Taoist Law

Chapter 43 Master Huang Tongsong

PS: Last week to Nanning training, I don't know how to do it, the background is not in the landing, I am sorry. This chapter is more, congratulations to Rongdes' head.

Yan Zhongze is in the moon fantasy, and Zhao Ran's control is closely fit, and the short fat man is busy, and it is gradually unbound. In addition to array, Zhao Ran often plays a few flames, and the money darts disturb the heart god of the fat man, or to stimulate the guards to help the medals.

Zhao Ran gradually felt relaxed, so he raised the heart of the empty sky. When I was a short fat, I was forced to go back and retracted, and Zhao Ran quietly shot. The flying sword is empty and airized, and there is an emergence in the darkness. On the side of the moon, the next moment is on the top of the short fat head.

The little fat is a big awkward, and it is no longer available, and the eyes will be waiting to die. It can be empty and his head is finally worse, and it goes wrong.

The next moment, the Zhen Ze was angry: "Teacher, went wrong!"

Zhao Ran is also a cold sweat. After the empty self-short fat, he suddenly went to the Zhongze waist, and Yan Zhongze did not expect it, so did not do anything at all. It is good to miss the empty time again, only the Zhongze road robe is broken, and you will be in a battle, fly back to Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran wipe the sweat on the forehead, apologize to Yan Zhongze: "I can't help but brother, my flying sword is a little neuropathy, not good control.

Qi Zhongze said: "Good life is handed over, it is careless."

Zhao Ranno should be, the heart is not a problem that I am careless, forget it, there is a old , I don't have to use this broken sword.

The short fat man is also regretted, only why you have just don't take the opportunity to fierce. Today, the chance has lost, but you have to continue to have a bitter.

In the case of a table, the short fat man finally can't stop the Pai Zhongze who helped him. In the case of Zhao Ran, it was taken by the Zhenze, and the bamboo poles were taken on the heart. Suddenly coma is not awake.

Zhao Ran will withdraw the law, the ball is closed, and Ze Zhongze is a copy of the fat man. Qi Zhongze's finger point to the short hairy sea, sends a truth, and seal the short fat sea, it is thoroughly. Zhao Ran is still not relieved, recruiting the patrol and servant from far away, and bundled two in the beef band. Wear the shackle again.

Zhang Dekun is the only person who stayed next to the war, but the fighting law is in the moon, he also can't understand, but the immortal of the past, now is like ordinary pirates, usually being gone, bundled rope, This scene suddenly lost his loss, only the previous expectations, now it seems that there is nothing.

This fighting method consumes a lot of mana.

Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze were immediately silent, spent a long time. Restore the mana.

After the two men have a blink of a blink, Zhao Ran asked: "Brother, what is this road? What kind of strategy is it difficult!"

Zhongze Road: "This thief is deeply thick, the realm is above me, when it is a master of the mage, but it seems that it seems that the realm is not stable. Otherwise, it will be easy to pick it up. This sword It is essential, and there is a good time, it seems like I am Xuanmen authentic. This is strange, you need to ask for a good question. "

The most important thing to handle is to compete for a second, and Yan Zhongze reached out and took a shot after the short fat neck, and the short fat was walked away. After waking up, his first reaction was the inner view of the veins, only a true gas seal his gas sea. The short fatches have broken through the luck, just this true gas is weak, but it is the unique technique of Qingyun Hall. Where is the impunity for a moment?

The short fat man looked at the sorrow, especially in Qianzhongze and Zhaoran two, I couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect to be defeated in two small Taoist hands, when it is really incredible." He looked at Yanzize and asked: "You are the new door of Qingyun Hall? The two instruments are not secret, who is you?"

Qi Zhongze doubts: "This is the father-in-law, you recognize your father?"

The short fat shook his head: "I recognize him, he doesn't recognize me again." Turning again to Zhao Rong: "This is the magic of you to set it? When you don't have a heart, who is your master?"

