Taoist Law

Chapter 28 Upward

PS: Thanks, EAGLE Zhou's reward, thank you for the moon ticket of Qing Huan Dream. Σ vertex novel,

The trip to Zongjiazhuang, Zhao Ranlian glanced a killing big drama, and took five thousand and two silver sons. When it was a great fortune. These two days, Zhao Ran himself felt that the tracers were really self-contained, otherwise, others were in the same year, but the big things did not encounter, and they had just a few months, and hit this pile. Case.

Until the Song Taoist Hospital, the Song Taoist Hospital put a sentence, saying that Zongwei privately regeans, distorted teachings have been revealed by the people last year, this liberality is to immediately report the hospital If you send people to catch, you can have a privacy of the Secretary to change the duty, so Jin County is in addition to the investigation, and it has been pressed to the recent.

Zhao Ran did not care, after leaving the supervision of the hospital, he suddenly wake up, this case is what happens to encounter, and it is clear that Jin County is specially pressed against himself.

Read this, Zhao Ran also specially went to the classics, to the main way and asked Jin Long's studies. Jin Long is now called for a long time, so far, it has been invested for more than five months. In fact, Zhao Ran does not need to ask, it is probably guess, with the nature of Jin Jiuyu, the disconnection is unable to change in that short time. Where is your homework? Sure enough, these five months of the monthly test, Jin Jiuzhong ranked, if he is Zhaoran, the recommended person, high-powered Liu Zhikuo even has the idea of ​​it.

Zhao Ran did not say some good words for him, please contact us to see some.

These days, Zhao Ran didn't have to go to the charity hall and also felt that the progress of the charity hall did not have, because the merits in the sea were in the daily increase in the increasing amount of the past, and even more exceeded, explanation The poor people in charity rescue are more.

However, the increase in these merits seems to be a lot. But Zhao Ran always feels far from the requirements of "Taoist". The discussion of "Congenital Gong Dynasty" and "Positive Method", I want to start "refining", so that the filling and mana must fill the mana, that is, the gas sea "swelling ", Such a party is an entered the" Taoist ". Can be subject to Taoist.

Can be transformed with so much meritorious effort, but I want to achieve the "swelling" of the gas sea. I still feel far away - this is the intuitional feeling of practice, can't quantify, but it is inevitable. .

In fact, Zhao Ran himself also speculated that he spent so many silver, do so much good, less than half a year, you can feel the mana in the gas sea, such as a flame, non-stop. It should be very amazing. In his potency, it is a comparative or talking about the goal of catching up. Zhou Yuko and Zhu Yun, the two people in Huayun Hall, and it will be anxious. Zhou Yur's ink has been entered a year of Yu Shi, and the Tianqi, which is a man, it is his own eyes. Zhao Ran is so urgent and anxious, but he really doesn't want to be ignored by these two people. Have too far.

I want to catch up.

Zhao Ran must find a way to send a "Gong Deli", he is originally envisaged from the Qing Miao. Solve the problem of poor farmers lending, from this benefit of tens of thousands of people in Yueyang County. It can be touched by the Academy, and Yugang County has also agreed that the bias is on the official documents approved by the Xizhenwu Palace.

I want to go, Zhao Ran didn't expect who should be looking for, and finally did not want to find Song Yuan.

It is also a good way to say that Song Zhiyuan is also a good way. The exchange with Xi Zhenwu Palace is just aware of some people. Otherwise, he will not have so many twists and turns, and finally by Zhao Ran, the promotion hall will not appear. We want to issue a document in the West Louu Palace, allowing Zhaoran to participate in the lending of Qingmine. I will know that this is to support Zhao Ran and Hao Rijia, and I can't help someone will be willing to have this head.

As for the two, Zhong Tenghong and Zhao Ran have nothing too much from the never-nephew Miyou, and Jiang Yai is old, but it is only an old, and Jiang Yicos is not a new Xizhenwu Palace. Since the foundation, I want him to come to help this very busy, and it is a little hard.

