Taoist Law

Chapter 66 Credit Book

Li Yunhe hoped three people in Yue Teng, Zhou Wei and Zhao Yunlou, asked: "What is you?"

The silence is a moment, Yanthen said: "I didn't sleep well last night. I turned to think about this problem. I thought that this article was a strange talk. I even said that this temple wishes to make an amazing language. But Thoughts, but It is very feasible to find these amazing languages. Not only feasible, but also solves the problems that have been plagued us on the root. The only problem is not synthetic. "

Zhou Wei nodded: "Indeficit does not have an example. The method is a good way, I am afraid that the hosses in the face will not succeed."

Zhao Yunlou said: "The double leadership, it is not an example, in the past eight years, the Sichuan Republic of China will only comply with the Chunxi Governor's military command, and comply with the life of the Division. What is the double leader? Zhao Ziran said It is nothing more, it is more, cross the doors and the court. Just break the identity, award the official, indeed no precedent ... "

Zhou Wei smiled: "It is better to break more thoroughly. My Chuanxi Governor's government has also taken out military posts and official positions, and awarded the Taoist."

Yue Teng said: "The article also said, this is a special service, the SAR is also. I thought these two words were very good, non-provincial, non-government, non-county, not to form the court, if they don't pass Always abolish at any time. "

It is a big battle, and the three gradually returns, and he is looking forward to Li Yunhe. After all, he is the people of the entire Sichuan Province.

Li Yunhe sinks for a long time, opening: "Sample example, why we have been entangled in this? Do not have anything to go to the paper stack, see if it meets the case? Can't find, even good governance, We also abandoned such as the squad? If you do this, how many more than six hundred years ago, how the ancestors got to create a place, where is their examples come? "

After a while, a few people think about a while, Li Yunhe continued: "If everything is in accordance with the case, it is impossible to have the Lushan sitting on the year. There is no Lushan sitting on the top and bottom, the downside system. Where is the big tomorrow? I have a big tomorrow? I am, I have no opinion, if I have no opinions, I will pay the same text with Xuan Yuan, and I will send the same text, and I report the summary and the cabinet. how is it?"

Among the seats, Li Yun River is the most respectful, he sent it, of course, to be the main point of his opinion, now, several people are scattered.

Yue Teng's name is tuned, drafting the official documents sent to the Zhuang Division, and intended to submit a simple view.

Zhao Yunlou , will send back to Xuanyuan, and after Xuanyuan Treatment, the kitchen is signed, and it will be printed by Li Yunhe, and will also have a simple concept.

Zhou Wei intends to travel in the Kawascheng cabinet with the identity of the Governor of the Sichuan, and simultaneously copy the government's embassy.

Several instruments were very fast, and several Sichuan Province were quickly signature printing, and then made out with a fly. The rest is waiting.

So far, a total of two suggestions have been issued. One is Song Fan to set up a Taoine, and the level is more than the Xuanyuan three; the second is to set up a special area in Hongyuan, and the court at the same time as the county duties.

The summary and the cabinet made Xuanyuan and transfer, and the Governor's government discussed the solution, in fact, it has been equal to handling the right to give these three major gates, especially Xuan Yuan's view to determine - because of the official documents The original area is also entitled to the Song Danan, and it is gave birth to Xuanyuan.

So the two programs can be identified as the final solution in Song Fan and the Hongyuan area.

After the program is introduced, the four people are very relaxed, and the big agenda has now resolved the main problem, calculating the fruitful results.

Just wait for the Saixian and Cabinet to reply, you can do it. In terms of cabinet, it is basically following the overall opinions, so it is still necessary to wait for the answer.

Three days left in the session, then what is next?

According to the original agenda, Li Yunhe intends to let the head brain in the ten-way jungles in Chuanxuan Tiemen are again grouped, talk about the gains and losses in the line, and provide a useful experience or lesson.

At the same time, the belief in the trust of Xuanyuanguan, Lushan, has also printed more than 300 volumes in Ye Xueguan, and it is a basis for everyone to discuss. As a basis for discussion, it is commended, The poor place is seriously criticized.

Zhao Ran is the header of this booklet. The title on the cover is "Daming Road Treatment Book", next to a slightly smaller font labeled "Daming Jiajing 19 Years", there are two words in the top left corner of the book. - Top secret.

After turning off, the title page is written: this book is sent to the county hospital supervision, the Temple Temple will be available. If there is a loss, the trace is willing to reserve.

The credit book is divided into four parts.

Part of the first part is the rankings of the Thirteen provinces of Dadi.

The first river is Jiang. West, the credit value is 1,177,647. The second and third, respectively, Zhu Guang and Mountain. East, the credit value is more than one million and 15 million respectively.

Name ninth, the credit value is 464. Zhao Ran is slightly calculated, and this ranking should be low compared to the population of the province.

The last one of the ranks is Northern Juan, the credit value is only 91,900,000. Zhao Ran is looking at the eyes of the world, it is a bit uncomfortable, but I think about it, I can take it.

This world is different from Zhao Ran through the world of Zhao Ran, and the core of Daming is not in north, but in Nanzhi. The existence of Northern Lit is relatively embarrassing, as a south of the world.

This situation happened to Yan Wang that year. After the emperor of Taizu, Yan Wang launched the situation in Beiping. The door also divided into two factions. The north all support Yan Wang, the south is a supported Prince (OK, this time and space Zhu Bioshi is not dead).

But later, it was found that Yan Wang is an important sate of a surname, Yao, is actually a monk.

This, supporting the full-real collection of Yanwang, and after a peace talk, it will be annihilated by Yan Wang. The Prince Zhu Biao is a great victory, and then chasing the temple, and then it is changed to Chengzu.

In order to prevent it from changing the North Ping, Chengzu North is here again, and it is stationed in this year. But this place is too far away from the mountain. After the death of the ancestors, he served as the emperor or the Taoist. It can only be accompanying each other, and the Taizi will go to work.

Therefore, the northern part of this world does not have the world so dazzling, but because the prince is sitting in the town and face the northern elements, he is in the end of the 13th province. ...

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