Taoist Law

Chapter 36 talks about moving things.

PS: Thanks to EAGLE Week, thank you for the moon ticket encouragement.

And Jin County is settled after the details of the Nanlong's hands-on, Zhao Ran did not stop, and immediately rushed to Wusou. From the county town, I walked more than ten miles away from the official road. I turned the next to the south, and I didn't take it in the south. I saw it into a piece of golden rice field. It is nothing to do with the cause of drought or even the particles, but the Wusou has a penetrating sight.

Looking at the farmers who are joining in front of the field, Zhao Ran can't help but sigh, it is really excellent Feng Shui!

Zhao Ran's Tao's trip is of course not to look at Fengshui, his destination is the home house of Ou County, Uttama. Due to the past two times for the demon, Luo Tiangu's home servant recognized Zhao Ran, flying into the supreme, inseparable, Luo Tiangzhen greeted it.

Only once, Zhao Ran found that the enthusiasm of Luo Tiangu was hidden in the enthusiasm of the Tongxiang, he knew that Luo Tiangu is in the heart of the heart, and it is not a side to break, just say that he wants to go to the home of the home. In the case, look at the monster.

The garden is all made of appearance, Shishan, Water, and the pavilions are not in the original position. If you want to be Luo Tiangui, please, please reform.

Zhao Ran turned over, nor did you leave the garden, just here and Luo Tiangzhen clicked: "At present, it is more harder to be more severe, and there are many efforts in the Tangyang County, and the county is very hard. Good disaster relief, the price of the county has been soaring, so that the Song Tricenter and Kong County are anxious, Luo Tiangu said what is the reason? "

Luo Tianguo has laughed: "Since ancient times, the food price is expensive. This is also a matter of success. I will spend this famine. I will have rain next year. The food price is coming."

Zhao Ran, "Oh", I suddenly said: "I heard that it is the unanimous discussion of big households in the county. I have to take this opportunity to smash the food. I don't know if this is." "

Luo Tiangu hit a haha ​​and said: "There is such a thing? Luo has never heard of it."

Zhao Ran said: "Is it? How can I heard that Luo Tiangui is also one of them, and it is a lot of exercise?"

Luo Tiangui's head is like a sharp blow. Say: "Where is this? Zhao Fang is cut into the language of the small, Luo is really tight!"

Zhao Ran smiled: "It is also, after the poor pass, I feel that I am acknowledged, Luo Tiangu is a clear man. How can this confused?"

Luo Tiangzheng Zongqiao: "Zhao Fang Lord is good, Luo has always been self-employed since then in the hometown,

It will never take advantage of this illusory money, if there is any small person to chew the root of the tongue, please ask Zhao Fang Lord to do the owner, please come with Luo to be sorry, it is so shameless. I want to fall in Luo! "

Zhao Ranxuan said: "Luo Tiangu's heart, the poor road is understanding, so it is also a special visit to Wusang. It is afraid that Luo Tiangu is a speech, so this is also visited by the Song Monitor. Rosheng is relieved. "

"Thank you for understanding the Song Taoist Institute."

Zhao Ran nodded, the words turned, squinted: "Luo Tiangu said. Have been to help the hometown?"

"It is, Luo Mou can be a table!"

Zhao Ran's palm: "The poor road will thank the Employea to Rongxiang! I don't know Luo Tiangu, I would like to let go of granary. Selling food to the county people? The poor pass is already in the Song Taoist Institute, will be unpolated There is a stone monument in front of the mountains. Any willing to help the victims have a power, it is available, this stream is a thousand people, and it is happy to be happy. "

Luo Yan is in a face: "This is of course a good thing, Luo Mou is very willing. Just ... Just don't look at me Luo family appearance light, but there is not much deposit, this house is in the middle of the house, Gu Shang and no time, where is there a margin for sale? I also hope that Zhao Fang is clear. "

Zhao Ran stared at Luo Tiangu, his eyes were getting cold, and Luo Tiangzhen made a low look, a birman, a child, but it was dead and not willing.

Silence and half, Zhao Ran smiled: "In this case, it is not difficult for you."

Luo Yan is like a Daddy, and he smiled. He said a few baskets thanks to the good words, the heart, but he kept urging, Pakfun Zhao Ran said that God will leave. Zhao Ran did not seem to have turned around to leave, but stroll around in the garden, and Luo Tiangui was often used.

