Taoist Law

Chapter 10 Jiajing 16 years

PS: Thanks to Eagle Week, Learning, Thank you, not free people, fat, betald

Zhao Ran plugged in the fragrance in the incense burner, looked up and looked for a long time, and saw that there was no feeling in the dozens of Fuji, and there was no feeling. Vertex novel,

Mr. Cai's big sleeve, and the number of these characters is accommodated in the golden cylinder, and one dozens are full of hiking. These characters are power caciarians, Jin Tong jade, straightforward, law enforcement, open yin and yang Gong Cao, disaster disaster relief and understanding of the generals, the four-year-old monk, four supervisors, fairy Eighthome of the class.

Zhao Ran's worship, there is still no sense.

The Master Cai Master is slightly surprised, and the seven-class gods, the position of the immortals, including the sixth officials, Xian Jian officials, the community will be all the spirit, etc., and Zhao Ran does not have any feelings.

The sixth and other gods, the position of Zhu County, including the officials of the official, Xiangong Xianbu Xianqing doctor, nine days of the Yu Shi, the Xianxian will be, Xuanshi Tianshi, Sambo official, still there is no sense.

Cai Master couldn't help but have a lot of money from the golden cylinder, and every one has a name.

Zhao Ran looked up, the forefront is three inquiry, respectively, the Yuanyuan blessing Tianguan Ziwei, Zhongyuan's sin of the sin of the official Qing virtual, Xia Yuan, the second grade of the Emperor, the earth, the spirit of the three officials Then, the Dongyue Taishan Tian Qi Ren, the Nanyue Hengsi Sisheng Tian Zhao Shengda, Zhongyue Lushan Zhongtian Chong Sheng Di, Xiyue Huashan Jin Tianyi Sheng Di, Beiyue Hengshan An Tian Xuan Sheng Emperor; Twelve Heyuan Xianjun ...

See Zhao Ran's feelings, Cai Master comforted: "Zhao Ziran, does not have to be cautious, in fact, for my generation, there is no confidment of God, often there is a sense of sacred status, there is a real person, Tianshi and other ways The predecessors should be the land of the land. Do you know what God is God's life? Oh, tell you that it is a nine-class yellow towel. "

Doesn't the life of God and future cultivation do not contact? Zhao Ran is a little discouraged, ok, why should it be doing?

The five-level gods, Zhu Xian still five in the first, next is the seven dollars of Beidou, Nan Dou Six, twenty-eight-bedroom degree, all the truth ...

Zhao Ranzheng has a little dizzy. It's going back to the body, then worship three, etc.: Dan Sheng, the sun and the emperor, the real people fairy ... His eyesight is excellent, I saw three pointed two blade knives, the foot squatted in the foot Erlang Zhenjun Yang Wei, in mind, if it is his own life, he should be Yang Wei, although it is not used to cultivate himself, but say it does not ride it?

Unfortunately, Zhao Ran is still there and Yang Wei.

Third-level gods, in the fairy, there is still no sense.

This round of turn is equal. Only eleven is , ie six royal and five parties.

Zhao Ranziang has been completed, just got back to the futon, seeing the center of the center, a faint gold, rising from the grunge, suspended in void. When you look at it, you are the end of the emperor's position, and there is no nature, and there is also the emperor of the emperor.

It is possible to find your old man, and Zhao Ran sent a breath. Everyone under the tower also loosened. Only Cai Master seems to be different. Zhao Ran carefully asked, but Cai Master smiled and shook his head. Ports, but Zhao Ran how to think that this mage is not right.

Since the hit is set, the Master Cai will send a letter to the Yuhuang Pavilion, separated by a long time, a white light flash, Cai Master reached a hand. Take it on your own forehead, just smile to Zhao Ran: "Prepare, after three days, the Jade emperor will enter the position ... You can engrave the plaque." Named Jade Hall. "

In the next three days, everyone has lived in the subsidiary of the Junshan Temple. The previously prepared furniture is sent to the road, the laws and objects needed to be in the roads are gradually complete, and the Jade emperor is in place.

