Taoist Law

Chapter 21 Bidding

PS: Continue Thanks to the monthly tickets

The auction will be a Summer opening, although Zhao Ran has already explicitly introduced the rules, but the power and expensive richers are still staring at the auction house with the attitude of watching, and the eyes are full of curiosity.

This scene is also expected to be expected. What do you need to have a crab? In order to stabilize, this one-to-eat crab is usually arranged, saying that it is good to listen to "warmth". The point is called "support" and has not been tasted.

Now Li Cunqi plays such a role. However, he is not absolutely absolute. He is really going to sell his own commercial goods today. These commercial goods have been in the hands of more than three months, and they have not been able to find a sales - no, the quantity is too large. Li Cunqi has a leather shop in Xingqing, but Zero zero shred for so long, this batch of leather goods did not help but accumulate a lot of money, let him be very distressed.

Liang Xingxia and he were familiar with him, knowing his situation, Zhao Ran raised to find a "Torr", and immediately remembered this person. Li Cunqi heard that there is such a chance, where is willing to let go, and immediately come.

"All, three months ago, the monks went to Ganzhou to walk, purchased a thousand Gansu fur. All the business people, know the benefits of the gangnan fur, the monks don't say much. Just Big, I can't get off my hand, the monks have recently used the silver to use the silver, so I would rather lose this money. The leather is in the east side of the room, I will have already seen it. "

Introduce your own leather, Li Cunqi is indicated to Liang Xingxia.

Liang Xingxia played naturally the auctioneer's role, he stood behind a small small table, raising a small hammer. I went to the copper dish on the table.

Just listening to the "", Liang Xingxia high-channel: "Li Ji commercial shop a thousand Ganzhou sheepskin, spending the gold wave auction, is well preserved, the leather is excellent. Both of the top products. If there is anything, Jinbo Auction Guaranteed full return. Mournship price every Ganzhou sheepskin one or two three money, today's one-time auction, the bottom price is three hundred two! Every time I increase the price of fifty two! Want to take this batch of sheepskin, raise the small name just sent to you Schematic can be. "

Liang Xingxia shouted finished, and the Taiwan was suddenly "". I can't help but put up in the seat. This price is equivalent to 30% of the market price, it can be said that it is very cheap, but only requires a lot of time, but even if it is. It is also very rare price.

There is a small half of the people in the seat to be rich in Giants, and immediately begins. The rest of the elites are also somewhat in their families, how much to understand some quotes, can't help but start carefully.

Just this is a head of the first auction, many people have strongly impulsive, watching the weight around, I want to see how others do.

Seeing the stage is the discussion but no one responds.

Li Cunqi is anxious. He looked at Liang Xingxia, Liang Xixi stated that he was a little or not. Jinbo Auction is preparatory, how can I let the first auction product?

Some people in the seat are finally tried. This person is high, and it is also a shop in Xingqingfu, but few people know that he is a high-hunting brother in Gaozi.

Liang Xingxia immediately shouted: "Beijun Street Gao Ji Shop Gaotong Home, three hundred and two silver! Is there any price increase? Six hundred and two silver can buy a thousand gangskin, if there is anyone added? Jinbo Auction The line has been examined. They are all supernuys, if there is any remaining. Guaranteed full return! "

Liang Xingxia has once again guaranteed, and the heavy weight is added to this sheepskin. Now someone can't help but try the trial - as long as you purchase it in 800 or less, you will absolutely make no compensation!

Liang Xingxia shouted: "The house is born in the house, the house is 350! Is there anyone increased the price? 350 and two first ..."

"400 and two, four hundred and two first ..."

"... 6 hundred and two, six hundred and fifty two, seven hundred two! Seven hundred two! ...... 700, first, seven hundred and two second time ... 750, is there any price increase? Seven hundred and fifty two third! Transactions! "

Liang Xingxia was full of sweat, and he slammed his hammer and announced the first batch of lots. Li Cunqi opened his eyes and smiled. He entered these fur in total of less than two hundred. This also included the tram and the shipping cost, today sold, net earning more than 500!

The first batch of goods succeeded in shot, will mention the appetite of everyone, with the second batch, the third batch of auctions, there is no sound under the stage, all people are staring at the auction table, Do not stop, weigh, bought, buying, no one or regret, or regret, and people who sell, I am excited.

The wild Wieed also participated in a auction. He looked at the Tang Dynasty, a hundred refining knives who had a broken aristocner. After continuous bidding, he took the price of one hundred and two silver. In addition to this steel knife, he is very surprised, the most proud of the number of auctions, he is very enjoyable to the feeling of all the bidding opponents in the body, watching them in the face of depressed, wild Word several times I can't help but want to laugh.

The first batch of salt, tea, porcelain, and silk in Daming were also aurated, and the total of 6,600, more than two0%, so that the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, can't help but smile. His second batch of commercial goods bought back in the library, Zhao Ran's meaning, it is necessary to order the bottom price of the auction in accordance with the auction price of the first batch of goods. Now, the income must be more Floor.

The auction will last, Liang Xingxia expresses that everyone is quiet, and after the appearance of Yaki, a beautiful beauty of the grace will be staged.

Now someone recognizes it: "Is this not a drunk building Ru San Niang?"

Some people are confused: "How come the flowers of the drunk cloud building?"

Some people want to be non-non-non-not: "Is it necessary to take auction of Ru San Niang to accompany the night? Hey ..."

Only a few people noticed the exquisite sandalwood boxes held in the hands of Ru San Niang.

I only listened to Liang Xingxia shouted: "This is the last one of this auction. Because the owner is not willing to reveal a name, this is not advertised. It is verified by Jinbo Auction, this matter is undoubtedly, if there is false, willing to transaction price Ten times payable! Please see the last piece of lots - from the secret drug of Daming Road - Yangxin Pill! "

With the Liang Xingxia voice, all the people under the Taiwan took a breath, in the horror of everyone, Ru Sanniang opened the sandalwood, and only one Dan medicine was placed on the golden silk, exudes a faint light. .

Many people can't stand it up, enough to look at the neck to the stage, and some people simply get up directly to the stage, and they are close to Dan Pills.

This helper is a powerful rich man who has seen world, many people have seen Wu Guan Pills, Sweet Dan, and scattering, but most of them are passing out or royal rewards, true Dow Dan rarely is now in summer. Originally the spiritan is rare, not to mention from Daming, everyone looked at this kind of health pill, could not help but speed up.

Liang Xingxia said: "Please leave a seat ... Yang Xin Pills are outstanding, can cure a hundred diseases, more prioritizes, there is a lot of people, and I don't have to say more. This grain Pill now starts, the bottom price is one or two silver children! It is the opening ceremony of the Golden Boxer today, and there is a photo of this object. Tonight will be taken by the Huaiqi Ru Run! Now start to play ... "

"One hundred and two!"

"Two hundred two!"

"Three hundred and two!"

"400 and two!"


The bid under the stage began to rise crazy. In the shout of a wave of a wave, I couldn't help but sideway the body side: "It is a brother, this is your buddy shop, come out? It's really a big hand! "

Zhao Ran sighed: "The head is always to start, and I have been a returned shop."

Seeing the gorgeous biting to say something, so I smiled: "I am in the summer, I have brought two kinds of Yangxian Pills, and the rest of the one, I will take it back, I am doing a small generation. Dedicated to a big father. "

Gao Sheng breathing is hysteresis, staring at Zhao Ran, and suddenly smashed a punch in Zhao Ran: "Good friends!"

Turning the head, I saw that the bidder under the stage is still ending -

"One thousand two!"

"One thousand two!"

...... (untrained)

... ()

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