Taoist Law

Chapter 5, 3 brothers

After seeing it, Zhao Ran left the seven Qiaoxin, and the two were very self-found. They didn't want to do anything else. Zigong did not be interested, and I went back to the head and cultivated. Zhao Ran is also very not a taste. Worried about the problem of insufficient self-estro.

He has seen it in front of Zhung, and it is really nothing to do. No matter how to show, you have to be overwhelming, but the words are not deep, but maybe it will be in the earlier after half a year. Comparison, the gap seems to be in the three or four years, and I don't know when to catch up.

I heard that Zhou Yuli swims from Googun. Zhao Ran seems to be relieved in the heart, otherwise he really don't know if you should see her, what should I say after seeing?

According to the practice steps of the Taoist monks, after the new Yellow Crown, first travel in the clouds, for half a year, more than half a year, after the experience, and then retransmit it. From the Huang Crown to the Master, it is a big threshold. If you stop in this threshold, you will turn to the door. While maintaining the order of the world, see if you can find a chance, or in the state Recognized. If you still can't break through the bottleneck, then this life is about to stop here.

Seeing that there is still some time from the sunset, Zhao Ran wonders and decided to go to the hill of Huayu Valley. The hills lived in Huayun Hall, compared with the valleys, and it is even more secluded, and it is more secluded. Huayun Hall has a total of seven elders, all of the people above the country, this is the real Jinghua, Huayun Hall.

Of course, it is not to say that the teacher is old, the teacher is the most basic condition for the elders, but the long-term is recognized in the teacher.

Also. Also watch the monk's own will. For example, Jiang Teng crane, I have long been in the edge of the refining troops, but also repaired the deep prosperity, but also in the Taoism, even the old age of several refining teachers. I dare not say that he can win him when fighting. Only, Jiang Tenghe will not be willing to enter the back of the mountain in order to take care of the Lonely Sword Pavilion.

Yes, Zhao Ran's purpose is to try to visit these big characters. When Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran last year, there are three teachers on the ritual, which is the monitoring, talents and promises. Among them, the render of the master, the Master Wei Zhi Zhen, the supervisor, and the master, but the old Huayun Hall is old, respectively, Xia Hou is growing old and the serious old.

Anyway, in the name of Xia Hou, the old and severe and serious forever, he has "teacher", although the door is very light on such a "teacher" relationship. But Zhao Ran can not hold this opportunity, no matter how much it is.

Come to the entrance of the hills, there is another way to break the front valley with the hills, this method of course and the hills of Huayun Valley have no way to compare, just play the effect of blocking. .

There is a prior to the doctor, and Zhao Ran explained that he will return to Valley today.

Specially worship two teachers.

The deacon said that the child was stunful: Teacher?

Zhao Ran hurriedly said, yeah. It is the survival of Monasters in the time of the time, and the master is strict and old.

The deacon is speechless, and there is anything to see. If you have to come to you after a visit to the Valley, the elders don't have to don't do your way. However, Zhao Ran's expensive excuse is the crown, no one can say it is not coming, and the little girl has only entered the report.

Soon, Daoshi returned, told Zhao Ran. Said that Xia Hou is still closed, it is impossible to see it. Strict old is receiving gourmet, and there is no time to see Zhao Ran. Strict old says that Zhao Ran's heart is gone, and when you meet, you will not have to say it.

This is in Zhao Ran, but as long as you convey your own meaning, it is not true. On the one hand, the number of gifts is not given, and the more important purpose is to let the other party forgot - Huayun Hall has such a person. Remind once every year, accumulating a few years, the components in the hearts of the elders are naturally different from others.

Regardless of the small road, Zhao Ran is ingenious, and then Shiran return to the Lingjian Pavilion.

Wei Zhizhen, Yu Zhichuan and Luo Ziqing have been waiting.

