Taoist Law

Chapter 73 Heroes save the United States

PS: Thanks to the 2013, BNSS, touch the glacier skin, the reward of the AD 1, thanks to Melaisu Bruce, Golden Cancer, Eat 2013, Chu Yun, Yanjk, and Huang Wood No. 1 monthly ticket encouragement.

Zhao Ran is around Rong Niang, I don't want to, Jiulong Xuantian's banquet, and wrap it to Zhang.

On the other side of the empty, Meng Yan, butcher and the pavilion outside the fake monk, while the realization of the real , then I saw Zhao Ruyu stepping, I couldn't help but contempt: the lowest in the realm here That is bigger than you, what do you run?

He has already cultivated everyone in the eyes, and it is the most clearly unspeakable non-Zhao Ran, a small monk, can there be a threat? He was repaired, and he was arbitrarily divided into three-point real effort. It was waiting for a small monk who did not know the high-grade and thick.

But see Zhao Ruku's battle, and his hand was in his hand, but he did not make a sympathy, and there was no surgery. On the occasion of Zhang Zhiji, Zhang Dao is secretly laughing, and the cold is in a moment.

Just between this slight, Zhao Ran has already bullied, the whole body is crazy, hit on the empty arm. When the empty five refers to slippery from Rirish Niang wrist.

Zhang has always focused on the preparation of others. At the same time, the little decoction of Zhao Ran's Taoist firms will be placed in the eyes. This is cold and not preventing the way, and the only 9 is shocked and angry. He is also extremely decisive, instantly makes a decision, and the five thunders who hold the right hand will come to Zhao Ran and Rong Niang. At the same time, the body is turned back, preparing for the five-thunder god, causing chaos to find the machine. .

Zhao Ran is ready to sacrifice the green wood, and the wooden sign is flying out to make a water wave, which will be in itself and the Rong Niang. The green wooden chine cover is a low-order process. If you can't stop the five thunders, the mask is formed, and Zhao Ran also will make the life-saving means in the bottom of the box.

A flame burning flame rises from the ground, scratching a circle outside Zhao Rong and Rong Niang, and the fire circle flashed in golden light, and it was realized in Zhao Ran and Rong Niang. This is exactly the teacher gift for Zhao Ran, who is getting worshiped by Master, China.

The five thunders screamed on the golden circle. Thunder electro-optics, trailing the Quarten Tournament in the thunderstorm.

Meng Yanzhen retired, the hair was shot, and suddenly slanted down; the butcher's iron pot was hit by the hammer, and he hit him directly, the body was hit on the rock, and the mouth was exuded on the rock; The East, the yin and yang search homes blocked the face of the five thunders, and the palms in the void were suddenly smashed, and they were forced. He immediately took the red cloak on his body, and turned the red scarf on the top of the red scarf, and he didn't get hurt. This is not hurt; so early, I will fall.

The attack of the five thunders is located at Zhao Ran and Rong Niang, directly on the ground flame diaphragm, so that the floor flame gold value is four-order, and the power of the bombardment offsets most. But the rule of law has been exhausted and is scattered on the spot.

The lightning wave continues to play on the green wooden mesh. Zhao Ran is desperately input to the Xuanang cover, but it still can't resist it.

The eyes of the eyes of the green wood, and a copper mirror gently made a burst of purple rays. The thunder is in violet, and it is reflected in the four weeks and causing a thunderstorm around.

It is Rurney mother to sacrifice the beef gearcato - purple mirror.

The empty empties have flipped dozens of feet. It is necessary to drill into the jungle. The East has a good drink, and the red towel Lessen 's body is chasing the past. Step by step.

But the Eastern respect is that it is not necessary to reluctance, and the sneak attack of Zhang's emptiness is angered by Rong Niang, and Rong Niang hates itching. Where can I let him go. I saw her taking out a golden hand network, and the hand network was asking, and the radius flew to the top of the head, and he fierce it, and the emptie is in the net.

When I was in the martial arts, Rong Niang took out the ice, and even the Zuo Yunfeng's homes' gold snake sword was also said.

Rong Niang slammed for a while, this gradually gave anger, handed over Zhang to the East.

The East is quiet and looked at Zhang Zhikou: "I didn't expect it to be you."

Zhang did not want to have a self-heartedness, but he reflected the gas sea by the Oriental respect, but he had to smile and closed his eyes.

