Taoist Law

Chapter 46 Group of Wolves

PS: Thanks to the wings of Yangliu, thank you for your boy, the leaf, the rushed, the rice, the rice, the game, understanding, only the books of the book, seven strings 7, Xuanyin gather, Seriously a monthly ticket encouragement.

Huang Qongong and Master Zuo Yunfeng have been essay out of the Hengfu Hall, there are more than a year, there is no way to support the door, Huang Qongsong feels extraordinary discomfort, not only cultivating the Dan medicine spiritual material required, even spiritual power The land is not easy to find, let alone a comfortable and comfortable day, so I have a idea of ​​establishing a scaffina.

The teachers and apprentices found a lot of Lingquan in Wuhou Mountain in the border of Baoying, and will occupy a tiger deported in this manner. It is determined here. Huang Tongsong came out, establishing a pine style, taking it is "Pine" and "Wind" in his name and Master.

Zhao Ran stood on the hill, looking at the buildings in the valley in the valley, they can't help but smile to Huang Tongsong: "Good guys, you are really not small, and there is such a big family in two or three years. When it is really a good hand of the homework. "

Huang Tongsong's face is jealous, and the heart is frustrating. The base is what he has made every effort, and I don't know how much I have a little thought. How much is gold and silver, this is planning to support the day of myself and Master, and I have the same thing. It is now necessary to make it. Water.

Dongfang Jing is a Master, and Yan Zhongze is Huang Guan. Zhao Ran is a new Jindu, in which a combination of strength is not afraid of the Zuo Yunfeng of the realm of the Master. He will often hit the game, and he often win, the best record. It was a flat hand with a scaffore with a refining teacher. What's more, he is very confident about the two instruments of Zeze, so he will challenge Zuo Yunfeng. He is still considerably.

It's just that this is an ordinary fighting method, and it is not difficult to defeat Zuoyun. I want to capture it even a killed, and the Orientally felt that the strength is lacking.

A group of people stopped outside the horns in the distance, but they were only moving from the Pine Pavilion.

At the next day, the team has joined two monks.

Dongfang respects the fat man to Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran: "This is Shen Cai Lord, there is money at home, a copper odor."

Fat haha ​​smiled: "I am a copper fragrance. Well, the fragrance of gold and silver, this music, oriental is not enough. Today, I will see you."

Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran were busy with their identity. It is a greeting. The fat man touched a chicken leg from his arms, while licking the side: "You first said, I first fill the stomach, the Oriental summoned, run all the way, when you are hungry, you will die. Two, do you want to come One? I have a lot.

Dongfang Jing also pointed to another young woman said: "This is a rut mother, this year, 18. In the word, you have a goodbye to novel."

Rong Niang smiled: "Oriental, really don't marry? Don't be everywhere? So I will not come later!"

The East smiled. Tao: "People are all, then I will say. Shen Dong, Rong Niang, the people we have to arrest are in the courtyard in the valley, and the Hengfu Hall rushed out of the mountain gate three years ago. You have seen it, Huang Tengong, which is bundled over there. Shen Dong is also known, only Rong Niang doesn't know. Zuo Yunfeng is big. Master. And I have to think about it, repair, cultivate It is not bad. But until today. He has not broken the mirror, maybe it is more deep. Of course, this is not a problem. The problem can not let him run. Qi Mi, you talk about the case. "

Yan Zhongze will detail the eight Wangzhuang blood and Lujiazhuang destroyed case, then the Oriental respect: "This is two cases, one I am tracing, a little and Xiao Zhao are responsible. I mean, eight Wangzhuang blood The murderer Lu's brother has died, so I want to give the Dragon Shoulan's vanilla to Yuma Tong Pavilion, and take away Huang Teng Song's name of the disciples, as a person of the case, this case is eliminated. Lujiazhuang The case will be given to the Qingyun Hall, which will give Xiao Yu and Xiao Zhao. Huang Tengsong is very tossing. In these two years, there are many good things, and there are two things in the yard. One of the other five points in the rest of the cloud, you can see it? But if you are Zhongyang Mountain Lue, the Eight Wangzhuang is true, all things in Lujiazhuang, I To pay up to Jade Empress. "

Four people expressed no objection.