Seeing the three people waiting for themselves, Zhao Ran busy on the front, "" I have seen the master, I have seen two brothers, three brothers! "

Wei Zhi really smiled: "The young brother is so good?"

Yu Zhichuan got a quantitative Zhao Rong: "Teacher, your year is really fast, now it is a full?"

Luohuai thought about it, and the teeth were bullied by three words: "Eat it."

At the moment, together with several customs and minor masters, Zhang Luo was a table meal in the yard. The dishes are elasticated, and the wine is the Spirit of the Lingjian Pavilion. It is the same as Zhao Ran last year. But today, there will be more pepper meat. I really have a good time to see Zhao Ranai, newly added Valley.

They are all my brothers, and a few people are not alive, sit down and eat, respect two times, have a few cooking, and they will take Zhao Ran.

I listened to Wei Zhizhen: "The brother did not return to the valley this year, and we have a good idea ..."

Zhao Ran is busy: "This is my negligence, I thought I couldn't call it called. I can't enter the valley. I went to the top month of this year, I hope that the brother's fly is good every day, the brother knows, I am just a name disciple. "

Wei Zhizhen said: "It seems that I have not explained clear last year, when I came back, I was customized by you."

Zhao Ran busy Xie said: "This is best!"

Wei Zhizhen sinks a film: "This time I call you back, not only practicing things ... Master is cleared ..."

Yu Zhichuan inserted: "Master is in refining."

Zhao Ran, "ah", full of joy: "Really? Too good, what is Master now? I don't know if I can meet his old people, I am awkward, I am apprentice. Master doesn't look like it. "

Wei Zhizhen said: "This call is to call, it is Master's meaning. You help Qingyun Hall to break the case, Qingyun Hall has already reported, Master said, you have a very interest, it is not high, but I can give him a long face, Master is very happy ... "

Zhao Ran is busy: "Hey, embarrassment, I just help knock on the side drum ..."

Wei Zhizhen said: "The brother is humble, Qingyun Hall said, you have a great effort, otherwise the Pai Museum will not personally make an altar for you. I think your mana seems to be satisfactory, it seems to be orthosary effect?"

Zhao Rong said: "The Lord of the Pai Museum said, it is a big half, still some inconsistent."

Yu Zhichuan suddenly asked: "Is it not good? The brother didn't look like it? Unfortunately ..."

Zhao Ran counsed a throat, hey: "What, the character is not suitable ..." In fact, it is really called Yu Zhichuan, he is too midnual looks beautiful. In fact,

Wei Zhizhen retrapened the topic: "Teacher, in short, your act makes Master very satisfied, he is speaking about me, just receiving your entry for a name disciple, because one of your roots are too bad, unconscious, two It is also because of people, take you as a crim (""

This master is as always whispering, so Zhao Ran is very embarrassing, and you don't want to say that you are so straightforward?

"... But the master is very good for his temper, so decided to include you in the door ..."

Zhao Ran is a surprise: "I didn't listen to the brother?"

Wei Zi did not nod smile: "Of course, there is no mistake, but our spiritual swords will come back, not so much, will no longer hold the entry, after seeing Master, I will deal with you. Come over, then reporting to the Yuxian Pavilion. "

Zhao Ran is a head: "Low adjustment, I like it."

It may be afraid that he doesn't mean it, or if Zhao Rong is mistaken, Wei Zhen really thought about it, but also added: "If you enter you get started, it is not a big thing, it will not be alarmed too much, I believe you can understand."

Zhao Ran: "..."

I have been watching, and Luo Ziqing, who didn't talk, and proved that Zhao Ran's entry did not have a big event. He took the stomach and said: "Brother, full of food."

Wei Zhi really told: "Well, I have to go back, I have something to say, I have something to say, don't forget to go back to Master in the next morning." (Untrained continued)

PS: Thanks to the decline, the banana origin, the scorpion on the steel wire, the willow shore, the vomiting God is rewarding, and I am grateful to the provenant tickets to encourage.

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