Taoist Law

Chapter 13 Getting Started

PS: Thanks, Lingli's reward, thank you Betald, I want to encourage the monthly ticket to the wind. Today, the unit is working hard, I am sorry.

Zhuo Teng wings, a sleeve, a white light is out, the radio is straight to the front, Zhao Ran feels that the foreground seems to be swayed, and when you look at it, the mountain ditch is still the mountain ditch, the stone strange stone is still not changed, as if everything No change. However, Zhao Ran is open, and he clearly shows that the gas machine flow in the world is not true, as if someone deliberately, it is fully covered with a mild.

This is an extremely high observatory, not, is an extremely high magic, and Zhao Ran's eyes are not seen. When he wanted to combat and distinguish it, the Zhuo Tengyi had a sleeve with his sleeves, pulling him forward.

Step forward, suddenly enter the black lacquered night; the second step, the eyes are bright, and it is like the thick clouds; the third step, Zhao Ran finally entered a new world.

In the distance, such as , close to the high cliff waterfall, slowly undulating hills, and the disc around the fog. Flying the waterfall and become a creek of the flow, surrounded by the hill, there is a strange rockhouse, the gallery of the gallery, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock, the rock.

Zhao Ran stayed at everything in front of him, and the heart was turned out. This is the Tong Tianfu, this is where the practitioner is cultivated, and it is from the world's secular!

When Zhao Ran is more than a long time, the two Masters, the two teachers, and two horses, and the two horses are born into the woods next to them. The old donkey smashed the neck of Zhaoran, Zhao Ruozhi himself. Laughed: "You go, call you again when you go out." So I rushed into the forest and went to see the mounts of the two divisions.

Zhuitunyun sounded to the Zhuo Teng wings: "Slowly come, I will go back to the end." After the steps, I will go through a pavilion. The figure is behind the bridge after flowing water.

Zhu Teng wings with Zhao Ran to gradually, cross the bridge, woven, Yuechi, walking: "This is Wenxiang Pool, next to white flower slope. Flower is constantly ... this is white crane in Bai Hheutang, the white crane in the pond It is the apprentice of Danhe Shi ... "

Said, the two came to a wide square, and the "three Qing Dynasty" was written on the opposite side of the temple. The left side is "Temple Temple". The right side is "Firedexing Temple", the Northeast and Northwest China are the bell tower and drum tower.

When I came over, I went here, but I met several vegetarians. I have little, each holding boxes and bamboo poles. These Taoists saw the head of the Zhugeng wings, and the song: "See the Zhuo Huang Crown. "

Zhuo Teng wings nodded: "This is Zhao Ziran,

Bearing under the Master of Jiangshi. It has been entered the Taoist, and the first entrance to the first time is coming. You are also seen. "

That several Taoist people also went to Zhao Ruzhen: "I have seen Zhao Dao Shi."

Zhao Ran didn't know what to call, but he had to be a ritual: "A few compassion."

The elderly in several Taoists said: "Zhuo Huang, Yan Yong has already told this, please ask this Zhao Dazhi and here, the elders should immediately teach Zhao Dao Shi. I have to go in. I will not spend. Please Zhuo Huang Crown and Zhao Dao Shi forgive. "

Zhuo Teng wings nodded, Zhao Ran passed the airway, "Thank you."

Several Taoists hugged the Sanqing Temple. Only Zhao Ran and Zhuo Tengyi wait for it, Zhao Ran asked: "The brothers just have just been ... or uncle?"

Zhuo Teng wings laughed: "It is the custom of Huayun Hall. It is not practiced, but it is also too much."

Zhao Ran is curious: "Can the custom can enter Huayun Hall?"

Zhuo Teng Wing: "Ten party jungle has fireworks, the gallop is also missing, and the practice of Guanshan is high, there is no time and energy consumption on the daily trivial matter, the realm is not arrogant, the same thing is to eat and drink Sprinkle, these things have customs. These customs have the orphans of the monks, and some are their own affairs, but unfortunately there is no talent, willing to go to the mountain to give a rich, do not want to go out If you stay, you can do some play ... You can talk to their brothers, but they will call your duty, this is the habit of leaving a hundred years, not my generation of monks look low. I am also 10,000 Don't despise him, you must be kind to good, after all, I really want to say, maybe my ancestors have always been working hard to Tao, and there will be one day, your future people will be one of them. "

It is said that some people have come to the Sanqing Temple. Some are standing on the front of the temple, and standing around, some are walking into the Sanqing Hall. Zhuo Tengyi quickly pointed to Zhao Ranzi's crown robes.

