Taoist Law

Chapter 68, big 1 fish

PS: Thank you for your food. 2013, Si, Standard body 123, intoxicating township, SK0716, dust's monthly ticket encouragement. Today, Carten, so I am so late, sorry.

Search with Zhao Ran's way, the speed will not be particularly fast, but at least it can be basically no omissions, and it is also possible to carry out an efficient form. But in fact they just searched half, the East's respects flying is already.

Rong Niang copied the flyer, touched to the eyebrow, immediately excited: "Found, the Oriental brother, the way, fast, I urge you to rush."

Since I have found the details of Buddhism, I don't have to worry about exposure, and Rong Niang will take Yun Yun lily. I urge Zhao Ran to go up with him. The lily petals will be put away, and they will be suspended in the air. Zhao Ran only feels the feet Fly over the east.

This is his head ride a flight instrument, which is greatly curious. Yunxiao lounged from the outside, it was strict, but people were in it, but they could see the scenery. They clearly understood that the petals of the lilies were almost transparent. If not on the feet, they stepped on, Zhao Once, I will only fly over.

Looking at a piece of hills and jungle flying from the feet, Zhao Ran is very smooth, this is the cultivation, if there is a day to practice to don't use the way, you can travel in the air, the taste is more cool!

Changning Valley is not big, and the clouds of the clouds fall into a hill, but the hills are high, but there are more than ten caves in the four sides, and they are also a grateful view.

Dongfang Jing and Zhang Decoir were waiting in Qiu, Zhao Ran and Rong Niang came out of Yunzhuang, and the Oriental stayed: "Rong Niang. You are a baby, this is so fast, I last proposal Do you want to think about it again? "

Rong Niang said: "You will die this heart, say anything, don't change it! For fine work, where?"

The Oriental respects the second cave at the left hand: "Just drilled into this hole."

Zhao Ran looked at the hole next to the hole. Frown: "These cave will not be connected?"

The East is respectful: "It is there to be this layer of worry, so wait for a while, Rong Niang, you and Zhao Shi's brother, see the northeast of the northeast, then I will force him. "

after awhile. Meng Yanzhen and the butcher also arrived, they were closer to Zhao Ran and Rong Niang, but they were too late, it seems that the flight law is not everyone can have.

Waiting for Meng Yuzhen and the butcher stations, the East is fortunate. A synthetic is raised from the East. I don't see him, I don't see him to walk,

It's just in your hand, and it is rumored to make a fire dragon, and the roaring is involved in the hole, and then began to ravage in the cave.

Zhao Ran saw it, he was deeply admired. Generally, the harmonic needs three steps, that is, the mouth is speaking, the feet are cut, and the hand is clicked. Zhao Ran saw the fastest issues of Huayun, the Hu Xia Zhuo, the flames were full of dance, and one breath can send millions. The curse is fast, Zhao Ran is unclear, what is the hand, it does not understand, so as to stepping - I can only see Xiao Zhuo's uncle, the speed, speed It's really fast to pole.

Zhao Ran now can also have a mouthful of gas for forty. But the speed is far more than Xiao Zhuo Shi.

Now, when the East is coming, the curse and the two steps will be saved directly. This is no longer a problem, but the problem of realm and exercises. Follow the "Positive Method". When the harmonics can be done in the heart, the realm of the inquiry is, it is considered to be a compaution. In this contest, the East respects the controversial law, even if it is not large, it is also small.

As everyone expects, the caves in this hill are all connected, and the fire dragon took the head from this hole. After a while, I drilled out from that hole, and I almost ignited the whole hill.

This character is the top item in the third-order, "a law" is not recorded, so Zhao Ran does not know, but it seems to be a bit more familiar. The third-order topped is enough to cause harm to the monks such as the Taoist Master, let alone a small Buddha door is fine, so I have been burning, I just won't have a tea industry, I hit a self-cave. Mage.

The person came out of the feet, the body was immediately emptied, and I went to the junior, if I was, I was very fast.

The first shot of Zhang, flying out of the ear, and smashed the people. This person is omissive, in the air waist and abdomen, the feet suddenly pulls three points, don't look at it, but just avoid flying swords, even the passive is active, the foot is on the flying sword. Borrowing again.

The rest of the people have also shot, but the butcher throws a hug, the gourd is in the air, and the gourd mouth shines on the head of the person, the alcohol is a strong wine, and the people want drunk.

The man is nowhere in the air, only hard to hit hard, and his head rises up a white light, actually fighting this alcohol in a purely resistant.

Just blocked the bar pillar, a big sword was anger to him, and the man helpless, only waited for the ground, and got a few turns to step a few turns, it was a blow.

When Meng Yanzhen's gentleman sword, when Zhao Ran and Rong Niang also shot, Zhao Ran quickly played a light character, worp the person vision, Rong Niang's extremely cooperated The bracelet, the people can't be visually entangled, instantly tied to the scorpion, planted on the spot, and noble.

The Eastern Jingfang is a trick, take the person to the feet, everyone approaches a few steps, I only see this person is usually usually, it seems that it is not eye-catching, it will not find that there will be, I will not let it lift on the road. The ordinary role of the eyes.

The Oriental attacked him to scatter him, reached out, and took a shoal false and won down and exposed the bald head inside.

Sure enough, it is still a monk!

The best of this course is very happy. This case is quite smooth. It doesn't spend much effort at all. Now, it seems that people have hoped into the hopes.

This is a hard time, and it is not angry with the drama, it is not angry, and it is also a drama, and it is also a vented fear.

When he is a dry mouth, the Orientally seals his meridians before the front, put the bracelet to Rong Niang, then said: "You have been caught, don't complain and embarrassing, you know that this can't hurt us a sweating ... Let's talk about it, honest, have your benefits, if you always resist, you should not eat bitterness. "

Zhao Ran put away the moon fantasy front, and the twist is also added: "Frank from wide, resistant to strict ... You are so low, you still dare to come to Daming to die, I really don't know where you come. Courage "

The East has been smiling: "Yes, that's it, frankly from wide, resistant."

The man did not listen, continue to open, and put the East, the ancestors of the East.

The East is helpless, reach out of the finger: "I am known as the yin and yang search, you have heard? ... I haven't heard it, I will talk slowly. This way starts from God, after searching, you will Like the bamboo tube, you will give us everything. Of course, you may still don't open it, but you don't matter, let's search a few times, you can't help you, do you say right? ... but I have to remind you If the number of people searched, your god will be chaotic, transition to the three-year-old baby. "

This is unbelievable, continue to break, and the East is quiet, his finger is on his chest.

The process is extremely cruel, here is not a fine table, waiting for the east to respect the soul in the opponent God, this is a fine.

According to the details, he entered Daming is to stand in front. Three days later, a heavyweight person will enter Daming, the foot is already in Chang Ning Valley.

This big figure is full of show, it is the first elders of the Tianlongyuan Kimen Tang!

I heard it, everyone stayed, and the East is afraid that they will play the slide, and the search soul is to compete once. This time, even the deep scenery is in.

The Shenzhen Master is less than three years, and it has been cultivated to the Bodhisattva. This goes into Daming. In addition to seeing the Sichuan lurking Buddha, there is a more important task, but what is the specific, this The details are not clear.

Good big fish! This fish is not what they can eat. So the Oriental Jingfei Communications Yuxian Pavilion, please ask the Jade Huang Pavilion to host this. (Endlessly)

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