Taoist Law

Chapter 41 Key Fund

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At the time of Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze, Zhang Dekun suddenly said: "Zhao Xiancian?"

Zhao Ruyi head: "The poor conscious surname Zhao."

Zhang Dekun strives to open the swelling eyelid, full face, cough: "cough, cough, cough, Zhao Dao Chang, you really want to find a snake head?"

Zhao Ran's heart moves: "Do you have a way?"

Zhang Dekun said: "If I have a magic, I don't know if the door and the giant are open, and the old man is delayed?"

Zhao Ran smashed with Zhang Dekun, Zhengqi: "The case you committed is too big, the poor pass cannot guarantee your life, but if you can find the snake head, your family, the poor will not be devastated."

Zhang Dekun coughed twice, ridiculous: "The old man is not to remember, and there is no sin of temporaryness, talking about the disaster of the plant, where is it involved in the family? Dog wants to bully the old man."

Zhao Rong said: "Do you know what you join the snake? Do you know that the snake is not a rebellion? An unprepented?"

Zhang Dekun stayed, suddenly speechless.

Zhao Ran said: "Even if you are right, I finally definitely sin, but before it is convicted, your family is probably going to make a big man in the big man. If you can't help but suffer from the suffering ≥, Chu? How much is your discrimination? Is it necessary to verify the verification? When you come down, you will find it up and down. If you don't have a penalty, you still have to take a clue that is involved in the case. ... you think that after you are guilty, can you come out from the prison? After you come out, can they live the Shurtan Day of this Jinyi jade? "

Zhang Dekun was so long. Sigh: "It is also, the old man is living for sixty-five years, almost enough, but the old family is innocent, and it is completely unrelated to the people of the old man, but also asks for a long compassion."

Zhao Ran's breath slowed. Tao: "What should I do, you are clear, as long as you find a snake head, keep your family is innocent."

Zhang Dekun said: "Can you make sure?"

Zhao Ran said: "The brother of the poor slightly,

It is the door of Qingyun Hall, the poor road is the disciple of Longanfu Huayun Hall, and the two people in the poor pass. Can you say that you can keep it? "

Zhang Dekun looked at Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze, sighed: "It turns out. There are two immortals to work, the old man is trustwear ... I am not confident, why can't my old man can't get practiced? Where is the martial arts? Come, still can't escape the land of the ground ... "

This is a lot of feelings, and Zhao Ran also feels deeply, and the dark road is uniform, and it is willing to go up, I am afraid it for a few decades. It is also the same dust, soil.

Listening to Zhang Dekun: "The snake head is doing things, and the Flyer is sent to the old man. If there is an old man, the snake head will leave a message to the old man."

Zhao Ran listened, his face is on the black line: "You ..."

Yan Zhongze was also depressed.

Zhang Dekun smiled and said: "Don't weird it, it is not the old man to make the fraud, it is a family ..."

Yan Zhongze can't help but say: "It is for half a day. In fact, you know that yourself sin. Really seek, is it for your family?"

Zhang Dekun defaults.

Zhao Ran asked: "Where is the tab?"

Zhang Dekun lifted his feet, indicating that herself of his soles, and the servant grabbed him to remove his shoes, and he saw a dark buckle in the high facilities of the sole. After gently dial, expose the corner of the yellow paper. The servant took the yellow paper out to Zhao Ran, Zhao Ranchi opened, it is the message flying.

The message flying is a second order, the master is in front of the real mark, and after the flying is played, it will automatically fly back to the owner. For example, Qi Zhongze gave Zhao Ran two messages. Zhao Ran wants to find Zhongze in the future, just write a good letter on the champion, and then hit it. Zhao Ran is still unfamiliar, but he can leave a law mark on the message flying provided by Yan Zhongze. These two inquiry were harvested by Ze Zhongze, and Yan Zhongze can also send Zhaoran.

The crowded Zhang Dekun out of the Huang County, ambushing in a mess.

Zhao Ran took out in the month of the moon, according to the flow of the heavens in the mountain, set the big array, then loose Zhang Dekun rope, pushed him to the edge of the big array.

Zhao Ran said: "After the snake head is coming, you want to introduce him to the stone behind you, , this is the small stone, just three steps from you. The snake head is here, you quickly escape , You will make your work for forgiveness, you can guarantee your family. "

Zhang Dekun looked at the bad little stone on the back of the mud, asked: "This is the array of people used in the middle of the people?"

Zhao Ran's head: "In the array, he won't see it, so you have a work to avoid it. I don't have to worry. I don't have to worry. I don't have to be cautious. Of course, if you have anything else, you have something else. Try it, see if your fairy has something to do! "

Zhang Dekun smiled and said: "Reassured, will not let him suspicion, don't be old, and he will join him. In the battle, is it dead? Zhao Dao Chang, you promised to pass the old, an Ankang, old man The people who died, don't bully your husband. "

Zhao Ran shook his head: "You can't get in, otherwise it will be easier to hurt. You can't have the heart of death, from you, to the snake head, even again, this is a evidence chain ... Evidence chain you understand? Let's remember, you can't die here! "

Zhang Dekun laughed: "Well, the old man understands, the Dao door and the government need the old man to pay for the card, and it is also clear that it is prison to take the effect ... Isn't this meant? Hehe ..."

Zhao Ranzheng color: "No matter what it means, in short, you can't die!"

Zhang Dekun sat in the edge of the big array, the shake hand sent a message, Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongzhi found a hidden house, and will follow the patrol and servant dismissal.

Quietly waiting for a small half, I suddenly saw a short and fat green people in the far forest, and the morphology was similar to Zhang Dekun. The short fat man looked around, and then saw Zhang Dekun on the hill and came to this. Zhang Dekun also stood up and squatted to Tsing Yi people: "Xianshi!"

The short fat man will come to the post, and the body is moving, such as the rabbit, although the appearance is indecent, but it is also quite a few fairy weather.

When the short fatches came to Zhang Dekun, asked: "Old Zhang, what is so worried? I don't say it, these days are best not to contact."

Zhang Dekun is full of face: "Xian Shi, I heard that Vientiane Hospital and county are dispatched, copy Li Zhonghe Chen Danjiang's house!"

The short fat is awkward, frown: "Lost the wind? What is going on?"

Zhang Dekun slowly moved his footsteps, said: "I don't know how it is. Today, Li Zhong was taken into the county, moving and very big, I went to Li Jiashi, but there was a guardian guard, the house was already seated. I It is prepared to go to the Tuen Mun, but Chen Danjiang is also arrested, so it is only to send the immortal to the news ... "

The short fat is gratitude, and I don't consciously follow Zhang Dekun into the array. When I saw Zhang Dekun, I was inexplicably changed. I only changed the whole world. I became a black night, and a black lacquered night sky was hung. I went around and didn't see five fingers, and the habits were brittle in the ear.

The short fatches are in the dark, I wake up, I am ambush, while observing this way of falling, drinking asking: "He Fang Gao people, please come out, there is something big to open, why bother? Zhang Dekun, Zhang De ... "

Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze are here, and come to the big array, look at the short fats in the array, laugh: "You are the snake head, the short fat, your case is gone!" He is now increasingly The more I prefer this sentence, I only feel that I am very comfortable when I say it, not only for a high high, but it is full of Hehow. After a meal, fully enjoy the pleasure, and then: "I am waiting for the door, today I will take you, if I don't want to eat, I will put all the corners on the ground, naturally you can put you. "

The short fat man hesitated, from the arms, I took out the flying sword and a few jade ironing plates, put on the ground, the big channel: "Is the Master Daozhi here? The instrument is here, Can you let me go? "(Untrained ...)

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