I suddenly listened to the clock tower and the drums and drums, and Zhuitunyun came out of the three Qing Dynasty. "Please ask Zhao Zhan Miao Temple,"

Zhao Ran quickly took the stone steps, went to the nine-order square, from the Taoist who arranging in front of the temple, worship in the ram of the three Qing Dynasty threshold, after entering the allegation, also in the three clear road The big gift is worship, worship, and praise.

At this time, Zhao Ran has the opportunity to play the temple. I saw the three-northeastern side of the high prussian who worn out the Xinghuang Daozi. It was more than forty or more than forty or more than forty or more than forty, but Zhao Ran knows that the monk is doing Do not have to, some seem to have a thirty years old, maybe I have already passed ancient.

On the side of the East, standing ten individuals, all the Ge Qing Daoquan. Daduo, Xiao Zhuoxuan is in it, Zhao Ran also saw a lot, this is the twelfth, and the front is quirky looks at himself.

Zhao Ran secretly rushed to Zhu Zun, and the dark brother also came in!

There are only three people on the side, and the year is about 30 people, and the face is calm. It is a smile and smile, and there are two things that seem more than Zhao Ran. It is also curious to count Zhao Ran. .

I listened to a cough, and the road: "Zhao Ziran, first worship Master, and the Jiang Tenghe discipler is charged."

Just see the Taoist of the west side, I came to the three cleansing seats. He first, Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Master is closed, you can't come out, you can take you a teacher. I am Wei Zhenzhen, you can call me a master. "

Zhao Ran is somewhat lost, the heart is the cheap master, really don't wait for me, don't even want to reveal? Lost, but it can't be rude, even if I went out, I wrote a good teacher's post, and the ceremony was already behind, and then gave Wei Zhenzhen.

Wei Zhizhen received Zhao Ran's gratitude stickers, said that the commandments under Jiangteng Hemen do not have the set of ignorance, after the finish, Zhao Ran is busy incense, Wei Zhizhen inserted into the incense burner, Zhao Ran took the gift, Wei Zhi I also collected it.

Zhao Ran was prepared to prepare a good medicinal material ranking on "Zhi Lingling Medicine", but both Jiang Tenghe did not even reveal, then he naturally saved the baby, and only took out the ginseng of the 10 years - actually Very good.

Zhao Rong is the name of the disciple, ask the disciple, the name, the table, give the law, drinking water, the public, the general ceremony is not, is quite simple and efficient. Wei Zigui's father returned to a gift - Zhao Ran felt that most of this master, the ceremony ended.

Wei Zhi's real gift is a singer, Zhao Ran has seen this book in "Positive Act", is a fourth-order spirit, and the name "Golden Grand Circle" is a guard against the defense. The fourth-order mission should be quite valuable. Only the monks above the Master can refine, receive this gift, Zhao Ran can't help but have a little bit of the little family just now. At the same time, he is still very confused, and Wei Zhen is really, if this is a Wei Shi, the brother is not a way to enter the Master?

After the apprentice ceremony, Zhao Ran is incorporated into Jiang Tenghe. The gate of the Master, but he is not a formal disciple, just name a disciple.

Wei Zhizhen introduced the two young Taoist who standed by the side. One called Yu Zhichuan, and another called Luohuaiqing, Zhao Ran called "two brothers, three brothers".

The three official disciples under the Jiangteng Hemen are sorted. Zhao Ran did not, so Wei Zhizhen and others called him "Zhao Shi", not "four division", will come to Jiang Teng crane to receive the formal disciple, the new apprentice must call Zhao Ran, "Zhao Brother", Zhao Ran can call the other party "four teachers".

After the apprentice ceremony, Zhao Ran even gave him a job for him. So everyone got out of the three Qing Dynasty, entered the "Firedex Temple" on the east side of the square. (Endlessly)

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