Taoist Law

Chapter 65

PS: Thank you for your heart, thank you gorgeous division line, t, flat fault, porridge grain, sexual YX, forced monthly ticket encouragement. [Today is a good day, the nationwide mountain river is red, but the poor road play T + O at the moment before the red, kill yourself ...

Changning Valley is located in the junction of Chengdu, Long'anfu and Song Fan, and has more than 200 miles from Junshan. Zhao Ran rides the bank, wearing Jiangyou County to the west, slightly south, along the North Territories of Chengdu Plain, fold north, one day, the work is here.

Nowadays, there is a spring, Changning Valley is full of green, wood, flowers, flowers, good scenery. The valley is named after Changning Peak, clipping between Changning North Peak and Changning South Peak, mountain hugs, waterfalls and Xiquan Mangu is. Unfortunately, such good scenes have no heart, otherwise they have been treated in the middle of the practice, and when it is generally no one.

According to the flying character of the Oriental respect, Zhao Ran is in the south mouth, and it is going to break the cliff. The stream is splashing on the cliff, forming a three-stacked waterfall. Next to the waterfall is a wooden pavilion. I don't know how many years have experienced how many years of wind blowing, the writing of the plaque is almost unclear, and only a "stream" word is recognized.

The East is sitting in the pavilion, or the beautiful face of the gods, with this love, quite a few pieces of fairy style.

See Zhao Ran looked up and played the plaque. The East went to smile: "Qu Liqi, it is said to be built in the end of the Han ... Come, Zhao Shi, give you a few friends."

After Zhao Ran Jin Pavilion, the East nunted to a wide-waist, a strong man with a beard: "This is a tummy brother, the meat, you are willing. You can also call him a butcher, he is this name. "

Zhao Ran is busy: "I have seen the Tucedan ... The small road Zhao Ziran, is now the Junshan Temple."

The butcher is a big mouth, and I don't know where to take a smoked black oil leg, throw it to Zhao Ran: "I just listened to the East, I didn't good at the array. There are not many people who can get the East, the small Taoist , This is given to your meeting, you won't disappear? "

Zhao Ran stretched his hand and took it, just smelling, only a strong fragrance, suddenly dreamed of, torn off a small strip, and opened his mouth. Eat the side: "Good craft!"

The butcher turned to the East: "Sure enough, as you said, it is an open-minded man, not so many doors!"

The Eastern Sacrifice Zhao Rong said: "This smoked leg is a tumbler brother is smoked with a number of spirits. The average person is rare, and today you are a blessing."

Zhao Ran is busy, and Xi Toss will take the smoked leg, ponder it back to the five-color Jinji taste.

Dongfang Jing also pointed to another white scribes: "This is Meng Yanyi's brother.

Self-proclaimed people. The repair is the law of our Dao Miao, but I am happy to read the Lawshu Confucian script. I don't want to be an official, I don't know what to do. "

The white artist held a roll of Confucianism. It is looking to have a taste, listening to the East, just a snort.

Zhao Ran quickly gave birth to: "I have seen Meng's brother."

Meng Yan did not speak, nodded. Continue reading, Zhao Rui Diges identified, the title of the title page is "Shangshu". Look at Meng Yanzhen, the sword of the sheath, the sword is simple and elegant. Ming in two small buns - "gentleman".

Meng Yanzhen is different from the butcher, not very much, Zhao Ran, two opposing, Zhao Ran secretly pawn: White Swordsman? This image is rotten! Looking at the gentleman sword, I suddenly remembered the characters in a book, I couldn't help but secretly.

Four people sit in the pavilion and continue to wait, they don't talk, Zhao Ran has experienced it once, knowing the habits of the East, so there is no sound, just stealing a few people.

The East is not moving, watching the waterfall flow, like a mud.

The butcher touched some rare eating from the arms from the arms. I don't know where his storage is placed. I saw him touched in the open clothes. When I went down, I took out the same thing, and the light wine gourd went out five different shapes. I don't know how much eat it.

