Taoist Law

Chapter 8 Road Treasures Theory

PS: Thanks to the Wanshed Board, intoxicating the township, the reward, and the monthly tickets of Daoyou. Recently, the giant bus, just come back, I will go to Xi'an tomorrow morning, it is really not allowed to make peace, I apologize again.

Wei Zhizhen Rong Lingling Sword Pavilion Master, his first task is to practice the number of roads to Zhao Rancheng Pavilion. Zhao Ran heard very serious, this time, although not involving specific exercises, but specified the direction of practice, it is because he has been lacking and extremely desire.

Taoist practice is divided into nineth-order, from low to high. It is the Taoist, Yu Shi, Huang Crown, Master, Teacher, Refiningant, Large Refinery, Tianshi or real person, Da Tianshi or big real person. As far as the title is concerned, it is actually a duty, which is where you have to, and the Door will give you the corresponding post. For example, Zhao Ran is now practicing, and the corresponding duty is the Taoist, so the practice is known as Taoist.

In fact, the nine-story realm of this nine-order, the nine-story realm is a real practice. According to the division of the Taoist practice, it can be classified into the four major phases, namely: refining the gas, refining the gods, refining gods Musical, refining the virtual road.

Regardless of the right or all true, there is no difference in the phase of practice escape gas, there must be three realm of the Taoist, the Bier and the Yellow Crown, and the practice is also unable to distinguish.

Before the refining, he has to absorb the heavenly aura, and make the foundation for the formation of the Qihai. This is also the frame of the frame. The joint of the wind ~ ↖ ~ ↖ , the foundation is good, the back After being completely unable to complete the same day, the monk can teach the "Taoist", and this is also the current realm of Zhaoran.

After the arrival of the martyrdom, the main task of cultivation is to refine the node, absorb the spirit, the norm is produced by itself, and the spirit is to absorb from the outside world. In the end, both are indispensable. After refining the sperm and spiritualization, it is stored in the gas sea. After the fullness, it needs to be fused, condensed into a fine. The first drop of fusion is fused. It is necessary to enter the supershey. It should be noted here that the sperm and the spirit are stored in a gas sea. The two do not reject it. In fact, it can be seen as "a two-layer space of the sea". You save you, I save me , There is no interference with each other, it seems to be two spaces, but also can condensed. The so-called "Xuanzhi and Xuan", there is no external.

Zhao Ran is now at this turn, his spiritual (in fact, the mana to transform of merit) is full, but it is insufficient, so you can't enter the stage of concilness.

When the sperm and the spirit are filled with the gas sea, it can be fused, or it is condensed. After the first drop, after the first drop, he repayed the official entry of Yu Shi.

It is within the sea. It can refine its refining into "tire", the tires are called Cheng Dan, but also known as "Dans", and the shape is mixed, and the stick is lingering and invisible. After the Dansheng appeared, the monk entered the Huangdan, the heart of the god, the liver soul, the spleen, the lungs, the kidney hidden. The soul of the soul is clear,

The southern bleeds of the heart of the heart, the Oriental green wood, the central thick earth, the Western Platinum, the northern ink, which is the five gaps.

The "Dan" of the Taoist Cloud, its essence is gas, so the Dansheng is beginning. It enters the second largest stage refining god.

The so-called refining is to refine the Dansheng to Jin Dan, to achieve the Jin Dan Avenue, and enter the mage. This is difficult, countless door monks are blocked outside the Jin Dan Avenue, and they will not be allowed to come. It can become a golden monk, and it is truly entered the path of practice, and the following is completely two concepts below the Huangshou.

After refining Jin Dan, you must start to practice the god of this life, which is the second step. From this stage, the door has an inside and outside, which is the difference between the two and the whole truth.

The ultimate goal of practice is to make a long life, you must refine the cost of the god. Jin Dan is a maniferic aggregate, no matter the right or full truth, Jindan is the source of mana, which represents the realm of cultivation, not the method. The difference is that the exudental road represented, its life is on the rumor, saying that this life is , the entire representative of Ninto Road, the life is directly above Jin Dan.

The rumor can be directly fighting, and Jin Dan is not, so the whole real part will also cultivate some kind of law and Jin Dan, but it is not really a life.

