Taoist Law

Chapter 56

On the second day, Li Yunhe, Li Yunhe, Li Yunhe, made a near time, and Zhao Ran is still listening carefully in the upper end of the seat.

The eight-year Bai Maoshan Wars is a paragraph, because the Baihe Tianha is blocking, the Ming army can't attack, the summer army is not coming back, so the main task is about how to restore people in the war, how to re-will It is mainly based on stable place to enhance the believers.

As a small temple wish, Zhao Ran can do it, but listened carefully, record the requirements of these Li Yunhe recorded.

These two days, Zhao Ran followed the Song Yuan, and the Chengshou Palace, Zhangzhou Qingyang Palace, Jiadingzhou Luofu Palace, Shunqing Family Lao Palace and other Zhu Dao Dao Gate, of course, he is full The late disciple is busy next to Zhang Luo tea and wine vegetables.

Although these are all the highways above each palace, but the status of Zhao Rui Zhen Zhen repair can also be talked about the sky. To change a different temple wish, even the county hospital, I am afraid that there is no qualification.

This evening, Song Zhiji Zhaoran participated in the party to the Huijiji Palace Liu Jun House. After arriving in the outside city, after entering the restaurant, the Liu Jun House has been waiting for a long time.

The Liu Jun Institute was originally in the Ziyang Palace, which is a good person, a good person who does not love and other people. Instead, I like to mediate disputes for people. It is a good person. This is also a kind of way of making a living, time for time, nature has got countless people, I don't know, I have the same amount of words in the colleagues, and I have to do something right. Everyone wants to do something. Everyone must Sell ​​his face.

Song Zhiyuan is the four, five years from the county courtyard to transfer to the Monitoring House, the foundation is unstable, after receiving the invitation of the Liu Jun Institute, I will go to the banquet, and I will bring Zhao Ran. . The Yufu is the Sichuan government, and the Liu Jun Institute took four years in this position, and it belongs to the strength of the 18 Taoine Mourners in Sichuan Province.

Liu Jun's title of "old good people", smile and grasp Zhao Ran hands, pull him into the seat, said: "I have heard that there is a real temple in Yueyang County, I can see it today, and I am also for me. Fuyuan. After returning to the country, it is good to come to the home, but I have to eat with the greatry, haha! "

A few words, like Mo Chunfeng, Zhao Ran soared to this Liu Jun Institute, it should be said: "The old supervisory hospital laughed, what is real and false, my Master has said, the library The palace is trusted, only the division of labor is different, there is no identity, everything is for the big business. The overall supervision hospital is the predecessors of the Taoist, and the happiness of hundreds of thousands of Limin in the long term is old. There is between the Memori House, where is my little monk. "

"Oh? Which guitcher is high?"

"The teacher Huayun Hall, the old river,

Hao Tenghe, now is a refining troister. "

Liu Jun Hospital rushed to the Song Dynasty: "It turned out to be the Jiangxian of Huayun Hall. It was ear to hear. Good sentence only has different division of labor, there is no identity, you can get the teacher, I don't want to wait for a few decades. "

In the cold, Song Zhiyuan: "I heard that Liu Jun House preferences to collect the word painting, I specially brought Zhao Zhaoran, sending the hierarchy to the old supervisor, with the strong tonight."

Liu Jun Institute smiled: "It turned out that Xiao Zhao Temple wished Yaishi calligraphy, today, it will open his eyes."

Song Zhiyuan saw that he did not know the "true face" of the guests between Zhaoran, and did not say it. He told the wine to take the ink paper, personally played Zhao Ran.

Seeing him so, the Liu Jun Institute's calligraphy is a bit for the calligraphy of Zhaoran. It seems that this Zhao Ziran should write it. Wait will write it out. If it is really good, you may wish to help Help, help this young man.

Zhao Ran used a pen who is not inexpensive to take out the Altai Mountain giant wolf purchased by Summer heavy gold in the storage pillars, and slightly sink, brush brush shake wrist, on paper book .

There is no high in the industry, and it is honored. The road is natural, there is a lot.

Only I wrote a few, the Liujun Institute stopped, waiting for Zhao Ran to finish it, I can't help but "". When Zhao Ran wrote the deposit, cover the seal, the Liu Jun Institute was surprised: "Half a day, Zhao Temple is a mountain guest, the mountain passengers are Zhao Temple ..."

Song Zhiyuan laughed: "Liu Jun Institute does not know, my brother is a mountain guest."

One of the Liu Jun Institute is amazing, appreciates the word, and I am annoyed: "Loss, loss, loss!"

Song Zhiyuan asked, Liu Jun Institute shied: "The first month, six hundred and two silver, I started a calligraphy of Xiao Zhao Temple, and I didn't have this, I know so, I don't have to spend many Silver, directly put Xiao Zhao Temple, please write a bigger, don't make big earning! "

Three people laughed, chatted, and the Liu Jun Institute met the new tea. Zhao Ran immediately saw the chair next to the table, knowing another guest did not come, really listened to Liu Jun Hospital: "Tonight, please come over, I am a little thought, I can't take care of me. This face. "

Song Zhiyuan: "Liu Jun Institute, please, I don't know my best, I will never resort."

Liu Jun said: "The old concien is so happy, I am here, I don't want two, I also invited the Jingchuan Huan Ziyang Palace, I also hope that I wish to give me this face in the old and Xiao Zhao Temple. , Eat meal together, is it good? "

Song Yuan and Zhao Ruen were silent, Song Zhiyuan: "Liu Jun Institute, this is probably not for me, etc., the scenery survey department, the scene is quite deep ..."

Liu Jun Hao said: "Nothing, he will mention me, you should take me first, sit in a stable meal, do you?"

Zhao Ran looked at Song Yuan Yuan, and Song Zhiyuan went back, and it was full of doubts. Song Zhiyuan thought about it: "Since the Liu Jun House opened, we have to sell this face anyway, and you will see how he said."

Liu Jun Hospital said: "Thank you!"

The three people drink tea in the room, talk about the contents of the two days of the Li Yunhe, Li Yunhe, the Xuanyuan Save Supervisory Institute.

After about half an hour, the restaurant's running hall is knocking on the door, introducing a person, is a scenery. Zhao Ran's eyes, glanced at the white hair of his horns, people also felt a lot, and the confidence and transfers when they met the West Ruwu Palace.

When the scenery came in and suddenly stopped, the Liu Jun House got up and greeted him, he turned to pull the leg.

Liu Jun Institute, I apologized to Song Yuan and Zhao Ren, and quickly chased it out.

After a while, the Liu Jun Institute chased the scenery and took him down to his left chair, then loudly told the food.

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