Zhao Ran is very disappointing to Song Yuan's answer, but he is also very understanding, but there is no habitation, when you leave, Song Zhiyuan is sent to Zhao Ran, and it seems that there are some gates in Xizhenwu, because he can High work, it is said to have high-rise boats in the Xizhenwu Palace.

Is Liu Zhiguang? Zhao Ran immediately went to the passing hall, he and Liu Zhiguang have a deep "friendship". If Liu Zhiguang has a doorway, then it is really not white.

I heard Zhao Ran's intention, Liu Zhiguang, "persuaded" for a moment, see Zhao Ran, I have to make this, so I will no longer stop, but I am frank. There are some gates in the palace, and there is a lot of confidence in the scenery. "

"Do you manage?" Zhao Ran listened, there were some discouragement. In the door, the three are really respected, only under the supervision of the House, but the three are not too worrying, only in terms of major matters, Zhao Ranquan to take the Xiguwu Palace under the official text belonging to the daily trivial matter, can be It is a matter of business, and this type of affairs of these affairs usually does not care.

Liu Zhiguang explained: "This scenery is different from others. Although it is the list of Sansu, it is a different number. Some of them, the other palace, although the three are respects, but the old age There is almost no possibilities. But this scenery is more than 30 years old. It is just a year. There is a rumor, Jingdu is a special cultivation of Zhang Yunzhao, who is used to receive the situation. And the scene The background is very deep. I don't quite clear, but he and the long confrontation, the brother, I can refer to the scene, because of the distant sake. "

"Oh? Sure enough? However, the high-job brother does a deal?"

"There is no problem, packaged on me, I have to repair the book, you can go to the Xizhenwu Palace," Liu Zhiguo is not ambiguous, when writing the letter is handed over to Zhaoran: "For the specific things, I will not The letter said, you met the scenery, let's discuss it. "

"This nature, brother is high, and the brother, I am in mind!"

With Liu Zhiguang's letter, Zhao Ran is planning to go to Xizhenwu. As he prepared to go to the mountain, the county is still in the book of the name of the martial arts, inform Zhaoran to the county, and participate in the case of the trial.

Zhao Ran is the person in charge of the name of this clearing, these follow-up is his duty. Anyway, he will go down the mountain, and you will go to the county in the county.

The qualitility of Zong Weiming is "private road, distorted road door", "self-proclaimed fairy, confuse the people, promote the end of the world" and "private bow, allegedly re-", etc., no matter where One is a proper crime of the nine national family, so there is no good trial, nothing more than the problem of excluditation.

The main trial is Zhao Ran, Dong Bookmark and Jinxian, Zhaoran, Daojiao, Dong Bookmark and Jinxian Lieutenant County County, which is headed by Dong's main book. Yugang County is Shang County, not only equipped with county, and there is also a complete Zuo Officer, namely the county, the main book. Zuo officials have nothing to do everything, because everything has the county's order directly, but these two official positions are the official appointment of the court, and when there is something wrong in the county, the status is quite high. And talk very much.

Zhao Ran saw Dong's main book two years ago, but at that time, Zhao Ran is only a passage of the school, and the Jiang Gao works at the time will be the main bookcloth to settle up the altar. Small role of the table. But two years later, he has been able to sit opposite the Dong's main book, in the autumn, think of it, can't help but feel awkward.

Zhao Ranzhi, who didn't remember his own, but I didn't expect Dong's main book, but first mentioned the Jami Kaikai two years ago, and it was very saying that it was very "warm" words. For example, see the time. When Zhao Ran, I feel how people will, how will I wait for the future? It is very puzzled, but the heart is indeed useful, in any case, a county main book is to do homework in order to do a good job with you, how to say it is quite giving face.

The cold is completed, Zhao Ran and Dong Bookmark one left one, Jin County is slightly lower, and several of the criminal housing books are sitting on both sides. They have been sought, and they have two classes. Everything is ready.

The Dong Bookmark was originally rejected by the eye, Zhao Ran, so the Dong's main book loudly: "Bring people!" (Untrafter continued.) (This article

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