Taoist Law

Chapter 17

PS: Thanks BNSS reward, thank you for your monthly ticket encouragement

Li Laizhi and Liang Xingxia bargain, Zhao Ranzhi sitting on the wall, this is the door to doing business. If he is directly talking about it, there is nothing round.

On the moment, Zhao Ran felt stewed by Liang Xingxia. This person has a businessman. It has not taken the aristocratic body. It is also all the value of the house. For example, the size of the house, the size of the house, the trend, the wood and Stone, etc. Even if you argue, you will have a red ear, and you are all talkative.

After a half a day, Liang Xingxia only dropped the price to six thousand eight hundred hundred two, which certain could not be satisfactory, so Zhao Ran called Li Laowei, and I invited Liang Xingxia to drink.

So big sale, naturally it is impossible, both parties need time to re-judge the bottom line of the other party. Liang Xingxia has also booked the restaurant, and when I will ask Zhao Ran to a restaurant in the Lane Street Street.

The wine has passed three patrols, the dishes have been five flavors, Zhao Ran will take the head to Liang Xingxia.

"As far as I know, Liang Shi is a summer country. I heard that Liang brothers did not have a five-service nephew." But there is a bit background in the family, and there is at least eight likes to mention in the 10 people. "Who is the ancestor?" Who "," Who is who is "Who is", although the rest is not said, but others will be very happy when they come. This layer of relationship is Li Laison told Zhaoran, and Zhao Ran filed that F, and it is also looking for a message.

Liang Xingxia really tried, and his face was proud: "Yes, my grandfather is Wen Jing Gong Wuzi, former DPRK, uncle, I am called the Queen."

"Sure enough is the emperor, disrespect!" Zhao Ranzhao respects.

A few glasses of wine re-entry. Liang Xingxia began to recall the soul family in the past, and Zhao Ran took a surprise color, or gave admired, gave a lot of money, and it took advantage of Liang Xingxia.

I don't know if I have two pounds of wine. Zhao Ran did not have anything, Liang Xingxia has already exposed it.

Recalling the completion of the Xiqi, don't have to continue to guide, Liang Xingxia will naturally say that the reason why Zhao Ran is most concerned about, it is better to judge the counter price of the other party.

In fact, in Liang Xingxia's teenage, his father's residence is high, and the family is still asketed. I just had a bad thing, and I was evil that I was a sister of the Queen. Directly was sent to the official, so Liang Xingxia faded. After Liang Xingxia's house, the family has already entered it, and she has created a buyer. At the beginning of the business, there is still a model, but it has been repeatedly frustrated in the past two years, paying in the big silver.

It is now a debt high. He asked for friends from friends and relatives, but did not care. Have to change the ancestral subsidiary.

Liang Xingxia is very depressed in these two years, and it is easy to catch him today. It can be, it is a pleasure, goes to Zhao Ran, and wipes more than one tears.

On this copy, Liang Xingxia was so drunk. He pulled Zhaoran's hand, widened his eyes: "Brothers. You are a meritorious ... My brother is happy today, can meet brothers like this ... rectum ...... "

Zhao Ranzi, he is here "Well", "Hey", "Oh", "It's this", "It's a pity", I really didn't talk, I don't know if I actually get a comment.

"... we speak straight. I like it ... I like it ..." I have hit a bark, and Liang Xingxia shook his head: "His honestly tells you, I owe 5,000 and two silver, selling a house is for If you pay attention to the debt, you just have to ... as long as you help me clear the debt, the home is taken away, your old brother, I don't have a brow, wrinkled is your grandson! "

Li Laissed immediately pulled Zhaoran's corner, stuffed a silver ticket.

Although the silver ticket is opened, Daming's merchants often use this as mortgage in Xia Guo. When encountering large trading, first pay with silver tickets, and redeem it back after it is allowed to redeem it. Doing the business between the enemy.

Changes to a person may complete this sale directly on the wine table, but Zhao Ran is not, he has always thought that the wine table talks is to do, even if the contract is not reliable. Liang Xingxia was obviously drunk, even now reached a transaction, afterwards waiting for him to wake up, there must be a lot of trouble. Today, the purpose has been reached, and the other side of the other side is, and when the other side is awake, talk about it. Even if you have more money, it is not afraid.

Therefore, Zhao Ran shook his head, and put the silver ticket to Li Laizhi, and urgent Li Laizhi to scraighten his eyes.

Next to Liang Xingxia, I saw it, and I blew the beard: "Brothers, what do you mean, don't believe old brothers, think that old brother, amount, drink high? Is it too expensive?"

Zhao Ran explained: "This house is more than 5,000, and if you are selling it to me, then I am too much, your old brother is a brother, I am a brother, how can I get the old brother? Waiting for tomorrow Give wake up, let's talk about the sale. "

Liang Xingxia smiled: "I said that I didn't see the wrong person! I said, I said to you, I am not drunk, you have to do it, my residue brought it!" Said, I took out the halls, take out the resilience from the arms. At the table, the big channel: "Brothers, you have a problem, if I have a problem, I cut my head to you!"

In the laughter, Liang Xingxia head, his head is sleeping on the back of the chair, and the snoring shocks.

Li La lived to take a careful inspection and look at the house. I nodded: "The Harley is not a problem, just go to the official." I looked at Liang Xixia, sigh: "Unfortunately, he is drunk, otherwise Go now to go to the government. "

Zhao Ran shook his head: "The business is not doing this, you have seen it in the house, 5,000 is too few. Let's send him back." So let Li Laowei will return to the Hollyman Liang Xing Xia Huai.

Liang Xingxia lived not far away, before selling a house, he has rented a small court, and even the money is still not paid, only waiting for the house to sell the house. Liang Xingxia's wife Liang Zuo's and an old servant came out to take him back. After listening to the landlord next door, she came out, and then he died two sentences: "It will know how to drink, the house is owed for two months. ! "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

The next morning, Zhao Ran and Li La lived to Liang Xingxia leased the small court, and opened the old servant that was seen yesterday. The old servant welcomes the two people to the hospital, and they will go to Xuexing Xia. Liang Xingxia just woke up, just after the sin, the headache was now on the bed, heard Zhaoran, and even busy hands smashing.

Liang Zuo has been coming out of a tray, and the plate is two cups of hot tea. The old servant moved out two bench, and the hand, please Zhao Ran and Li Laun.

Zhao Ran played this small court, only three rooms, the patience of the Bizi is not a round of the square, the east is a closed door, leading to the home of the partner, everything is very cold .

Liang Xingxia hurriedly came out in the house, to Zhao Ran's hand: "Brothers come? Disadoked to welcome." Said, handed over the House Contra, "This is the House of Handhe, let's go now. The government issued a book. Five thousand two, my brother, I have a penny, I want you. "

Zhao Ran put his hand: "Liang Xiong is busy, today you can come, not talk about the house ..." To Li Laizhi nodded, Li Mr. Handed into Liang Xingxia, Liang Xingxia opened, Suddenly stunned.

Zhao Ran said: "I went to the next door in the morning, I took this small court and the main court of the landlord. It is a brother to give the old brother's meeting. There is no other thing in the house. This is a brother. One of the hearts, I also hope that my old brother is to resolve. The landlord is getting off the house next door, and I can stay after I will stay. When I will pass the wall, I will be spacious. "

Liang Xingxia stayed: "How did this make?"

Zhao Ran smiled: "Where is it? It's just a few hundred or two, the old brother is not too much."

Liang Zuo looked at Liang Xingxia in the eye, Liang Xingxia hand holding a wooden cassette, and it is gradually red for a while. (Untransferous.)

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