Chat on the phone, Zhao Ran said: "Lao Luo, you are really a Feng Shui Bao, accounting for the Wusang's Fuze, you must fly Huang Tengda in the future."

"Fu Zhao's blessing."

"This game is a good place, and it is a good place to practice. It is no wonder that the raccoon of the raccoon looks at you. Right to Lao Luo, do you know that the long worm is?"

"Long insect hill?" Luo Tiangzheng is a long-minded moment, asked: "Is the long insect hill next to the sheep house?"

"Yes, it seems that Lao Luo you have a lot of hears." Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Do you know that the long worm is a monster?"

"It seems that there is a rumor that the long worms have a demon, but there is no one to see it. If it is a village woman, if it is a monster, how can the door will make a good?"

Zhao Ran's finger, indicating that Luo Tiangzheng is coming over: "Lao Luo, the poor road and you will fight, today tell you the secret Xin, you can don't pass it. You also know that the poor road is now the Ease of Hall. Square, specialist to take a demon evil. Not long ago, the poor road went to the long insect hill. You guess the mountain and be a monster, this is a poor road to see it! "

Luo Tiangui is one: "Zhao Fang Lord is not a joke?"

Zhao Ran referred to the oath: "This matter is really true, if there is a word of words, the five thunderstorms, this vow is evident!"

Tangmen people swear by Dao Zu, this is a very heavy vow, not from Luo Tiangu, so she said: "When you really have demon? Why don't Dao Don't go to margin?"

Zhao Ran sighed: "The monster is the five-color Jinji, has opened a wise, the Taoist the demon, the non-poor refineries are not enemies. You also know, now the white horse mountain is fighting, I am Tao Talent In a busy fighting with the Buddha's demon, there is a worker and these. Only when the Bai Maoshan war is over, there is a lighter to return to the head to eradicate the demon. However, this spirit is still aware of it, and there is an appointment with our Taoist, only for the long insects. The ground, there is no harm to harm. "

Luo Yan is tone: "That's okay, that's good ..."

Zhao Ran also said: "But the spirit is also a condition, the long insects are inadequate, the practice is hindering, it wants me to be allowed to move, try to reach the blessings ..."

Zhao Ran said that the smile is more and more fascinating, and Luo Tiangzheng varies: "Zhao Fang, you won't ..."

Zhao Ran looked around, nodded: "This is really a blessing! Lao Luo, let's talk about the things that moved to move. If you are a poor road, you will know the Huayun Hall this place, oh, do you know Huayun Hall? That is the secret place in our way ... Know? Lao Luo, your message is so honest ... Do you say that the five-color Jinji will come here? I feel that I have eight. Nine can be ... Reassure Lao Luo, I The Taoist will give you another selection, not letting you lose money. "

Luo Tiangzheng is bitter, muttered: "Zhao Fang Lord, how can you so ... we have a feelings ..."

Zhao Ran sighed: "If you pay for the matter, the official is owned by the business. As long as the spirit is a blessing cultivation, he will give it to the door to work. Do you say how big help? The demon, that is comparable to the big refining master Repair! "

Luo Yan is full of face, crying and can't say something. Zhao Ran took a shot of his shoulders: "Lao Luo, don't be such a uncomfortable look, rest assured, the poor pass and you have a situation, Can't ask you to suffer! The Ling demon is now in the mountains of the long insects, the mountain Very big, I will do my best to give you a whole effort to lobby, I will give you the whole hills ... Don't worry, there is not much smoke on the mountain, there will be no one to fight with you. Right, the poisonous beast in the mountain, but The poverty will consider this, please ask the five-color master to try to eradicate before the mountain, you have a steady movement. "

Zhao Ran said that Luo Tiangyue is a heartbeat. Zhao Ran said, turned and went: "Well, the poor road will go first, you have time to think about anything else, even if it comes, the poor road will fight for you."

Seeing Zhao Ran to go, Luo Yan also couldn't help but heard Zhaoran, called: "Zhao Fanglo ..."

Zhao Ran returned, ignorant, Luo Tianghang can't stand, pleading: "Zhao Fanglo has something to do, and please say that Luo does its best, this Wu Tang is Luo Prepare The base of the house, only seeks to protect ... "(untrained) (this article is started)

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