Taoist Law

Chapter 22, Sichuan

PS: Thanks to [Excious], the reward, see a large number of rewards, the poor road can only add more thanks, first owe [understanding] Taoist friends, this week. ◇ ◇ , at the same time, I would like to have the monthly ticket encouragement to the wind, Ku Ye, Li Wei, SKD716, TAR2, East China Sea Hhe, Random Water, Type Kid, Eagle Week, Old Qianjia's waiting for the monthly ticket!

Zhao Ran is very familiar with Junshan. When I chose to get the refugees here, I used to search for the spirit of Feng Shui in the Junshan, so that the colorful brocade is abducted, but it is only the heart of Jun Jun. A good place in Xiaojunshan found a good place.

In the heart, the Junshan is roughly divided into ten search grounds. It is in turn to find the south to the north. When it comes to the evening, Zhao Ran rides the old margin crossed the edge of the search area, entered a small mountain. The woods here are intensive, the line of sight is not smooth, and it is very easy to collect people, so it is also the zone of the Zhaoran plan to focus on the search.

I have been looking for a long time. Zhao Ran heard a messy footsteps in the distance. He was carefully distinguished, and the footsteps were roughly in the northeast, and the southeast came, so he turned into the head and went to the southeast. Folding past, just gently moving in the way forward.

Didn't you have taken out more than a dozen strongmen in the opposite forest, clothes are mixed with a mixed knife, ax, iron gun and other blades, and the person is a face, and the face is not good.

These people suddenly saw someone in front, and suddenly stopped the footsteps. He looked at the head of the head. It seems that only Zhao Ran, so he played a eye, and more than a dozen hands came up. Wiping Zhao Ran is among it.

Zhao Rong returned from Huayun, the wearing monk robe has not been replaced, and there is a self-contained spirit of the body. This is very similar to the style of the fairy style, just riding a good old man. Under the contrast. I suddenly caused a laughter.

The person headed by Zhao Ran smiled: "Where to come, dress is also a few different appearances, but the mount has ventored the old bottom, and he is not afraid of joke."

"Where to come, I actually spend the pretty grandfather, but unfortunately, I can't pay attention, when I am really laughing ..."

"Little Taoist, you can't wait for your luck, hit the grandfather today ..."

"Can there be a silver on your body? Otherwise, you can make your grandfather flipped!"

"Jiang Zhu, you and this listen."

"Zhang Wu, what is said? Do you have to let the bamboo drills, so you know how deep!"

"You two egg fin goods, look back!"

In the laughter,

Zhao Ran smiled and smiled softly: "Brother, early said that let you put this layer of fur smooth. But you will keep it, this is good. The poor face is given to you. Lost. "


The old man shouted out, the haul is roaring, and the opposite of these thieves is a glimpse. There are two shocks on the ground on the spot.

When the scene was up, it was a lag, but it didn't take long, and these thieves laughed again. Noisy is more duck than just now.

"Jiang Zhuzi, Zhang Wu, two dog days ... Hey, laughing, was scared by a head ..."

"Today's Junsheng Mountain gods, shocking Jiang Hero and Zhang Hero, heroic hero, when chess, the opponent will be good, hahaha ..."

"From now on, Jiang Zizi and Zhang Wu's gods spread through the martial arts, people sent the US - Jiang Yi egg, Zhang Hao Egg ..."

In the thief, the people who listened were headed by the people. "They shut their mouths!" This only stopped the laughter of the thief, and everyone looked at each other. He looked at the strong man. He saw his face and dignified. However, keep in touch with the old man, and slowly pull out the waist knife on the back.

"Don't know how long? Where can I do?"

Zhao Ran smiled and ignored him, and the end of the end of the old man was attached to the old man: "It seems to have a good product, the brother, today's poor face is you lost, you have to come back."

"Ang -" The old man slammed out from Zhao Ran, and then kicked it. He directly went to this strong man. Double kick and strong people, and its speed is extremely

That a strong man is still in the guest house: "There is a Rowanhai, the Jianghu people call three knives, I don't know if I have heard it? This is long, you don't commit a river ... Hey!"

