf is unbearable.

Zhao Ruwei sent Liu Shi and others left. Guan 2 sighed around and said: "You can't see it, surname Liu's still is a hard bone."

Zhao Ran felt something wrong, but it couldn't think about it once, just shake his head. What he has to deal with now is the poor people who escape to the charity hall, there is no effort to care and other.

Zhao Ran did make a good thing in order to practice the virtue, but it can't be abused well, otherwise it will not be a long time. For example, this seven households fleeing to the charity hall, Zhao Ran, is of course financial resources to help them pay attention, and so, it will form unfair in the charity hall. Everyone has a small abacus, and it will be privately thought: Your charity treasure will return to this seven households, it is equal to change to a silver money, then why can't I fall a copper? The opportunity of the airline may make the automatic brain to make up a way to make money: I also borrow money, then hide the charity hall, your Zhao Dao is not much money? When I gave you Zhao Dao, I will pay for me.

If this thought cannot curb, then Zhao Ran is not Zhao Shanren, but Zhao's fool is a big head in everyone's eyes.

Therefore, Zhao Ran did not hide, and when everyone's face, the truth was directly penetrated, and he suddenly wanted a few people's mind. The people of the seven households immediately became a little dizzy, and the heart was seven on the top eight. I don't know if it is still paying attention to it.

Zhao Ran's solution is actually not complicated, it is debt transfer - redemption of debt debts, held by Charity Hall. He is ready to take out a thousand two silver, set up a charity Talent, and this kind of good gold is specifically used to redeemed the high interest credit of the poor people. In other words, this bond is temporarily borne by the charity hall, helping the people pay back, and then the people will return the money to the charity. Of course, the debt period will be extended or twice as appropriate, up to three times.

For example, some people were forced to have no choice but to borrow ten silver children to the big households, agreed to five points, and half-year repayment. If he can't pay back, the charity hall can come out, pay the money to the creditor, then pay debts to this household, but the deadline will extend to a year, one and a half years or two years.

In this way, the people have the ability to pay attention to the debt, and the losses of the charity hall are also nearly. The people are rejoicing, and Zhao Ran also succeeded to add merits.

However, Jin Long suddenly got to Zhao Ren, whispered: "Square, I just saw it, this seven people have road to Pingwu County."

Zhao Ran listened, and suddenly. (The novel "Taoist rule" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there are 100% lottery gift to everyone! Now open WeChat, click on "+" "Add Friends", search the public number "DD" and pay attention, speed is talented!) (Untrained ..) (this article is started)

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