Taoist Law

Chapter 41 people have a message

PS: Thanks, Old Bean 1, EAGLE Zhou's reward, thank you for the time being free, cold, cold sword, fatal monthly ticket encouragement.

West end Zhenwu Palace Sandu of procedure, it is preparing to announce the end of the order of the day, the views of Mount arms from the bottom of the door Ye Xue Guan Diao Department battlefield, as well as his own proposed implementation plan took out in Zhangyun Zhao.

"Yesterday the prison hospital this battlefield to me, ordered me to develop countermeasures ...... This is what I wrote on the strategy, and also requested the prison hospital two Shishu look over."

"Oh? So fast? Oh, caused by friction really able to do things, you briefly talk about it." Zhangyun Zhao is more of a view of Mount satisfied.

Views of Mount should be a sound "yes", the first Diao Department dispatches requirement to repeat it again, and then put forward to deal with their own strategy drawn up: "First, the increase would cost a dispatch by the priests of the roughly one hundred fifty-two year, in which the permanent silver one hundred twenty-two, dressed twenty-two meals, incidentals twelve. the last three years according to the proportion of the age of the Western Zhenwu Palace Road house and all of the estimates, according to each booth Palace Road and Road house five percent, to be later this add thirty-year-old, nearly four times the previous years, in particular: Western Zhenwu Palace twelve, Pingwu six people, four of each three-Valley County, Jiangyou County and Shiquan County, more than two West Zhenwu Palace The posts of the designated counties, the silver and expenses are burden by Xi Zhenwu Palace, and they are not crowded as financial resources in the county. "

Zhangyun Zhao asked Baiteng Ming and Liu Teng Joe's opinion, the two say "may", so they Zhangyun Zhao nodded promised, let Zhongteng Hong spot intends to instruments issued after the charge sign to look over.

Views of Mount and said: "Second, Diao Department requires each Palace Road, Road House and House, County Yamen closely matched, in order to stabilize the local ......" Here, a view of Mount stopped. I looked at Bai Teng and Liao Tengqiao, and saw Zhang Yunzhao.

Zhang Yunzhao said: "What is wrong, don't cover it, if you are not, change it again."

The scenery bite bites. Bite the bullet and said: "I was originally intended that the money for the fear of standing crops caused reform regarding local gentry big rebound, the proposed delay ......"

When I exported, not only white Teng Ming and Liao Teng Johun, even Zhang Yunzhao was stunned, and I was half-embarrassing. Fang is not Yue: "This is already agreed, why bother?"

The scenery of the scenery: "It is my thoughts that I think about it ... I still look at the supervisory hospitals and Bai Shushu, Liao Shi Shu also helped out."

Bai Tengming and Liao Teng Qiao touched the taste, opposition to each other, did not send a word, Zhang Yunzhao silent for a moment. Open Road:!?. "I Long An house severe drought this year, far more than one hundred thousand people affected if there is no good way, just as in previous years, general relief, force the poor of the whole House, to the relief of the past two years the number of parties had evil teach everywhere , filling means to confuse the people, not matter if the money reform of Italica, I know not how many words can not bear the tragedy. caused by friction. you're right Qingmiaoqian have objections regarding it? "

The scenery is red,

Bow and said: "Young Money drawbacks regarding the bunch, of course, should be change ...... but gentrification is the foundation of the court, will be directed at Gentry House, if too harsh.?"

Zhangyun Zhao sighed: "Gentrification is the court of the foundation is not false, but the foundation of gentrification of what is not only the foundation of gentrification, the foundation of my door's how can these problems yourself think about it you are my Western Zhenwu Palace rising star, the future is??. to play a major role in. be sure to consider what the root standing foot, Mo burdened by family background. always advisable to wait the amount, the critical moment do they must not confused. "

Although these words are very important. But it is true that it is clear, it can be described as pushed. If Zhang Yunzhao is hoped in the scene, it will not be so awaken.

The scenery is silent, and the square: "Monitoring Institute, I think it is bad ..."

Zhang Yunzhao said: "If you know the wrong, you can change it, you said the next one."

Bai Tengming and Liao Teng Qiao pair each other, they and Zhang Yunzhao, the day long, the nature of this supervision, can be described as well known, see Zhang Yunzhao's view to the scenery, each, some can't help but jealous.

