Taoist Law

Chapter 48 besieged (continued)

PS: Thanks to General Han Da, the reward. Thanks, 6322046, -, listen to the words, ashara's monthly ticket encouragement.

Rong Niang did not panic, and the fingertips wrapped around the bracelet hang in the sky, and the air blade hit on the bracelet, and suddenly smoked.

Zuo Yunfeng "" has a sound, and the waist has a light, turned into a golden snake, biting the Rurney Niang. I don't know when I have a golden hand network in my hands. She will throw the net to the golden snake sword, the sword, the net has collided several times in the air, and the golden snake sword suddenly curled into a rope, and the head is wrapped around the lady.

Rong Niang smiled softly, a fingertips, Jin Net came from under the golden snake sword. The golden snake sword is around, I want to slip out from the screen, but I saw the golden network suddenly oscillated, and the extreme chill was shrouded, and the soft gold snake sword was used to simmer into a popsicle.

Zuo Yunfeng screamed: "Who are you from ?"

Rong Niang did not ignore, smiling and got a golden snake sword that was frozen into the popsicle in the net, and his right hand refined to the top of the left cloud.

Zuo Yunfeng Jin Snake sword was collected, and the pain of meat, I didn't dare to have a big idea, and I went to the heart of the heart, and I threw a flame Xuanmen Jing Yang, and thickened the front of the flame wall.

The Easternly sacrifice the red tissue, slamming the flame wall; Yu Zhongze hung on the yin and yang bronze mirror, the two instruments do not stop the Qing Xuan magazine; Shen Dong is trying to manipulate the golden ingot method; Rong Niang pointed to the bracelet Take a clear mirror.

If the four people wear flowers butterflies, according to Zhao Ran pointed to the moon and fantasy scenarios, they will travel in the array. From time to time, they appeared in the dark, after a blow, they will return to the dark.

Make a moment. Rong Niang has told the way to Zhaoran before, and the attacking method of Zhao Ran said. These people will shoot the position to the left side of Zuo Yunfeng or by the position, so that when the left cloud is around, it suddenly does not barely, straightforward.

This suddenly. Zuo Yunfeng suddenly walked. He is simply behind the door, in Qing Xuan mirror, the flame wall is outside, Yushu is inhabited, forming a heavy barrier, is based on defense, just to counterattack from time to time, this will stabilize the situation.

I was stalemating, and the East was stunned. The heart is still underestimated by Zuo Yunfeng. I didn't expect it for three years. This is trying to succeed in the Si, if I don't have Zhao's brother, I am afraid that I have a discount today.

Zuo Yunfeng was more shocked. Although he attached the truth, it was far from the four men, but his fresh mysterious mirror was directly in real. If you fight, he is always in passive defense. The consumption of real effort is extremely huge, and it cannot be supported for too long.

Furthermore, among the four people of the enemy, the most difficult to respect the Eastern Rankius is the most difficult, and the resistance is also the most difficult, and the flame Xuanmen Jingyang is five-order. The refining is extremely difficult. That is only three, and now the second one is coming to the end. If the third one is playing, there is nothing behind, and it can deal with the exquisite of the East.

Other three people should not be underestimated. Their yin and yang bronze mirror, should be the true Taoist Taoist of Qingyun Hall, the two instruments are quite damage to their Qingxuo light; make the golden ingot method, also entanglement of his jade, no anti-hit; as for that one The little girl, there is a good fortune of the unordelled instrument, but she didn't take it out to collect my own jade, otherwise I am afraid I will lose this fighting method!

The final question is, how can these four people's tricks so weird? It is an inexplicable direction, but the last trick can always hit himself, and it is true to prevent.

Thinking on the moment, Zuo Yunfeng is estimated to be related to this array in him. It seems that it seems to be broken. First, it is necessary to take the low-order method of the eye before the eye.

If you want to fight, he will not fight against it, and then put the attack on the attack on the moon, in his hand, and a string of air blade flies to the moon.