In the scream, it has been played in the old mouth, and the cerebrose is broken, and the white flowers are sprayed.

The old man hits the hand, without stopping, through the "Town Three Knives" Rowan face, the body is screwed, the next time, the next time, the next time, I reimburse the three people. The rest of the thief is scattered with a scene, and it is shouting to escape.

Under the hoof of the old mouth, where they have to escape, they will not take a moment, and they will take a large circle, and the seven or eight people who escape will die.

After the old donkey turned into a circle, only two live thieves were left in the field. These two people were scared, and they could not move on the ground, and the nose and tears did not stop.

The old donkey "Ang" has a throat, but also to step on, but being Zhao Ran: "Wait, stay two live ports!" : ", did not expect you to be so mighty Ah, I didn't have discovered it before ... ... ... I know that when I am in White Mountain, I shouldn't let you leave, I have to be poor, I have been a hidden house ... I am not right, bring you it, you are useless, you are Dealing with several thieves, at that time, if you are there, maybe it is still a hidden to eat ... "


"Hey? I don't accept it? I don't pick it up with the chicken. How can I be in the long insect hill?"


"Live, you will be told today, give you a meat steam at night."


Zhao Ran smiled and laughed with the old donkey. He couldn't help but hit it. He didn't fight, and Zhao Ran's merits were talented, and it was not small!

Zhao Ran Shiran came to the two thieves in the ground, looking down, couldn't help but disgusting: "What is the stuff, quickly wipe your face!"

"Taoist is forgiving! Taoism is forgiving ..."

"The fairy is forgiving, there are eighty moms in the small home, there is ..."

"Wipe your face!"

Two thieves pulled the corner and did not stop the face, while rubbing it while

"Jiang Zhu? Well, Zhang Wu? Very good, move your companion's body, get it ... Don't forget the blade, you will be hot ..."

The two thiefs were fighting, and they were busy. Soon, they quickly picked up everything, then, Zhao Ran let them follow the old people, ride on the old, and return to the mountain.

At this time, the sky is black, the mountain road is difficult to distinguish, let alone the old people walking, the two thieves follow the back, I don't know how much it falls, I'm going to get the nose, I will see the gold for a long time. The parking hill - a few bonfire burned on the hill, very conspicuous.

Jin Dynasty, Lin Shuangwen is in, Guan 2 and Lu Jin have also had already brought the team to return. At this time, there are hundreds of Junshan people.

Zhao Ran caught the news of the thief immediately spread throughout the mountain. People flocked over to watch, there was the people who have been suffering from the thieves before, and the heart is angry, and it is more and more. The superfather will come to the next to death, and scared Jiang Zizi and Zhang Fang hugged the head and rolled back, and couldn't stand the mouth.

Fortunately, Zhao Ran has instructions in advance. If you have to leave these two people, I will be vigorously killed, and the two are not killed.

In the case of the Junshan Temple, Zhao Ran, the only Taoist, and has been in charge of daily affairs, so it is quite prestige in the people, this is the case, it is also a good tongue, waiting for the people going back to rest, he Only two thieves came to see Zhaoran.

Don't advise Zhao Ran, two people who have all the best to pay a clear.

The leader of this group of thieves is the Rowanhai who was first being broken by the old man. There was a bit of famous gas on the rivers and lakes. People sent a three knives of people. It is said that he has three tricks and scratches, but unfortunately, there is no chance to show , In the midst of the mount.

This group of thieves often live in the junction of Sichuan, Sichuan, also accounted for a cottage, and it is a happy life of the mountain king. More than a dozen thieves, the title collar, the first, Jiang Zizi ranked fourth, fifth, fifth, but unfortunately more than a dozen head collar is a light pole, there is no ..

More than a month ago, the cottage was domed by a person, and the brothers were rushing to the mountains, so there was nowhere to come to Junshan, and I want to fall, this is the cause of the matter.

Zhao Ran felt that it seems wrong, but I can't think of a flaw in a while. I don't seem to be lying, so I can't fall.

In thinking, Lin Shuangwen suddenly joked a saying: "When it is true, it is not a few hundred miles, and the mountains are dangerous. How can I find this? Do you say anyone?" (Until you have continued ..) U

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