Taoist Law

Chapter 3 wants money to be a land

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The Junshan Temple is a presiding farm, of course, this is the consent of the three ages of the West Rushwu Palace, but the white ribbon of the West is not coming, there is no way to know Zhao Ran, so Zhao Ran Wales caught.

The reason why the Junshan Temple is because the unprotive governance gives it a range of jurisdictions, just in the west of the Junshan, Xiajunshan. Zhao Ran said, this is not just that the 10,000 acres of waste is there? Ok, it turned out to make me toss on the site of my home? This is made me to collect my own incense money, I have to give the unpril premises?

Looking at Dong Kun, a face, and Xu Tonglong means a deep smile, Zhaoran is no $ Pig $ Pig $ Island (WWW) (zhu) (). ().

However, he was ready to be prepared to be wearing a small shoe. Now the first pair of shoes have been thrown, and it is still within the scope of it, so I will endure. Top a few hundred and two silver every year, with Zhao Ran's family, there is no problem in a hundred years. In fact, it is not bad to change his temple, and the temple is not bad. Good Lai County is not, there is something that he has said, and the Daomen official should shoulder.

Zhao Ran's mind is not placed on the power to compete. At this moment, the big situation does not allow him to continue to get ridside down. Although it is a small life, although it is sighful, but bending it is for the sake of power, this truth, he still understands of. He has only one in the near future, and his life "ponders" is formed by "pondering", and then enter the Taoist firmer as soon as possible, and this is the urgency.

The newly unloaded duty has not been unloaded, because Dong Zhikun has never been poor in the unprofessionalist, and now I am going to be in the middle, and I have no simple candidate. Therefore, it has just been a "shackles" Chen Zhizhong and deliberately hanging to attract more "Imposion" Taoists to him.

When Zhao Ran went to the residential handling, Chen Zhizhong sighed and said: "Zhao Shi, no nest of the house, the brother, I also have a little bitlaizers, and I have a heart thinking ..."

Zhao Ran is so laughing, but the face is full, while the head is to indicate that he is fully understood, while listening to "but".

"But, after all, the brother has paid for more than ten years. It really can't bear to look at the unprotive court, so this has to be strong, for the hospital, for the county in the people! I also hope that Zhao Shi's understanding of my hard work. "

Zhao Ran sate: "Chen Shi brother. In the future, there is no more sinister in the future, the brother must have to stick to it, my hometown has an old saying, 'I don't relax." I am going to travel to the Mountain, I can't stay here. Help the brothers, you will share this. "

Chen Zhizhong touched tears to come out,

Sharying Zhao Ran's shoulder shook. It seems to have proven to have a determination: "The teacher is very good, it is my heart's writing! Rest assured, the teacher. After you go to Junshan, there is any difficult, only to find a brother, brother, I must do my best, no Make the brother to be wronged by Ding Dynasty! "

Zhao Ran sighed again - he had sighed to have an oxygen: "The blast knows the grass, the country is chaos ... The hospital is loyal. Thank you for your brother! Mr. I really have a lot of difficulties, but also hope to help!"

Chen Zhizhong has focused on nod: "said the teacher."

Zhao Ran immediately started counting the finger: "This will go to Junshan, everything is the grass creation, this temple construction fee, daily management fee, Xuanhua people fees, the cost of the department, etc., all need to be accepted in the hospital ... "

Chen Zhizhong leather jumped: "... um ......"

Zhao Ran continued to fight his finger: "Also. I just got over, the Longshan Temple is five people, ten people in the fire, I don't ask for more, as long as I can be more than Longshan Temple ..."

Chen Zhizhong's eyelid jumped: "... ..."

"Also, in order not to make a mistake, I think it should still first set the specific boundaries between the road and the Taoist temple, such as Zao Lin and rigging in the northeast of the monarch, although not in the scope of the wasteland in our contracted Inside, but at the foot of the Junsiang Mountain, it is not convenient to manage the Horsesheart in the mountains and the mountains. It is not as good as the Temple ... "


In the end, Zhao Ran took a list from his arms. The above is listed in all the conditions he just mentioned. He is laughing on his face. It has repeatedly said that he will try our best, and then he is very enthusiastic to send Zhao Ran to the custom.