Zhao Ranxin said that this is not a tacit comment, is it a tacit? Two people really have a fight, it can be described as a good friend. However, I looked at it. Zhao Ran suddenly felt a bit wrong. The direction of the butcher food is too subtle, Zhao Rui is different, and I think it is not good. I think that my own smoked legs you just have seem to be from there. When you get out, he is faintly disgusting and dare not look again.

Going to see Meng Yanzhen, who is Shengxue, and Zhao Ran, can see a moment and can't help but look: It turned out that Meng Yanzhen read the book, left hand, the right hand two fingertips did not stop the chin, from the chin to the chest, but it can actually be a mustache.

Zhao Ruozhen did not look, out of the Quily, took the old mouth of the treetop, and torn two butcher's smoked leg meat in the mouth, he fed one side and the old man pulled gossip. .

The butcher has come over, and it has never been a gourd, and the wine is fed in the palm. Old , but the butcher wants to go to the old man's mane, but the old man is not happy, directly smashed the face. Butcher haha ​​laughed, and the pavilion is sitting.

Night of Night, the next morning, I went to two.

One of the first Xuanmen Taoist is justified, and three gold silk is sewn on the hem of the Tsing Yi robe. Zhao Ran is optimistic, this is a yellow crown, which can be much stronger than yourself, you can only have a flame pattern, just I don't know where this embroidered monk is?

Just listening to the Oriental to introduce: "This is my harmonious brother, Zhang's empty, is the high foot of my teacher Yun Teng."

Zhang has been unrelenting year, than Zhao Ran, is only six or seven years old, but it is very old, the number of gifts is extremely comprehensive, and the face is always smiling. The temperament is quite calm, and even Zhao Ran is a two-order trao When you see courtesy, you will also have a very low gesture, and the amplitude of your body is also bigger than Zhao Ran, so that Zhao Ran has a bit of good feelings.

Just want to settle almost, more familiar, but it is very difficult, I always feel that there is a layer between the Huangguan Taoist, I can't talk.

Zhao Ran heard that he was the Yu Huangge, I wanted to pass the pull relationship, I asked a few Jade Emperor Pavilion, this yellow crown was also polite to answer, but I thought I thought after Zhao Ran, in fact, Zhang Deco Nothing told him that he didn't know anything about Yu Huangge. With this, Zhao Ran is deeply admired: This is really a master, "refining the virtues" of the "refining demon" is god into the future, and it is also a county level!

The second coming is Rurney. Rong Niang arrived, Qu Liqi is in spring. She changed her dress this time, and the goose yellow is the liner of the waist, the two legs under the thin silk skirt are very long, and it looks full.

Rong Niang and the rest of the three don't know, after the Eastern attacked, there is a bit of a bit of popularity.

The butcher took out a smoked leg from there, but he was gone to Rong Niang, but he was smiled and said that he didn't care about it. Zhao Ran listened to it, he was pitiful. He also held three roasted meat on the southern lawn outside the Xianjunyuan, and the Rong Niang was called a no-war, and the hands were all on the cheeks. Oil stars, spit a table. This will say that you don't love you, I will see the movement of the butcher's meat.

Meng Yan really didn't read it, and I received the book on the book, and I came to Rong Niang to follow the front, and the wind and Rong mother saw the gift, cold. Zhao Ran didn't listen to Meng Yanzhen, this will listen, I feel that my teeth must be sour. It doesn't move the ancient times. When I am, I will be poetry, but I'm going to be very detrimental. So pantacique, but the poem is a letter to the hand, and the Meng Xi is really ambiguous. It is like the measures of the child. I can't wait to take the arm with Rong Niang.

However, there is Zhang's empty "not a beautiful thing", treating Rong Niang and others without two, but the number of gifts is full of water, not humble, not happy. Zhao Ran's feelings to him more: This city is really deep, at least the level of the office is level!

The cold is completed, and the Rong Niang came to Zhao Run, and he went to Zhao Ran. "I went to Junshan to find you, you dare to wait for me!"

Zhao Ran blinked: "When did you say let me wait for you?"

"The fly is telling you! Dare to argue!"

"You said that 'arrived at the time!"

"Yes, when you come, you will come to you, Junshan see!"

Zhao Ruki stunned: "June flying snow ..." (ended!

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