Dongfang Jing said: "Zuo Yunfeng's ability, Rong Niang, Xiaoyei and Xiao Zhao are still unclear. The cultivation of Hengfu Pavilion is very thick, so it needs patience when fighting. The fight is given to me, you have to cover the side, must pay attention to it, he has two instruments very good, one is a handle jade, but it is a sword, and there is a two-foot long gold snake sword. It seems like a flying sword, the fact is the root rope, good at tie. Yushu is handed over to Shen weekend, the golden snake sword returned to Rong Niang. Is there any problem? "

The fat sneakers took out a chicken leg and slammed the side: "Reassure oriental."

Rurn nodded: "No problem."

Dongfang Jing also failed to Ze Zhongze: "Zuo Yunfeng's Qing Xuan has become great, but it is extensive to beef treasure mirror, like the turtle shell, it is difficult to break. Xiaoyei, your two instruments are specifically hit his body. Baogi, don't stop, until you do it. "

Yan Zhongze also agreed.

Finally, the Oriental respect Zhao Rong said: "Xiao Zhao, you will be put into practice, don't rely too close to the fight, so as to avoid the road to the road. I listen to Xiao Yan, you are good at the law, when we move, you are in the periphery Wait, be sure to trap the left cloud. At least he escapes, you have to delay, and you should not run away. "

Yan Zhongze added: "Zhao Shi's law is very famous. If it is only to prevent Zuo Yunfeng to escape, some waste. Teachers, let's try to introduce him when he is fighting with Zuo Yunfeng. His trick is feeding When you go to the side, you will deviate from the three inches. You are also the same, so I have to remember to attack Zuo Yunfeng. After Zhao Shi is set up, he will tell us, should be asked as much as possible. Which direction on the side of Zuo Yunfeng. "

Eastern respect and other three people have some movement, Rong Niang asked: "Xiao Zhao ..."

Dongfang Dao: "Calling the brother!"

Rong Niang spitted his tongue: "Zhao brother, what is your truth?"

The truth is very complicated, involving the flow of the heavens, and some small skills in Zhao Ran's refining, which is not easy, Zhao Ran thinks, said: "Say the leader, wait for the time You can discuss it with you. "

The East is sinking: "Where can people eat, where can I ask?" Also to Zhao Rong: "Since your fault is like this, it will introduce Zuo Yunfeng into the array. You can control it live?"

Zhao Ran was not too Taoist, the moon fantasy big marks were also low-level, so many people were fighting in the fight, and they did not only have Zuo Yunfeng. Master, and the Dongfang Jing, Shen Causa, two magers, Coupled with the yellow crown and the Yu Shuren, the East, and the East respect is very worried about the huge truth that the big array will be excited when he is fighting. So this question.

Zhao Ran's main relying on the control and mobilization of the heaven and earth gas. He has already seriously seen it. The valley location in the Pine-style Pavilion is weak, and the heaven and earth gas machine is quite abundant, and it is very smooth. Alcohol thickness, it should be able to support it. But despite this, it still has no consumption of mana - of course, it is definitely less like eating sugar beans.

I remembered myself before and the experience of the fighting law. Zhao Ran simply fell out of the weakness of the abundance of the fight - the moon city of the moon, said that as long as the left cloud wind is hub to the moon, it is not. Will be too fast, you can guarantee that the large stalks are smooth. At the same time, he also pointed out that if the moon center was shot, then the blade was destroyed, and the large array will disperse.

The East is respectful: "You can rest assured that the big battle is, Zuo Yunfeng does not attack the center!"

Zhao Rong said: "If this is the case, I can support some time." I thought about it, I will take the opportunity to discuss it: "Teacher, I don't know what to restore mana, I can help me maintain a big array. "

Eastern respect and Qi Zhongze are still coming to a bottle of Yangxin Pill, Zhao Ran, the heart, this time! (Endlessly)

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