Taoist Law

Chapter 28 1 Flying Snow Lotus

The eleventh auction of Jinbo Auction is held as scheduled. Among them, the 7th auctions are particularly concerned. This is a batch of Snow lotus from Kunlun Mountain, which is recorded as Kunlun Mountain Dragon according to the standardization process of Jinbo Auction. Yamagou No. 1 indicates the origin and batch.

This batch of snow lotus has a total of 80, each with a hexadecimal phase, and is alone in the sandalwood cassette, which is extremely equal.

Snow lotus has better efficacy, so the city's well is not cheap, especially in the past few months, the market price of Kunlun Mountain Snow Lotus has risen three%. However, when the price of this batch is bright, it is still surprising that the richness of the richness of this auction will be surprised - the total price of 322, equivalent to each four!

This price is quite equivalent to the current market price!

What concept is this? The current market price is four or two of the retail prices. Generally, wholesale price is lower than the retail price of five money, and bulk price is one or two silver children than the general wholesale price. This low price will mean that the price of Kunlun Mountain Snowdian has doubled!

As a auctioneer's Liang Xingxia asked twice, the stage is a cold spot. Everyone is obviously unacceptable to such a high price. The owner of the cargo is from the businessman Li Xingjun from Zuo Chuanzhai under Kunlun. After he stepped, the batch of this batch of snow in his hands was a lot of flowers. What kind of effect is good, it can be refined, and there is still a quarry.

This Li Xingjiu is not anxious, it seems to have some expectations, and it has always been a smile.

Zhao Ran and Tall, the wild Waihe and others are sitting in the western side of the wedding view, drinking and drinking tea.

After a moment, the audience finally had a merchant, reported 320 two rectival. Li Xingjiu is so surprised, and his eyes are looking for a patrol, and it seems to be looking for.

However, the auctioneer Liang Xingxia on the stage suddenly accelerated speed and quickly sounded.

The gardens in the village have grown their fists, and they have a "360", Zhao Ran and the wild, Huaide, and touch it, take care of it.

The next 11th lot is also a snow lotus, but it is not Kunlun Mountain Snow lotus. It is marked as Tang Gu Lushan Gongzhan, a total of 30, and a low price is 60 or two silver. Each 4-two-two price affected by Kunlun Mountain Snowdian has eventually reached, and finally the total price of 80s is over 60%, which is 60% higher than the market price.

15th lots --- Er Taishan Xuelian, also affected, the price increased by 50%, and the price of 3 two silver.

That night, Zuo Chuanzhai businessman Li Xun hurriedly rushed to Swallow. Swall back to build a secret room, Liophanol left right,

It is laughing with two young prostitutes, see Li Xingjiu coming, indicating two prostitutes.

Li Xiujiu took a dry mouth in the table, licking his lips: "My mouth shouting with the stage split, and now I admire Liang Xuexia, this is really not so good!"

Li Aophanol laughed, gave Li Xingjiu, asked: "How is it? See you, is it?"

Li Xingjiu nodded and shakes his head: "The price is lifted, but it is someone else."

"Oh? So high prices also have people to eat? Who?"

"This, I don't know, I haven't seen it before, I took it again, I heard that it was a Lingzhou merchant."

Li Aopao alcohol clouds were light. "This person is a bit of mind, but also makes him make a profit. What is the final transaction price?"

"It is 4 or two."

Li Cao alcohol, then complained: "Why don't you increase the price? It's a bid, such a good opportunity ... How do you arrange it? If you take the opportunity to raise the price to 5 or even 6, you don't have a half-mexion ! "

Li Xingjiu's face is red: "I went out of my head, I furnishedly made him experience, the original thought is not difficult ... Who knows that someone is inserted ... He is insufficient ..."

Li amanol said: "It is also, I don't have a mistake, I understand your mind, I don't want to join the future generations, just have to mention more, let him a lot."