When I returned to the table, I sat down and wiped the sweat on the forehead. I copied the paper and then watched it, and then the pen began to apply the modification. First, the five hundred two fees will be transferred, and one hundred and two, and then the preparation is changed to three, and the fireworks are cut half, then continue to modify other matters ...

Zhao Ran leaving the building, and the radius will go to the Gao Qun Zhiguang. When I arrived at the door of the passport, I am running. The little girls are ready to go with lunch, and they are also in it. He met Zhao and then quickly rushed over, and a gift: "Zhao brother, how is it?"

Zhao Ran's head: "Don't worry, I am looking for Liu Gao."

When Jin Jiuyi, I like this: "This is good, this is good! That Zhang Ze is extremely rude in front of me, seeing him soon will be heard, wait for him to come through the temple, where is my Good days. It's better to follow the brothers outside to get away! For the brother, when will we leave the Longshan? "

"It's not Longshan, is the Junshan, the court will set up a Junshan Temple between Junshan and Xiaolingshan, let me go to be a temple."

"Ah? That piece of waste?" Golden a little dumbfounded.

"How? Don't you want to go?"

I hesitated for a moment, see Zhao Ran, I have been staring at myself, I immediately bite his teeth: "Go! The total is better than staying in the mountain!"

Zhao Ran took a lot of his shoulders and laughed: "Where are you thinking so bad? Tell you, this is a big career!"

I flicked a few words, Zhao Ran into the house, just seeing high-powered Liu Zhiguang. Liu Zhiguo was asking to go in the house. He asked Zhao Rong: "How come you? Yes, talk to Chen Zhizhong?"

Zhao Ran and Liu Zhiguang have an unusual, directly will tell the story, Liu Zhiguang, Yao said: "Masters! Small people! How to say how to say, turn around, don't vote for Dong, two sides! What? Everything I believe in his ghosts, such a big thing, where is he can do? You look, he promised to be light, don't give you a minor, it's good! "

Zhao Ran said: "I also know, this is not that he said. As long as I can fall in hand, I am satisfied, I almost accept it." Although Zhao Ran said that the guy of three knives in Chen Zhizhong, I can't afford it. But there will be no thoughts, especially when I am in a disadvantage, I don't mind going on, at least Chen Zhizhong has not been completely broken with him, and there is a space that can be borrowed.

Zhao Ran put forward the Jindu to the Junshan Temple, Liu Zhiguang did not say that they agreed, but also let Zhao Ran again choose, as long as there is a sense of the little girl to take away.

Zhao Ran also asked Liu Zhiguang to be born here, Liu Zhiguo did not hide, said: "This year, Xizhenwu gave the unprotive hospital, and I have a table, I want to enter the road, but before Two days, I was mentioned with Dong Kun, and he actually said that it is not straight to the passage without the experience of fire. Ok, I agree, let's do it according to the rules, let him only do the fire. Give me a list of candidates who are ready to be prepared this year. His own nephew also has no fireworks, can you be affected? "

After listening, Zhao Ran is very speechless, let's not talk about the darkness of the darkness. The key is that this kind of thing is actually better, it doesn't have to be so rude directly, so that Lu Zhiguang's anger, explains Dong Kun, this person is the most basic The governance wrist is owed, it is really lacking.

Comforting Liu Zhiguang a few words, advised him not to conflict with Dong Kun, Zhao Ran left the hall. After that, Zhao Ran went to a visit to the three and the monologies. Everyone is not bad to him, and they did not deliberately avoid because he lost. It seems that the impression of Zhao Ran's left is too deep, including Jiang Zhiheng is unwilling to have a contradiction with him, and he will be a jealous of hero. (Untrained ...)

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