Taoist Law

Chapter 51 Qingyun Hall

PS: Thanks for the reward, thank you I want to follow the wind, ice blue dance, listen to his words, migratory birds, porridge powder rice, Q's monthly tickets. ◇ This chapter continues to make up.

In the last way: "Zhongyang Mountain Lu Jia brothers committed the blood of the Puzhuzhang in the eyebrows, and they were also full of disasters, and they were doing the Tiandao Shi Premier. Miss Ning Miss is very like Mangyu ..."

Zhao Ran secretly self-contained, a Manglong did not reveal?

"But if it is according to the rules of the practice, even if the door disposal is considered, Zhongyang Mountain Lou family is not escapted by the mistakes ..."

The monk's ability is too big. If the door is not constrained by the heavy punishment, the whole world will be unpacking, this is a deep understanding.

Yan Zhongze declared: "Miss Ning Miss abuses private penalty, of course, will also be heavy. Can East just flee married, can he open this thing? If it is out, Ning really will see? How to see? I am afraid that the Oriental Tianshi himself, but it is also for him. After all, Ningda Miss and him are a wedding, in love, he can only put this matter gently. "

At this point, Yan Zhongze sighed: "The Oriental Brother is doing this, in fact, it is also protecting you, the real person is anger, and a few brothers can really don't afford it."

Zhao Ran, no matter whether it does not admit it, in the sister of Ning Miss, the best choice is true.

Ok, temporarily first put the things of Ningda to the door of Lujiamen - in fact, this is not the focus of Zhao Ran, his most concerned thing, the big girl in the big Qingshan and his hoe, is not Ning Miss? In Zhao Ran's impression, the madness of the madness of the jokes, it is indeed similar to the family style of Ningda. If it is the same person ... Zhao Ran's forehead suddenly see the beads.

Hesitate. Zhao Ranxin is a horizontal, simply going to the big Qingshan cause, after passing and ending and taking out, all informed the Zeze.

Yan Zhongze has also smashed it, I thought about it, Shen Wei said: "If it is true, it is true that it is a pool of trouble."

Zhao Ran is very angry: "The brother is very good. That girl is generally, the law is much more, the means is also strong, there is no scruple, and if only her own words, the brother, I am not afraid, but it is Ning The woman of the real person, this is too much trouble. I am actually trying to confirm that the crazy head is not a prevention in the future. "

Zhongze nodded. When the horse of Huang Tongsong, I took the ban on Huang Tongsong's forehead and asked: "When did you see Ningda Miss?"

Huang Tongsong has an angry and answers: "It is about a month.

"Speaking of specific points, don't matter!"

Huang Tongsong thought about it, said: "Should be the third day of May, I will rescue her from a few mountains ..."

Zhao Ran's face sinks: "Hu said eight! How many mountains can harm her? Using you to save? How many people you send? What is the 'Golden Snake', 'Silver Snake' Jianghu Brace ? "

Huang Tengsong helpless: "Since you know and ask?"

"Collapse your slider, don't always speak!"

"... I didn't want to harm her, but I just saw that she seems to be a girl who is not deep in the Huang Crown ..."

"Huang Crown? Are you sure?" Zhao Ran took a breath of cold. The 16-year-old Huang Crown, this Ning Miss has to have a demon?

"Not bad. Huangzhanjing. My 'bayonn' is missing, I plan to come over. This big lady is also awkward, I haven't played, she kills a few people ... but She also saw my kindness, I would like to spend how Yumar Pavilion will go. Then I will ask her to the Pine Pavilion, saying because of the war. Yu Huang Pavilion has moved away, wait for me to listen to it, Go with her to find it ... "

Zhao Ran's black line, licking his face: "She is also believed?"

Huang Tongsong did not finish the Cai: "The gimmick rectum, said that she is complicated, she can't understand."

"and then?"

"Then Lu Jia's thing. She promised to shoot ..."

Yan Zhongze broke: "Have you left in the middle?"

"No, I know that she is Ningjia Miss, I will ask Master, always accompany, until Lujia ..."