Li Xijiu nodded again, then carefully and asked: "Erlang, what do you see next? What is the command?"

Li Cao alcohol is a hand: "The big meter has been, what else is there? Adults put the stalls, you will do it, continue, the bottom price is 6 two, one hundred!"

In the first month of Jiajing for 18 years, the entire Xingqingfu is boiling for two big things.

One is that the Chinese Lord, Li Ganshun, China today, has a three-year number of Yong'an. Zhenguan is the annual number of Emperors used by the British Datang Taizong Emperor, and the 17-year-old Western Taxia is changed, and the ambitions of which are hushed are self-evident.

The entire Xingqing government is busy with the change. Hold the ceremony, the national owner, promulgation, a big, one more lively, waiting until the Gaotai Temple in the North of Xingqing House, the whole, the whole Xingqing House is boiling.

Second, the second may not be so vigorous, but the people who have the same troubles between the Daguan is very expensive. The price of Kunlun Mountain Snow Lotus is on the gold wave. The water, the water, has begun to rise all the way, the price of Xue lotus in the sixteen leafs has reached 18 or two, the price of the city is 24 or two! The market price of Babypendum Snow Lotus has been broken directly from 50 to the two views. It is ten times more than two months!

Affected by this, Tang Gulaishan snow lotus, Er Taishan Snow lotus, Ba Zala Mountain Snow lotus, etc. also waved high, and it is 7 to eight times.

Snow lotus is different from the gold wave. The single peak camel before the previous speculation, longer than the mountain, born in the cold ice and snow environment, itself is not much, although the world is filling, the snow lot is not like Zhaoran, the world. It is also a rare, but it is also expensive, so the price of a speculation is immediate.

People are social animals, have a strong psychology, under the market in Xuelian, not only high officials, and even a few baffles in the family also take out the silver, starting in each Pharmaceutical shop. After all, the effect of Xuelian is there, who doesn't have a three-disease five disasters? If you can't buy the mouth of the snow, you can't buy it, isn't it an emergency?

Only those poor people, or just put the warmth of the people, I have not been involved in this wave of Snow lotus, and the price of Xuelian is one or two and each 10 or 20, and they can't afford it. .

In the burst of Xuelian, the most competent businessman who is most speculative and gambling, they find snow lotus, then hoard, take the gold wave. The price of the snow lotus price is one day, Then, the smiles are calculated that their wealth has grown. More people have a pavilion or even borrow a borrow, and eat all the snow lotus appearing in the market to seek a night.

Zhao Ran cat is at home. In the tea room of the back garden, the charcoal on the red mud shot burned red, and the water in the copper pot boiled. Zhao Ran picks up the copper pot on the fire, brewing three cups of hot tea on a natural teak root carving, and the green leaves in the tea cup are soothing and gently dance in boiling water.

Gao Sheng ended tea and launched into the tip of the nose, I couldn't help but sigh: "Cheng Tong family has good tea, this color, this fragrance, it is really comfortable, although it is bitter, but I am so hard! Drinking the tea of ​​the East, I will then eat tea in my family, put some messy belongings, but also to milk, what is the stuff! Unfortunately, everyone is used to it, I have to bear it. "

Zhao Ran took the snow leopard, smiled and praised the sentence, "I have been Ya Ya in the high", and I'm going to the wild. "Xiao Hou Ye is ready? When is it? Give Xiao Hou Ye to give it a strong. "

The wild, Huaude used the iron hook to pull out a bunch of peanuts in the ashes under the stove, and the peeling side said: "Almost, only waiting for the last batch of leika, see if it can catch up with this shipment, If you can't buy a bunch of thick clothes, I will buy a number of thick clothes to give the children. If you can't catch it ... this is the peanut from the West, now there is good way to eat, there is no way to be so fragrant ... "

I am talking about, Liang Xingxia has entered the curtain, holding a reel, smiling and hung Zhao Rong said: "Cheng Dongjia, see that I have received good items today."

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