Taoist Law

Chapter 70 calculation

Deeply replace the dragon, put the tea, then accompany it, laugh and ask: "Chi Tang's brother, tomorrow, go back to the temple, my brother is extraordinary today, it seems to be cultivated?"

Long Huaha haha ​​smiled: "Five-year-old dust, I thought it would stop here, I have never thought about it today, and it seems that the Buddha has not discarded the old."

Dead, the head: "The thickness is thin, and the brother is a Buddha."

Long Huai said: "When I entered the Golden Neotang, the Long Hantang Heng He has said that the Tianlong Hospital is not a dusty, but the net sweep, I still don't understand it, but I know it today, I will not be too late. "

I am deeply smiling: "Is it late?" This sound smiled and sang, slammed the depths of the dragon, and the earthquake was in the big clock.

Long Huai is in Zhong Yuxi, after a long time, get up and stand up, thank you, thank you, thank you first! "

Deep and laugh pool: "Sit, brothers must be caught."

Dragon's looks respectively, said: "There is a head of the head and drink, the dragon is nearly three points away from the Bodhisattva. If the temple is smooth, you can open the world in the year, and you will be wished. If you have something to do in the future In the case, the dragon will not speak. "

I laughed and smiled, I didn't have a speech. I just said a few words to be born, welcome him to enter the Golden Needle.

Dragon 10 ≮ ≮ ≮ : "The first seat, I am in the same time, equally."

I went deep and saw it, I couldn't help but laughed: "The real inexplicable, I have never been to the Kingdom, I have never been to the country, oh, definitely to find a chance to go. But now, What does this intelligence mean? Who is it? "

Long Huaidao: "Who is this person, even I don't know, the whole golden needle, the font size is in the top ten, only the first can know. Do you want to modulate the check?"

Dear shook his head: "If you don't have to have already, try not to fliminate. Is there any suggestion in the Church of this matter?"

Long Huaidao: "I have considered it for a long time, maybe I will expose it."

Deep and one: "Why?"

Long Huaidao: "Brothers still remember the winter, Jinzhi Hall handled the door to do things?"

Deep Xiu: "Remember, when I just came to Jin Guantang for one year, I didn't expect that Ming Cong was actually the details of the Tangmen, and they were found in Jinzi Tang underground for ten years."

Long Huai said: "Yeah, know people know that it doesn't know ... The mission of the next time, the Fashui two people have been chasing Ming Cong into the Mingguo, Sichuan Province, but unfortunately by this person. At that time, French, French Hui For the Taoist. It is not a fifth, he is not a bright five, and he is not coming. "

A deep show "Oh", suddenly the eyebrow lock: "Chi Tang Dynasty brother, do you mean that five is exposed?"

Long Huaidao: "Is it because of this, it is not aware of it, but his identity is a Taoist, this is very likely. If I guess it, I have been in the moment, otherwise it is not There may be such a ridiculous intelligence! Ming Fous is underground in the Word of the country for twelve years. Apart from this time, a total of only three intelligence from Jinzang Hall. Chongzong four years, Ming Wu reported the military invaded my summer Headshan, the southeast invitation, the southeast, the southeast, and the Ming army; Chongzong six years, Ming Wu reported the door to the Temple of the Temple. Due to this intelligence, Tubo kill a big refining teacher, two Refiningant, hurting the real person Kong Yang Qing; Chongzong nine years, that is, five years ago, Ming Wu report door Baimishan seven treasures glazed large array map. So I have a summer battle for Xia Guoshan ... "

Deep surprise: "White Mashan is also his report? It seems that I have negligent ... The people who are so big, how can we do it?"

Long Huai shook his head: "I have thought about it for a long time. For the time of this, I can't just move. If I don't expect it, the door may be waiting for our move ... Do not move, maybe Ming five and turn, If you act, maybe we really have to lose the fifth. If it is the fifth, this will be spared.

Deep sighing: "Amitabha, brother said ..."