"When did she leave?"

"Ten days ago."

Zhao Ran also touched and laughed: "Not just good, I am also relaxed. If the brother is free, help me pay attention to it, the crazy girl has a block of Jinpa, make it a fire dragon It is extremely powerful, and the law is not a matter. "

Zhongze points: "Make a note, it is not necessary to make the Ray, it seems to be the true one of the true pulse ... but it is not good to say that some spread the door or practice the family has similar inheritance, but it has to visit the Talent. "

Zhao Rong said: "Don't worry too much, you have a heart. The girl came again, this time I got to let her eat it!"

Yunyun Pavilion is the same as Huayun Hall. It is the authenticity of the Daomen authentic, and hears the Jade Emperor, and there is a difference between the other women's house.

After six hundred years ago, the world of Dao Zhong, after the Buddha's gates, the Tianshi, Shangqing, Lingbao, Chongyang, Zhengyang, Pure Yang, Ziyang, Taiyi, the avenue, etc. Cegeting the things in the world, the Taoist is called Lushan Joint. After the Lushan sitting, the Taoist is divided into the jurisdiction of genus, and a province is in a pavilion, and a family is marked.

Thereafter, the genres have a weakness, there are all parties, and finally integrated into a positive school, and is the most authenticity of Tienan. But regardless of how the genre is transformed, the door-to-door practice has been along so far, and there has been no changes.

The purpose of the establishment of the library system is to prevent sects from the problems of the practice of practice, so that the practice of the practice is stable, which is convenient to integrate strength. The establishment of the system, one of the main two methods, one is to merge the Dowmen of the same ground, and the long-standing old system; the second is to practice the family or the master's door to practice the family or the teacher, strong support in this The expansion or integration within the government, form absolute strength to master the local final voice.

Huayun Hall belongs to the former, with a long time, and Qingyun Hall belongs to the latter, and the library is a respect. Directors are commonly known as the practice system in the Taoist, formally called the abbot.

Unlike the Tangmen Ten Party, the Temple of the World, Most of the monumental temples such as the library are located in a rare place, occupying the Lingquan, sitting on the shaped, partied in the world. Qingyun Pavilion is also no exception. When the family of the year was the efforts of several generations, we finally became the most celebrated Yunshan, the most celebrated Yunshan, and finally formed a Qingyun Hall.

Through the six- , Zhao Ran took into the Qing Yun Mountain with Yan Zhongze, and it was a relatively heart. Here is the same as the Huayun Hall, the difference is that the pavilion of the Huayun Pavilion is very far, and the rude falling in the landscape, and the buildings in Qingyun are gather. In the mountainside of Qingyun Mountain - Qing Yunping, it seems very dense, and it seems to have a few feet of a prosperous breath.

Yan Zhongze is a long-awaited child of the Ninth Generator of Qingyun Hall. Qingyun Pavilion is a Huijiajia Temple. He is honored, and then he has a championship after the end of the year's adventure. The root bone has great improvement, and the eyes are about to be flying, so it has become the most likely candidate of the next generation of landlords in Qingyun Hall.

When Zhen Zhongze told him, there were several teachers to cut Zuo Yunfeng and Huang Tengsong. Zhao Ran followed him, but also mixed a "uncle" treatment. Zhao Ran did not help but somewood, and later saw a white beard, he called him "Teacher Uncle", and the teacher is a yellow crown, Zhao Ran quickly shocked, will The self-satisfaction is packed up, and the respects of Bi Zongyi and others will meet.

Slightly use the tea water, eat some cakes, wash a little, and Yan Zhongze took Zhao Ran to Qing Tai.

The Qing Tai is located on the cliffs of Qingyun Mountain. It is high in Qingyun Pavilion, and the cloud is hazy, and it is the most clear.

A vegetarian sound in the stage, the monk that is bent is sitting on the futon, including the two people, it seems that it is much better than Zezhongze.

Yan Zhongze pulled Zhao Ran, kneeling down: "Father, this is the son's life-saving benefactor Zhao Ziran." (Untrained! "

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