Zhao Ran thought about it, replied: "I am the famous disciple of Jiangshi, Huayuan."

Shi fat: "Lingxian Gejiang Tenghe? No, Lingjian Pavilion is good at flying sword is true, where is it so wonderful? If it is true, you are too losing your master's face, flying sword makes chaos, Nothing is a little! "

Zhao Ran was very pleasant: "You are a big tone, the defeated army will also match the elders of the teacher, do you have this qualification? Hone Tell you, your case has been sent, a big case , There is no use here, if you are interested, you will be convinced as soon as possible, bring the real trainee, the same party, motivation, the case, and you will not miss it, otherwise you will look good! "

The shortness of the fever smiles, said: "What case you are talking? How do I not understand?"

Zhao Rong said: "Give you some tips, Zhongyang Mountain, can you say now?"

Shi fat man: "What Zhongyang Mountain? Inexplicably!"

Zhao Ran's "Oh,", I'm: "Well, the fat man, what is the egg? Tell you, your things are poor, you can have a clear child, not you can rely on! Evidence Li Zhong, Chen Dajiang to Zhang Dekun, then come to you, the clue is already very clear! "

The short fatcher did not precaution: "Several people, they are framed in me, they are committed to me, they are pushing to my head. It is really good to bully? You two small Taoist, there is a kind of killed me, otherwise After I take it, I will go to the Yuhuang Pavilion to take a trip, and I will listen to the small people to enter, bully the world's scatter! "

Zhao Ran smiled: "You have a good dental place in this fat man, and actually push things a two net. In the poor pass, what is the rest of the snake head? What is the buning? Come out, you are here, this is why? They have a few things, is you giving? Please, the evidence chain is already very enough, you still want to empty white teeth? "

Shi fat man: "What snake head, the snake? I really don't understand what you are talking about. Zhang Dekun's a few of my confirmation, and the fortune is also I gave, but the poor they have a road to the heart, occasionally dial, as for them What did you do, what is it with me? "

Zhao Rong said: "Lu Jia is a practice of practice, although it is not high, but there is also a yellow crown and a jade. You think it is a few of them, you can destroy the Lou family? You are really a fool?"

Short fat man: "What is Lu Jia? You are not clear, what is the door? You don't have the case I do, then when I do it. Just I saw it? I just saw it? Zhang Dekun rhetoric? They said that I did it, I am doing it? "

: "Lujiazhuang is well protected, and the Qingyun Pavilion is a person who can find evidence from the scene, confirm your skills and Taoism, do you think you redeemed?"

The short hanger smiled and said: "It is best to go to the case, see if it is what I did!"

Seeing him, there is a look of Chengzhu. Zhao Ran can not help but look at it. Look at Zhenzhi, Yan Zhongze is also in the same heart. When the two came together, they looked at Zhang Dekun. Zhang Dekun laughed: "Two fairy people, my family is still holding in two hands, I have this courage to speak?"

Zhao Ran thought about it, ask the short fat: "I have said for a long time, what is your name, which martial art? I am so tried!"

The shortness of the child: "I don't think about it, I am Huang Tongsong, originally Baishuang Hengfu Hall Master, because it is involved, is derogated from the mountain. If this is, I am afraid that you have two kinds of chassis to call me a teacher!"

Zhao Ran pulled Yan Zhongze to the far, asked: "How? Have you heard of such a figure?"

Yan Zhongze frown: "I have never heard of it."

Zhao Ran asked: "Then you feel this, compare with Zhang Dekun ..."

Yan Zhongze did not wait for him to finish, directly: "I believe Zhang Dekun, this bend around too much, I always feel that it is very unknown."

Zhao Ran Si Si, said: "I also have the same feelings. This ... Chen Dajiang does not know how to catch, let the old Wei and the old man send people back, if it is caught, immediately mention the people here, one-on-one Really fake! "(Untrained ...) R1292

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