Long Huai also said: "Don't read the first seat, maybe the fifth can be turned to be safe, but it will not be a passive after returning, and you can find a good place to place it ... If it is difficult, the first seat also looks , I have experienced this fifteen years, I have seen too many disciples who have fallen outside. They have a consciousness of the treasurer before they go ... "

After talking about this, dragons lord, this resignation, completely put down the last burden.

Back to your room, the deacon is still waiting, and the dragon Huai will deliver the letter to the instrument. "This is not advised, the file will be, don't do any disposal, don't reply."

Sexual exploration: "What is the first?"

"Of course, what do you mean?"

The sex is scratched: "Some people say that the first will be separated, people are in Jinzi Tang, God has entered the country ..."

Dragon is said: "Don't say it, the tongue is not net, how to practice?"

Sexuality has taken the instrument, all the way back to the deacon room, and five or six of the deacons are summarizing and overloading the information from all over the world. Real back, the public looked up, well, smiled: "What is the true, how do Dragon Huaji?"

The information is a good time, because the content is too ridiculous, and today is a smile in the deaciaon.

The sex is the mouth: "Xi Tang said, should not be promoted, the file will be, don't do any disposal, not to reply."

One monks watched: "Look, I said, fake, Ming five don't know what is going on, make a big joke."

The other smiled: "Good, don't you say that the first is a distant pain? God Tour Tian, ​​but did not go to the Ming Guo."

I really drink: "Ok, don't say, don't worry. I will go to the file. I have my instrument to pay attention to it." Tell, I will cover the instrument to be reported in the hands of the Ming Dynasty. " The seal of "" then goes to the pounding head.

The dynasty took the instrument, turned over, turned around: "I feel like, Mingguo, Ming 5th!" Put the instrument in the tray, the fingertips are tapped, and the plate is transferred into the archive of the archive.

The dynamic head turned to the sex laughed: "The sexual brother, I heard that the Master of the Valley will enter the Chi Tang tomorrow, congratulations to the teacher's Rongsheng Xi Tang clothes!"

Generally in the temple, the clothes is the abbot, the people around the house, not only responsible for the compassion, often the closing disciple, the so-called "seating clothes" is this. The Tianlong Hospital does not have a teacher's inheritance. The clothes are just a series of diversion, specializing in the Wen Dynasty, a secretary of Gao Shu, but because the Tianlong Hospital is the highest agency of the whole summer, the sexuality will be the same. Good, in the future, the success is in the hands, there is no power in the hands, so the file is very envious, and the compliance is compliment.

The sex is really smiling, and then I will continue to do things on the deacon of the deacon.


Changning Valley, Qu Liqi.

When I arrived late at night, Zhao Ran was waiting for the waiting, cultivation of cultivation, quietly reconstitable, and there were no words.

I suddenly fly since ancient times, and everyone wakes up, all have seen it. Oriental Drake, grab it, put it on the amount, must be , slowly to the people: "Yu Huangge has dispatched three Tianshi, seven big refining teachers, to settle in Changning Valley tomorrow, and strive to catch up The demon is deep. "

As soon as I heard this, Zhao Ran couldn't help but feel the tide, and I have a good show this back.

Rong Niang couldn't help but ask: "Yu Huang Pavilion is just three tiers, this time all come? Oriental, do you come to your father?"

Oriental respects: "The family wants to be a pro-host. Shenzhen is the first seat of the Tianlong Hospital, if it will be captured, it is extremely significant to our Taoism. In addition to copying the Buddha's confidentiality, King Jindang can sneak into Daming In one fell swoop! Therefore, not only the father, the landscape of Lushan is still coming to a big real person. When he will wait outside Changning Valley, if there is an impair, this big man will personally take a person. This is an example of a cloth , The demon is deeply embarrassing! "

Donned, Dongfang Jing and said: "This big real person will arrive tomorrow, in order to hide, he will wait in Matou Town, Changning Valley, let us get a person here, go to welcome big real people And tell the big real person's detailed thing ... After going, stay in the big real person, listen to the big real person ... "

Said, Dongfang respects the people, watching a sweep, slowly asked: "You, who is willing to go?" (Untrained ..)

PS: This chapter is the main supplement of Dad Dad.

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