Jingcheng said: "The three, Chuanxi lacks people, the adjustment requires the provinces, the county road palace, and the county to collect people's support, for the military, mission, to appease the military heart, vibrate morale, I think more, It is proposed to be adjusted to Ye Xueguan, while collecting twelve fireworks, the five people are listening. Among them, the five people in Xizhenwu Palace, the three people in the Zhongyangyuan, Baowu County, the unprotive hospital in Yugang County People, Shiquan County Heshen and one person in Danjing Institute, Jiangyou County, the same. "

The dismissal of the candidate is not a major event. The choice of the scenery is also based on the size of the Longanfu Palace, which is relatively reasonable. It is relatively reasonable, and the Liao Er Yongzhao is no objection - these small things are not concerned.

Zhang Yunzhao said: "When selecting people, they should be carefully considered. The scriptures will be carefully constructed. After going to work, I can't be willing to be, if it is a reputation of my Xizhenwu Palace, I have to come back Focus on disposal! "


"Who is the first? Can you have suggestions?"

The scenery of the scenery is: "The Monitoring House is the same, this is going to Ye Xueguan to listen, not only the palace of Sichuan Province, the hospital, and there are also adjacent Shaanxi, Hubei, Guizhou Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist, one fell, In the eyes of the people. For the discipline, I planked to bring the team to you, and also supervise each other. "

"Complete" two words, has been pleading, and the scenery wants to avoid the willingness to avoid the Qing Miao Treasury Reform Conference on Yueyang County, this heart is screwed.

Bai Tengming and Liao Teng Qiao couldn't help but surprised. I didn't know how the landscape. I have repeatedly reversed the clouds, but the background of thinking and scenery. I can't help but sigh again. I don't feel unexpected.

Both people worried about Zhang Yunzhao, and saw Zhang Yun's face iron blue, looking at the scenery and slowly: "Do you want to be clear?"

The scenery should be low: "Yes."

"That is so fixed." Zhang Yunzhao, turned and left.

When Xi Zhenwu Palace, I was in the mountains, and Zhao Ranzheng was in the back of the mountain, and he kept turning a hare that was grilled on a bonfire. The rabbit meat has been grained, the aroma is packed, and the five-color masters who are waiting next to them are too irritating.

Zhao Ran stretched out: "Slow down, the poor road has not yet been added." Reaching out from the spanning finger, fell on the crude brush, brushing the hare in the upper and lower table.

The five-color master suddenly called: "Gigle, so incense, good fragrance! Little Taoist, what information you brush?"

Zhao Ran smiled: "Exclusive secret recipe, not leaking."

The five-color master reached out of the paw to touch the small clay pot, Zhao Ran's palm, put the ceramic revenue, the urgent five-color master did not stop the ear.

Zhao Ran took the hare from the fire rack, and he torn the rabbit legs and did not stop the cold. The rest were thrown to the five-color masters, the five-color masters took the mouth, and the sharpness was opened a few times, and they were not afraid of hot. The hare swallowed.

A hare is definitely can't be solved. The five-color master reaching out the paw and hooked a big mountain rat with him: "Gignoney, small Taoist, hurry, fast, so fragrance, I can't help it!"

Zhao Ran slowly torn the rabbit legs to the mouth, smiled: "The master is tight, the poor pass and rest, saying that this is alive, and the tightness will be fill the stomach first."

The five-color master's eyes have turned a few laps, gigging: "The little Taoist, I know what ghost idea you are playing, I want me to move, I will mention the Utang you mentioned last time, the place is good, the spirit is good, I have turned a circle before, very satisfied. Don't say anything else elsewhere, Junshan I have passed one, not good, very bad, it is better, I am not as good as I am. "

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Wu Tang is not good, the owner will help the poor", let him move, I can't open the mouth. "

The five-color master: "Then you will turn again, I don't want to go. Well, first grind this mountain, I am hungry!"

Zhao Ran said: "When you go to Junshan last time, have you walk away again? About more than ten miles, there is a small monanda ..."

The five-color master is : "Xiao Junshan?"

Zhao Ran explained: "The last time didn't tell you, because there is Jiangyou County, the poor road is the Taoist Taoist, which can only manage the things in Yugang County. Jiangyou County said. This is different. The poor road probably has 90% of the grasp of Xiajun Mountain, in short, you can rest assured, let you move the past problem! "(Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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