Taoist Law

Chapter 1 October, noctus

PS: Thanks to the quick knife 123, thank you for encouragement of the magenta people's monthly tickets. @ @ @ @ ,

At the end of October 15th, Jiajing, Ji Yunzhao, Zhaobao, Zhaoyu, was spying in Yunfengling in Yugang County, and the unprotive hospital finally ushered in the process of dealing with Zhang Yunzhao's incident.

In this document, it is pointed out that there is no greatness to prevent the evil spirits, causing the place where the place is inseparable, and the Buddha's demon is gapped, there is a sin of disappointment, and the impact of Zhang Yunzhao should bear the responsibility of the guard. The specific punishment method is: in the entire Sichuan road gate, it is necessary to express the Shen Wei in the road, requiring no way to seriously, and strengthen inspections, avoiding the occurrence of similar events. At the same time, the prostitutes who have stopped the one-year-old priest for three or more, and it is recommended that the nephew gives the same punishment for the priest of the deacon.

Such a handling method is really weak, knowing that the people who know the situation understand that this is the helpless choice made by the Huayuan Hall and Xuanyuan View. In the eyes of the foreign party, this handling is also extremely normal. After all, everyone knows that Zhang Yunzhao's inclusion is unprotected by rationality, but what happens, it is necessary to pursue the responsibility of the jurisdiction. This is a convention, so the Ximuyu is throwing such a discipline, and it is also based on the practice.

In the me, things have been like this, but there is no nephew, and the follow-up really the first end is still clear.

On October 10, Xi Zhenwu House once again, said that due to the complexity of Xuanyuan's view, urgently needed, the secret nozzle supervision is in the Xuanyuan view, and it is proposed to be a ht head of Xuanyuan. According to stages, Xuanyuan Guanwu's slight is equivalent to the status of the Hualiyuan, which belongs to a flat-level mobilization, and the grassroots road is crossing a provision of the province, which seems to be promoted. But in fact.

According to Zhaoran's understanding, put it in the time and space wears, this mobility is equivalent to the Secretary of the County Committee to transfer to a director of the Office of the Provincial Party Committee. Do you say that it is still reduced? If you can't tell it, you can refer to the age if it is mobilized. So maybe it is a kind of blessing, because the future achievements are not limited, but now it is Song Zhiyuan, he is more embarrassing this year.

But no matter what, Song Zhiyuan is finally loose, and the thoughts hanging more than a month, and the mood has improved a lot. Such processing results are more than his best expectations, how can he be celebrated?

As for Zhaoran, his processing results have not arrived. Because of his deacon, it belongs to the Ease of House. Xizhenwu Palace can only suggest that it cannot be decided, this is the strict embodiment of "Organization" this "Organization".

On October 13, when the old abbot entered the leader, the unprotice was reported to the West Zhenwu Palace. After the Xixiangyu Palace, Xuan Yuanjun quickly sent people to the Academy. After confirming that the old abbot is weak to return. Follow the Wishes of the old man, on October 15. I will pick him back to Xuan Yuan.

The old man has spent the vital life of the 1980s in the Huali Hospital.

In addition to a few people in the hospital, the rest of the hospital often selectively forgot, in the acousticizique, there is such an abstament. Even Zhaoran, I only know the history of this old man. The rest of the matter, I didn't know that he had never had a thought, and he never had a life that he had tried to tell him.

Directly sent the driver of the old abba to the driving driver, he learned from the mouth of Song Yuan, this old man named Shi Yun. It turned out to be "cloud".

On October 18, Xuanyuan Guanzhiped the Wen Wen who died in Shiyun, Zhao Ran, learned from the Wen, and this old man was born in Xinning County, Luzhou, is Li Yunhe, Zhang Yunzhao's The same door, the kitchen for the Xuanyuan view. The last section of the Wen said that he said that he retreated from Xuanyuan Guanzhu, and he had a good court.

