Taoist Law

Chapter 30

Two Yinzhou luxurists have already put 50,000 silver, they admit last time, and the price is around 18 or so, if at this time, at least 50% of the benefits can be guaranteed. The two actually got an exit. But in front of Li's strong, do they have this courage to quit?

Once the value of seven or eight thousand two silver, once shot, it will cause a huge impact on the current Snow lotus prices, where is Li's land? Do you want to have a small life?

The famous vendor in Pugua is calculated that he can make it out of money, hard my head: "Li Embo, I have an up to 8,000, otherwise I will have to sell home production, I can calculate the sales of the store. I can't wait a time. "

Liophanol's face is a bit unheatched.

Seeing, another luxurious Aleiss made a moment of speaking, the five thousand two numbers originally planned to send back to the belly, bite the slot: "I will join the two thousand two, I only hope that Li Erlang should not forget my kid. Do things. "

Li am alcohol face is slightly: "Reassure is, you also have a strong force. Is it not a matter of hardship? Two eight pieces, package in me!"

The meeting has been fixed, two luxurists will raise money, Li Aophanol and Li Xingjiu are situated. For a long time, Liophanol slowly said: "The wild home is so easy to speculate, why is my home?"

Li Xijie comfortable: "The wild home speculation is earned to earn a few money, how much it is to earn? This is a large number of more than 100,000, and it is difficult to say in the same day. Moreover, I am also in these days. Dark self-thinking, maybe Snow lotus is not a very good thing, this kind of medicinal material is not large, but it is better than hunching meat, I want the shipping commission. "

Li Aophanol sigh: "You are reasonable, after this profit, let's think about thinking, try it, try it. Don't say this, tomorrow's auction will be arranged, the price of Xuelian must rush, Including Er Taishan Snow Lotus! "

The first auction in the summer, the first auction was held as scheduled. This auction was widely concerned by the Xingqingfu, according to the total amount of the gold wave. The total amount of the two membership cards, participating in bidders reached a hundred and ninety-six times. ! Among them, some merchants participated in the auction by borrowing the meeting. The membership cards participated in the auction, some merchants even funded five or two to ten or two, that is, in order to borrow a day, this also caused the gold wave. The membership card is scarce.

Gao Sheng and Liang Xingxia have not stopped pressure, once again proposed the motion of the membership card. After a discussion, several people decided to put down the homes on the east and west, first put the meeting. The expansion, then increase the one hundred membership card in May, 50 of which will designate other big cities in the country. .

Today, the meeting. The first entrance of the hospital is surging, and most of the whole half is waiting for the official start of the auction.

The bright pocket cotton paper on the north side is attached, and the name of dozens of goods will be arranged in turn. On the right side of each cargo, the transaction price of the recent ten auction is sequentially marked, and the back of the wall is also the price of the other dozens of goods.

This surface wall has been called the "Red Band", "Red List", also became the transaction price of Xingqing's size commodity. Many people holding a pen ink is recording copying, in order to go back to formulate their own trading prices.

Double-sided rooms are showing large goods from all over the world, and many people are traveling in me, or looking at the color of the goods, or bargaining, the atmosphere is quite warm.

Zhao Ran, Gao Zhihe and the wild Wieder Triple Group are looking at this lively scene through the window.

The sigh of gorgeous, said: "Be a brother, remember the scene when you met with you, I still remember that this big house is empty ... this is just half a year, it has been so appearing like this. Sometimes I really can't hate it. Resigning your own things, stay here every day, happy, daily fight! "

Wild Wellard laughed: "I am afraid because of the Soft Master? If the main sector is different from three differences, I will learn the piano to learn the piano. I don't see you. I have to change it. I have to change it. Go to the Queen, I will be grinded. "

I smiled in Gao Shu: "Xiao Hou, not my old high, you said that you have a rough embryo, I will go straight to the woman, I don't understand the style. I want to say that the idea of ​​Cheng Tong is positive, the game is wonderful Only here. What is that, hey, talk about the situation, talk about love, play is the heartbeat, if you are hurting home, it has become a yellow woman in a few years, then there is a very interesting? "

Zhao Ran was invited to the two: "Come, in order to give it a wish, drink it! Only love the private room, it is designed to add a sandalwood bed, just wait for the early cave!"

Three people laughed and took the glass of wine.

Looking at the bustling scene of the window, Gao Sheng inherent: "I accompanied the main chess on the county a few days ago, she mentioned it again, saying that there is too many people, too much, too much ... "

Zhao Ran nodded: "It is true. I have been negotiable today. I will pick up the new home to the east. I intend to move the Jinbo auction house and the big wholesale counter to there, and will be air out of the hospital, re-re-emerge Planning some of the fun of the music, you can see good? The county is Bucking Card VIP customers. Her opinions should be highly valued. This layer means, please ask the county. "

This is Zhao Ran to create an opportunity to give it a good people, and he will always say it, pointing to Zhao Ran.

On the chat, Liang Xingxia has been auctioned in the auction of the auction, and the Taiwan eyes stare at Liang Xingxia, and the atmosphere of the auction is immediately nervous.

According to Zhao Ran, this auction will finish the core, the first lottery is 20 Tianshan Snow lotus, not only this, the next 13 auctions are all snow lotus, accounting for this auction more than half.

Liang Xingxia reported the first price of the first batch of sixteen-leaves Tianshan Snow lotus, and immediately screamed. 20 Snow lotus price 400 two silver, the average price is two or two more than three days, and finally the lead price is 22 two, which only have experienced two call.

Then, the second batch of 36 Tangcola Mountain Snow Lotus opened, and finally the deal was 20 two, only one price.

The third lottery is also the Tianshan Snow lotus, 50, called the starting price of 19. Directly break 20 two psychological protocols, although it was tough and ethically raised to 22 two unit prices, but brought to the Taiwan bidder The impact is quite large.

Half time, 14 batch of totaling two thousand six hundred snow lotus, total turnover 50,000 thousand two silver! The average transaction unit price is finally returned to 20 or more. The price is maintained, and there is no fall in the Red List, but it means that people will succeed.

Through this auction, Zhao Ran, Gao Zhi, the wild snow lotus in the hands of the wild, and only a few hundred in the hands of each person. This auction did not arrange Kunlun Mountain Snow lotus, and they also had 800 Kunlun Mountain Snow Lotus in their hands - this is used to next auction.

The auction is just over, there is a large number of Shangji in the auction registry, requiring the Snow lotus you hold to join the next auction.

Liang Xingxia slab returned to Zhao Ran and others to drink alcohol, and immediately laughed and opened the house: "Don't put news, the outside people panic, row the team registration to participate in the next snow lotus auction, Some people even set the price of 16 or two, only to get off. "

In order to put the price of Snow lotus, several people have negotiated many ways. One of them is more embarrassed to arrange someone to take the karahan Snow Lotus, through the price of Kunline Snow Lotus in Ba Zala Mountain. The linkage relationship is directly dragged the altar in Kunlun Mountain Snowltree.

According to the two places of Gao Sheng and the wild, her, it is necessary to arrange it! Zhao Ran is quite unbearable after listening. If you can win this, you can win, he is willing to be happy.

After the auction spread, the three people in the Shouwai building were in the face of the earth, and the three thousand two total turnover of Xuelian contributed 40,000, the remaining will be 1,000. Gambling merchants come out.

Puguat and Aller have now no money for turnover, only 20,000, but see today, how can the auction after three days?

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