At the beginning of the fighting method, although in the strong suggestion of Yan Zhongze, I set the strategy that reluctantly on the moon fantasy scenery and Zuo Yunfeng, but the Eastern respect did not put this letter in mind. However, after the fight, he has changed its initial view, which is obviously attached to this method.

Seeing that Zuo Yunfeng once again put the attack on the center of the big array, I didn't want to make a care, and a red light flew out, turned into a red cloak. Before the sun, it will be hidden in the middle. real.

Zuo Yunfeng's air blade hit on the cloak, all were resolved by one by one, and the hurt should not be split.

Zuo Yunfeng gradually felt heartless, his last flame Xuanmen Jingyang actually made it, if it is not possible to reverse the situation before it is dissipated, I am afraid that the situation will be difficult to recover.

Slightly stopped a moment, slowly slow, Zuo Yunfeng began to transfer the real force, after standing up with a thick and dynamic real force, he whispered, more than ten words, suddenly hit the cloak of the sky. These characters are the baby that he has accumulated for a long time, all of which are three-order, fourth order, all of them, and is also his last hit.

A teacher who is about to be broke the mirror, with a must-want more than ten mid-ordinals, and its power is you can be underestimated? Eastern Jing also knows that this is that Zuo Yunfeng is desperate, and there is three, four defense, and want to offset the power of Zuo Yunfeng. But this time, there are few people who don't leave the smoke, and the various attack methods that Zuo Yunfeng are only blocked, and they are hit on the cloak.

After a bursary of continuous explosion, the cloak turned by red and blue, and after the air, it droved in the ground, this manager has collected a small harm.

The East is careful, and you can't pay attention to the cloak. The doubles are round, and the red towel giants will be powered again, and the flame wall is slammed.

Zuo Yunfeng's eyes see the flame wall has a decentralization, and even busy the time to succeed, and a string of air blade flew over the moon center.

The air blade will be shocked by the black clouds before the moon center, and then turn to the moon. Just when Zhao Ran he did a good faction, when it was in the heart of the blast, a sharp hand was drilled in the darkness, and I crushed the blade that flew over.

At the same time, the East has been "broken", and the flame wall before Zuoyi is finally scattered by him.

Zuo Yunfeng stayed in the sky, the huge palm of the sky, sighed, said: "Let's talk, old road, I will accept it ... Oriental, three years, you can't see, your yin and yang Soul is actually aggravated So, this is the shape? "

The palm gradually woven in the air. The Oriental promised to spell the spell. I have to make it out, let the left master laugh. "

Zuo Yunfeng nodded and looked at the remaining three people who were still stopped: "Are you Shenjia? You are so good, it is better than the old people who are not an applers ... you are celebration. Ye Zhenzhong in the cloud hall? I have always heard that you have a good qualification. I didn't expect such a young Junjie. The big refiningant actually passed the two instruments to you ... You said that the golden network is not ice gold? You How can there be such a baby? "

Shensuo laughed: "Huang Tunsong also comes on the spindleware? Go back, please teach."

Yan Zhongze did not come, Rong Niang was not able to laughed: "You are not good for this old man."

Zuo Yunfeng puts up Qing Xuan mirror, respecting the East: "Oriental, how do I dispose of my teachers?"

Dongfang Dao: "Dragon Shounan Vanilla is going to be jade Emperor, and you are involved in Lujia's case, and the Jurisdown, Zhongyang Mountain is jurisdiction, so you have to hand over Qingyun Hall."

Zuo Yunfeng nodded: "The old road is going to you."

Before the Pai Zhongze, I took the three ban on the Zuoyun's unique technique in Qingyun Hall, and then rushed to the road: "Zhao Shi, withdrawn."

Zhao Ranwen will jump from the tree, from the tree.

Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, who came over, Q: "What is your family? Who is this?"

Zhao Ran is still quite admirable to Zuo Yunfeng, so I don't hide: "The teacher Huayun Hall Jiangshi, this is my own refining, let the left master laugh."

Zuo Yunfeng stunned, sighed: "The practice of the journalism, it seems that the old road is really old ..." (untraway continued ..)

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