From this, the exudental Dangdao and Naddan Road have a huge gap in practice. When they rectified the heavens, the life of the outside is integrated into the world, and the power of the world can mobilize the power of the world and the surrounding environment. Teacher; the whole truth will refine himself as the heavens and the earth, and the body is refining, the human body is true, called the big real person. This is a way.

So Wei Zizhen said, the building is sent from Nalddan and not outside, or what does Naddan also mean for Dan?

The building is very early. When the building is big, the door is not right and all true, and there is no other inside and outside. On the home of the life of the god, the landlord's way of paid the way, also known as the two instruments, that is to say to the God of the gods on the persons and Jin Dan.

Wei Zhizhen's idea to Zhao Ran explained, but also to help half of the life of the life, the other half is pinned in Jin Dan, nor, it is not to say that the life of the Yuan God is on the rule, and then pinned in the gold Dan. It simultaneously with the inquiry and Jin Dan, both in the congressional, in Jin Dan, in other words, it is neither in the rumor, no in Jin Dan.

This sentence may be difficult to understand, but it is a true portrayal of the duality of the life of the life. When you have a simple example, the building can send monks and other people's fighting law, you can directly try to make a trick directly, or you can make a trick with Jin Dan, both of them are "big strokes", and the power is endless. When this life is impaired, the hit god will not be damaged because it is on top of Jin Dan. So what should I do if my life is damaged? Nor isn't afraid, because of the life of the gods, it is not in Jin Dan, but is pinned in the rumor.

Zhao Ran heard, it is difficult to understand this kind of mysterious and mysterious things. Finally, it can only force himself to accept itself with the help of the other world "wave binothy".

But understanding, although it is very difficult, it is quite good, Zhao Ran is not excited and contempt. Excited is that this road is too evil, it is definitely a "bright avenue" of murder or life; it is the case of such a battle, in addition to "playing", I can't find the right word to describe.

Of course, Zhao Ran has not had a chance to contact the core of the building. He has a small trok, must cross the Yu Shi, Huang Crown and Master, in order to consider the things of the life of the Yuan. Only when I arrived, Wei Zuo will teach him the secret "Waterstone Dan Danjing".

Even now, the second division brother Luochuan and the three division Lu Lu Zhiqing have not seen this book, and two of them have not yet taken the bottleneck between the Huang Crown to Master.

After Wei Zhizhen explained, Zhao Ran finally made a complete clear step and thinking, although there is a simple explanation in "Congenital Gong Dynasty", but after all, it is impossible to have Wei Zhizhen's clear, not to mention "congenital merits "The contents of the following chapters have not been in hand, so Zhao Ran is quite poor in this area. This is the difference between teachers and no teacher.

For now, I want to enter the supershenday, I must complete the boutique, and then fuse with the mana, and strive to condense the intensive. However, Zhao Ran also said that he can't call it. However, since "Congenital Gong Dynasty" is also said, it should be no problem.

On the next day, Zhao Ran is in the basics of Wei Zhi's true and evil every day, calculating the big gain.

In addition to the knowledge, Zhaoran's cultivation is mainly arranged as follows:

Sitting in the washstone every day, sitting in the futon, while cultivating the nine days of Xuanlong's ban.

Then I first refined the sword in the sword. He was originally wanted to pick a flying sword again, but Wei Zhi really warned him "greedy chewed" and completely wake up him. When practicing, it is still the main means of flying sword empty and flying sword. It is repeatedly honered in the nearly 100 flying swords in the first floor of the Jiange.

More than ten days, the flying sword has no progress, still is a trajectory of "Turkoteless", and the use of flying swords and pine wind has got a great exercise, whether it is a speed or swordsmanship, it has a significant Increase. Sometimes Zhao Ran is not forbidden, this is in the sword, change some place, where there is so many flying swords and own sparring? It is no wonder that the floor is called by the flying sword, and the heritage of the millennium is still not good.

Just when Zhao Ran was cultivated, when he almost forgot the outside world, the master came to the first floor of the Jiange, and the Zhaoran wakes up in the refining sword: "Xiaochi, the teacher, let you go to the mountain to see his old man." (Untrained ...)

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