Master Cai was in the beginning of the mountain to worship the five-color master. After talking about it, I found that the five-color master saw the magistrate, but also did not interested, so I was too lazy to go, just discuss with Zhao Ran, and let Zhao Ran's array Knowledge has increased.

Compared with Zhaoran, Master Cai Master is more harvest, his gain is mainly verified, so that many of the array theories that are not allowed to solve, let Zhao Ran have to make the effect in accordance with the end of the array, there is When you set up three or five times, sometimes it is ten times, eight times, he is observing thinking.

In other words, Cai Master is like a theoretical school, and Zhao Ran belongs to the practice, and the two collides together, and there are countless sparks, and they have completed it.

There have been several times, Cai Master wants to verify that the method is more complicated, and the enamel is more advanced, and Zhao Ran's ability is not controlled, so it is guided by Zhao Ran's quarters and control. However, the flow of the heavens and the gas machines is varied. Every moment has different performances, so it is necessary to manipulate the response at any time, and Zhao Ran "guides" Cai Master's process, there will always be a shorter lag, This leads to the effect of the array effect is not particularly good.

Therefore, Cai Master is worried about Zhao Ran's road, and there is a little hate iron is not steel. Unfortunately, the ball can not be trivial. Only the blast of your own refining can we do our best, this, Zhao Ran has already appreciated it. So I don't have to ask Zhao Ran to ask, Cai Master will start to catch up with fire.

Master Cai gave Zhao Ran to take a list, and write a variety of supplementary medicinal materials. Some of them have their own storage capsules. The rest is, just put pressure on Zhuitang Yun and Zhugeng wings. Let him think of the magazine. Poor two Zhuo Shi Shu was reprimanded by Cai Master's good life, only two words, while repairing books back to Huayun Pavilion.

At the end, Cai Master also sighed, said to Zhao Ran, but unfortunately, I couldn't find the blood of the Xuanjiao turtle. Otherwise, I will make Zhao Ran's somewhere, and the refining will never have this difficult.

Just a day before the year, a carriage was carried with the Jade emperor to rush to the Junshan Temple, and the Master Cai Master was put on the Jade God. The statue is covered with red satin, solemn, solemn, there is a bit of kindness, Zhao Ranwang is not banned.

At the beginning of the first month of Jiajing, the Junshan Temple officially launched the opening ceremony, and the Master Cai people were hosted, Zhuitun Yun, Zhu Tengyi, Zhao Rui, Jin Jiufang four-person protection method. More than 2,000 people in the Junshan area were crowded around the Junshan Temple. According to the order, enter the Jade Hall to visit the Jade God.

Three times the whole ceremony consumes three times, Zhao Ran is the nasal ancestor of the Junshan Temple, and the people who come to visit will be incense. Cai Master will bless one by one. Junshan Temple incense, the smog is linger, the bell and drums continue, sing Qi Tian.

On the same day, Zhao Ruyan's Gong Dynasty was in an instant, and Zhao Ran turned into the night. When I was busy, I will consume these merits. But the next day, the people will come to seek incense, and the merits will be full, Zhao However, under the surprise, continue to conversion overnight. If it is three times, until the first three, the trend of merits has gradually slowed down.

Zhao Ran is approving some, so in just three days, it is equivalent to half of the past year, and it is really a big birth. And this is still not finished, as long as the people are prayed with respect, the merits in the sea will continue to cultivate, compared to the kindness of the charity hall, the rescue station, and the acquisition of the Junshan Temple. The best hatcher. Although Zhao Ran also harvested a lot of merits in a matter of handling charity, it was a one-time, which was far more than a long time.

Zhao Ran can't help but start, if you have a good morning, you will be a surprise?

Zhuo Teng Yun and Zhuo Tengyi quickly received medicinal materials sent by Huayun House, after handing the medicinal materials to Cai Master, two people will leave.

Anything is favorable, although Zhao Ran received her briefing herbs, but he understood that Huayun Hall is completely repayed, and he dedicated the human condition of "Qi Baosong Loud Rane", even in advance. Part "Accounts" of "Five Flower Cloud Leaves". Next, I want to go to Huayun Hall to associate, Zhao Ran, I am afraid I need more. (Untransferous.)

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