To put it, this is also the ugly thing of the Jade Emperor. It has no intention to be in the face of everyone, so I haven't said more, just said: "This time I owe you a feeling, there will be compensation in the future. Today, there is a result, I want to take this person back to the Jade Emperor Queen, and no longer delay. "

Before walking, I can't help but turn it: "Meng brother, Tucedan brother, if you blame me, I have nothing to say, if you want to take me as a friend, I am grateful to the East."

Rong Niang angry: "Oriental, light said others, dare to love me and Zhao is not in your eyes?"

Dongfang Dao: "Different, you and Zhao Shi are all in our way, with me to pick up the rape, and it is within the time."

This sentence is very hard, but in fact, Zhao Ran is listening, that means "a family does not say two words", which makes Zhao Ran feel comfortable, so I am busy, I am busy. " Rong Niang didn't say. "

Rong Niang is not a fool, but the opposite is very smart, and immediately understand the meaning of the East, so it is no longer entangled, but it is still a bit: "Whether, in short, it is a defrauding, Zhao ..."

Zhao Ranzheng color: "Please call me Zhao Brother."

Rong Niang said: "The brother does not have a brother, according to your statement, the spirit of the trick is traumatic, should compensate for the spiritual loss! Do you want?"

Zhao Ran looked hard to see the East: "Oriental brothers, this ... is not my claim ..."

The East smiled and smiled from Rirightening: "Xianjunyuan has no money? Go back to you."

Rong Niang stretched out a finger: "It is below this number!"

The East sighed, helpless: "Rong Niang, when did you drill the money? Ok, know." Tell, and fake and flexible, mentioning Zhang Qi.

After the Eastern went, the butcher went to Rong Niang. "Rong Niang, this is something, I will go back first, I have time to come into me, good wine, good meat, I will stay." And Zhao Rong: " You are a good friend of the oriental, that is, my good friend, I opened a meat shop in Chengdu, remember to find the old Tuc I drink! "

Walk away from the butcher, Zhao Ran can't hurt the Rong Niang said: "How do you manage the oriental money?"

Rong Niang said: "How? Sister has no money to spend, you give?"

Zhao Ran did not take this , just scratched his head: "Since all open, the East is not bad, do you want to be too small? Two people, no points, how to be two Is the silver start? "

Rong Niang's white eyes: "Small family! I want 10,000 two, less than 10,000 and two!"

Zhao Ran: "..."

Meng Yanzhen waited for a while, see Zhao Ran didn't want to think, couldn't help but cough, make it around: "Rong Niang, listen to the East say you come from the Sichuan House? Just" Huiyang Mountain Academy, the same Road, is it better to walk together? "

Rong Niang: "Hehe ..."

Zhao Ran: "??"

Meng Yanzhen said: "Today, I suddenly listened to the east to talk about the past ..." Yang Tian sighed, "Hey, the heart can not help but sad, poetry 'this feelings can be recollected, but it is already awkward, this center knot, I don't know

Rong Niang smiled: "Meng Dynasty, I am sorry, I have something to talk about with Zhao Shi, you will go slowly. And say, I didn't play the private habit of others."

Meng Yanshi's face was brushed, she had to argue, she left, she went to figure out: "I said that I didn't want to play someone else, I didn't want to explore others private, but I invited her. Will it bring her unhabilitation? Hey, this woman is not only beautiful, but the character is extremely rare, it is a rare good match ... "

I just got out, I still listened to the Rong Niang, I didn't ask Zhao Ran. "Hey, I have said to Zhao Shi, just listen to the East, are you escaping from Xia Guo? Hurry and talk about how to run, how to run Have you gone? Have you encountered any sorcerer? Do you have? Is there anything that I encountered over? "

Meng Yanzhen footstep, suddenly a black line, and immediately escape.

Zhao Ruyo is visually: "You are not known as the habit of taking others private? I respect your habits, I don't tell you ... Yes, don't say this, do you have a lilies? Take it out, first send me Go back to Junshan, I also taste the taste of the flight law. "

Rong Niang's mouth took the mouth and took out the clouds, first stepped into the flowers, looking back and looked at Zhaoran, said: "What is stupid?"

Zhao Ran took the thigh, remanded: "Bad, the East is not to let us enter the three Qingges? Just, I didn't think of it, I would like to ask this ... Hey, is this also fake?" (Untrained. " .)

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