At this point, Zhao Ran finally knew that the old SF will write to Li Yunhe directly. Why is the old man who seizures, it will come back to Xuanyuan Guan, why come to visit the old scenery's Xuanyuan Guan Dynasty to see him without thinking go.

The unprofit did the court immediately prepared and began to do a while for the old earthquake. Song Yuan and San are all stunned when he worshiped his old foot. Zhao Ran also followed the crowd, and rigorously in the Grand Lingbao Refinery.

But until this moment, he still unknown, the old man's history is on his promotion road, and he has given him how much boost.

Three years ago, Zhao Ran was in the unpopular hospital. Because the indirect point of the old earthquarters woke up, the time to hold the Tens of Cheng Tenghong, who took the accommodation Zhao Ran's fireworks.

Two years ago, when Zhong Tenghong was upset to the choice of his wife, the old man was a hammer and Zhao Ran.

Last year, Zhao Ran coordinated the list of the unprofitty of the unprofitty, can be accepted by the Xizhenwu Palace, and the old man will have an influence in the back.

This spring, on the reform of Qingmines, Song Yuanzhi's situation has supported Zhao Ran, which is also the decision to ask for the old man.

When I met the crisis in the past few days, the old man did not say that I would write a letter to Li Yunhe, and I have fulfilled my last heart in order to protect the neighborhood.

Many times, most people don't know who they are in their lives, and even what kind of grace does not know, this life is final. Therefore, we should not hurt others easily, because in the case of you, maybe hurt people who have helped you.

Fortunately, Zhao Ran did not hurt the old man's history, and of course did not have the opportunity to repay him. Maybe one day he understood in the future, this would become a regret in his life.

In the beginning of November, Xu Tonglong was driving in Yugang County, and this is the first stop of his new Xi Zhenwu Palace Tour, in accordance with Xu Tonglong's statement, this time, there is also "stable people" meaning.

At the same time as the macholds arrived in the hospital, they also brought Dong Kun, the author of the House of House. Dong Kun is the time of the spring and summer of last year, and it is time to compete for the failure of the Extreme Hospital. At that time, the Xu Teng, the West Time Wu Palace, will send a letter, and the words will borrow Dong Kun, and then Dong Kun has been doing things for Du Huanda. As for what, no one knows, because Xi Zhenwu Palace also wins his figure. With the nephew, he retained his degree, just exempt from the royal family, the other did not change.

For Dong Kun's emergence, there is no unprotice up and down. He will hide this for him to compete last year. If this time isn't it coming to shoot a hucked seat, what is wrong?

Dong Kun has a smile on the unprofessionalist, revealing a very enthusiastic and friendly side, as if I have already forgotten what happened last year - except Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran must not go to Barn, which is completely unnecessary.

According to his experience in his 20-year-old, once the fundamental conflict occurs and the leader, don't think about trying to save this crack. If you really do this, there are more than 30% of the chance to be treated coldly, even on the spot. The rest of the remaining six-nine, will become the best object that leaders showed advantageous significance. The leadership got a praise from others, this story will be written in the advanced deeds of the leadership, becoming him to continue progress. thrust. And you, then sit in the cold bench, watching people around you, and you can only tears yourself.

Ok, maybe you don't sit on the cold bench and be reused by the leaders, but in fact, this result is the worst, because the light is "reuse" without being promoted, can only use "terrible" or "mind" Tired "is described. The key is that at this time, even the listeners who cry is not - please, the leaders are forgiven you and reuse you, you still cry, this is not a small person?

Of course, there is no absolute thing, there is a few percentage of the chances and leadership Ice. The leaders will treat you as a colleagues. But the leadership will definitely belong to the heterogeneous, and the opportunity to meet is less, it is completely equal to the big luck, this The story is generally become a good talk and talk, becoming the legend of the classic workplace - and classic, forever is less. Therefore, before going to work hard, think about this luck first. (Untransferous.)

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