Taoist Law

Chapter 33 Zhang Yunzhao's determination

The first question of Zhang Yunzhao is that Zhao Ran has not considered it, and the consequences of cyproped to loans. ¥ f Vertence novel,

Zhao Ran knows that he wanted to have a vague resignation so that it is not a play, this must be taken through things. In fact, I want to think clearly, such as Zhang Yunzhao, how can I be confused by him? Therefore, Zhao Ran nodded: "What kind of consequences will be made, the trail has already thoughtfully, I am willing to bear."

"How do you bear? Zhengde eleven years, Hangzhou knows the government, the spring wants to waste the green seedlings, and it is envissed to the bribe, so the residence; Zhengde is sixteen years, Fuzhou Xingyun Palace Monitoring House Xu Yun wants to change the green politician, for gangsters In the three years of assassination; Jiajing three years, Shaanxi rice farmers have ristered by Qing Miao money, and they are governed by the official government; Jiaqing seven years, the university, the university, the minor, and the group is attacking the group, and even in advance, Shi ... "

Zhao Ran heard cold sweat, with Zhang Yunzhao's case, only feel that he seems to be under the giant waves, it will be drowned in a deep and unbeatable sea.

Zhao Ran sorted out some thoughts and thought about it, said: "First, the small road is only invested in Qingmian money in Yueyang County, not proliferating into other Zhu County, the influence range will be much smaller; second, no extreme The courtyard and Yugang County also have been allowed to plan the proximity, the principle will not damage the profit of the court and the government, the resistance is not so big; the three, as long as the door is willing to support the small road, the trail is not afraid Daguan, even if they want to deal with the small road, the small road has been confident. In short, the Haoji, how to toss, can always be paid. "

Zhang Yunzhao's answer to Zhaoran is not available. Inserting a moment, throwing a second question: Zhao Ran's plan is completely lost business, how much is he lost in the end?

Once the details of the specific operation are involved, Zhao Ran is relaxed, and a bill is taken when Zhang Yunzhao and the scenery, and finally tell them. There will be two thousand silver's profits for two thousand silver, which has the ability to support at least ten years. In addition, he told Zhang Yunzhao and Jingcheng, which has been in conjunction with Kongxian, will be in the west of the contracting Junshan. It can be found, but it can take this top to the money, so in the long run, in fact Where is the loss? If you work properly, you can even profit.

The scenery is more interested in the landscape, his problem is where the land reclamation is from where the people come. Zhao Ran said that he had a sense of see himself in the long insects. There were many people in the long insect hill to cultivate in the mountains, and the conditions were not good, and he intended to lobby these people outside the government's supervision. Held to the west of Junshan, he believes that it should be available. After all, the landscaping in the Western Junshan is still fertile, and the water source is also relatively sufficient and convenient, and the cultivation conditions are much better.

In fact, Zhao Ran persuaded that the real way to move in the long insects will eventually fall on that Jin Chicken spirit, as long as the five-color master moves, then the people who accept the five-color masters will not have any problems.

Zhang Yunzhao's next question is how much financial resources are. Although Zhao Ran said that the hole will not be large. But with the pre-discharge pre-expenditure, this silver will probably reach 20,000, this is a number of headaches that Zhang Yunzhao feels a headache.

So Zhao Ran took himself to Xia Xiaoyu, and the story of the endlessly and bitterly escaped again said, there is no segment of the temple. Hard plug in your property source. Anyway, I have suffered from the door, and there is Yan Zhongze block in front. How do he say it.

Zhang Yunzhao's last question is that Zhao Ran has paid so big cost, what is it?

Zhao Ran is not a vague, and the great righteousness said: "Although the small road is in a small bit, but the heart is profit, I have been with the mission of Fuze, I think it should be that the people in each of our doors should have awareness and responsibility! Qingling's money looks a small affairs, but the influence is extremely bad. As the saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed in the ant hole. The small road is really unable to see the Tang Dynasty under our Taoism, it is destroyed. I have to start with little things, start from the side, try to give more Fuze, try to let the people feel the virtues, so that my belief is forever inherited! "

The open words were thrown out, and the dumbs were suddenly dumb, and Zhang Yunzhao and the scenery were dead and stared at Zhaoran's eyes. For a long time. Zhao Ran's hard scalp and two big people opposed, and the eyes didn't blink. I didn't know how long it took. Zhang Yunzhao slowed down, and sat said: "Good one 'consciousness and responsibility', good one from small things Since the side of the side is ", since the little square of your Tao has this heart, I am Zhang Yunzhao only to support it."

Zhang Yunzhao is a thunderstorm, and immediately told the scene to pick up, let him play a document that allows Zhao Ran to get involved in the borrowing of Qingmia, and then use the seal to deliver Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran is happy, holding this document in his hand, looking several times, the mind is imagined in the mind, countless merits, flying into their own sea.

After Thank you Zhang Yunzhao and the scenery, Zhao Ran is ready to say, but he is blocked by Zhang Yunzhao: "Slow, some things, but also to blame you."

"Despite the instructions, Zhao Ran did its best."

"You do this, you must start as soon as possible, strive for all within three months."

"The departure is assured."

"The process should be all recorded, and the difficulties encountered will also write, including what is the big household to obstruct, which people have to give you a hi, all have to tell me. What is good experience? What do you need to pay attention to the lesson, you must tell me, you can't ignite and neglect. "


"In these three months, Zhao Ziran immediately responsible for this, and she was responsible for the matter, she was running in the three counties of Pingwu, Shiquan and Jiangyou, familiar with the counties. There is a lot of communication between you. Qing Miao money is successful, and it is implemented in the whole government! "

Zhao Ran, suddenly, if Zhang Yun Zhao is really in accordance with his law in the whole government to reform, he Zhao Ran must be intercepted, when you don't know how much work can be earned!

Compared with Zhao Ran's surprise, the scenery should hesitate, but if you want to discourage, I don't know what to say, just a voice: "Supervision ..."

Zhang Yunzhao sighed, to the scenery: "Zhao Ziran said that it was good, and the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant hole. Since the door is covered in Daming so many years, she can't look at the world. I have gradually collapsed. In the past few years, you also I saw it, and the people of all localities have become more and more difficult. They can't live, so I have to go to the evil way. What 'eight fairy titers', 'five square teaching', the 'Sanqing teaching' Why is there a spring bamboo shoot? Why is there so? More people are confused, it is really because they can't live. I want the original Qing source. I must let the people eat a full meal, wear warm clothes, let them have a field cultivation, there is a house to rest. Qing Money is not The culprit of all the questions, but it must be one of them. I have the daily feelings that the daily feelings must be checked, then this is a path, and it is good to swear! "

The scenery is still shaking his head: "Mon the government, the block is too big, it is not easy to follow. You have been sixty, in case things, this is not destroyed?"

Zhang Yunzhao smiled: "My life, when I want to be a door, I am unfortunately? I know that you are so good, but I have done, this matter must be done. If I can't do it, You will then do it, if you still don't make it, let Zhao let! "

The scenery can't persuade Zhang Yunzhao, but they have to sigh. After sending it to Zhao Rong, after returning to their own, I will think about the police department, I think about it, I want to sigh until night. At the beginning of the ugly three, the scenery still could not fall asleep, so he got up the laminate, came to the hospital, and went to the moonlight.

After half a time, the scenery finally stopped, returned to the palm of the house, grinding the pen, wrote a book on the paper. (Understanding ..) (this article is started)

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