Taoist Law

Chapter 74's Fighting

See Zhao Yunlou black face, the scenery is still holding a respectful smile on the face: "Lao Tsui last time and I said, I also considered it for a long time, I always feel that he is really in this position. It's a pity. "

Zhao Yunlou really wants fire, but still holds back, said: "I have told you that he doesn't want to go, there is no reason to go."

The scenery is not slow: "I seem to be a door, do things for Daming, go to Tianhe Palace as the Lord, than him in Junshan Temple, I should wish to be strong? Why can't he go? Isn't it fearful? If this is the case, then I thought that this person's ability is strong, but it is very unity, I think he will not be such a person? "

Zhao Yundou Road: "Fightering is afraid? Do you know where he has been in the past year? The Yuhuang Pavilion sent him to the White Mountain, and I got a year. Do you say that he is afraid?"

Jingkou: "That's so, what reasons do he have?"

Zhao Yunlou heart, why don't he go, are you not clear? Why do you intention to go, think we are all fools?

Of course, this can not be exported, think about it, said: "He has a concern. Shock, some things should be put down."

The scenery of the scene, Lang said: "Old dating, do you doubt my intention? Yes, I have a festival with him, I also admitted that I didn't forgive him now. But my scene is not People who use private waste, I will not delay the Daomen's major because of the grievances of the private affairs. "

"You ..." Zhao Yunlou was relieved, so the crown was as a crown, it was really difficult to refute, and he did not rebut.

Li Yunhe said: "Shush, the old man is old, you don't hit him."

The scenery is busy, saying: "Yes, the supervision hall, I am wrong, old, I can talk too much, please I want to be angry. But if the surveillance and the old Tsui have thought that it is a look. People who do not clear the overall situation, then the way, please ask! "

In the last sentence,

A cold field in the room.

After formal procedures, you will make your nominating newspaper, and the total agreement has also agreed, and the adjustment is also revoked. When you please resign this time?

It has been planned to be promoted after one day, and everyone will understand everyone, ready to give you a "promotion" instrument, you please resign this time?

Zhao Yunlou really wants to say a sentence: "Resign!" But he understands that this is not allowed, Li Yunhe can't afford this person, and Xuan Yuan is not affordable. The whole of Sichuan Road can't afford this person!

Even Li Yunhe can't see it, what are you thinking about? Want to quit us? But it is not allowed, it seems that it can't be said, this is equal to his own face - if Zhao Ran can invoice, why can you get the same?

Yue Teng is busy coming out to ease the atmosphere: "Shock, don't worry, there is something good. This Zhao Ziran, when he is not?"

Jingkou: "Yueji creates, it is not him, but this is not he can't. It is a young, sudden to the high, and it is difficult to serve the public. If you want to adjust someone, he Can push three-block four to find various reasons, then how do I say? How to host? How to host the road? Song Guofan is not more, it is the newness of the war, it is necessary to sweep the old dust with the strong means, I will put Zhao Zhao, I will take Zhao Ziran today. Go, tomorrow, others want to leave again, I still don't put it? If there is anything to make a mistake, I will not be punished? I will ask you to teach me. "

This is very reasonable, it is too reasonable, it is simply in the truth of the four seas, and the Li Yunhe and Zhao Yunlou are completely unsatisfactory.

Yue Teng to Li Yunhe, Zhao Yunlou Road: "Monitoring House, Old Tube, you see ... You are right, do you want to talk about Zhao Qiran again talk? Although he is a monk, since he is in me ten-way jungle Being a pair, or to follow the rules, he is a small temple wish, how can he not listen to the truth? I think he will also take care of the overall situation. If he rely on the monk, I will not listen, I will have a private party to always View, do you have a total view, where to go, want him to have a few. "

Li Yunhe silently engraved, Shen Sheng said: "It is also so fixed, this is here, it is scattered."

After the Yue Teng is in the middle of the scene, the Zhao Yunlou "", put the tea cup on the ground, one butt sitting on the chair, the muff is not stopped.

Li Yunhe slowly said: "The brother does not need this."

Zhao Yunlou angered: "I have long seen that he is a white wolf! Wings are hard, even you don't listen! I said right, I think I have to climb, I can do it!"

Li Yunhe said: "If these words have no meaning, don't say. This time I saw Zhao Ziran, let him take care of the overall situation, forgive me, but I don't believe in the scene. How."

Zhao Yunlou shouted: "I just swallow this breath, he just came up so, I will not ride to us in the future? Zhang Miss is really rubbing, cultivating such a wolf's heart!"

Li Yunhe said: "Angry, the urgent use! First stabilize the situation again, don't be economical."

Zhao Yunlou took a deep breath and said: "That line, I will talk to Zhao Zhao Zhao ... I will take the old face, these days are really lost!"

It is also very depressed in these two days. At this time, he is busy before, and there is a lot of ideas, and the results did not fish. Therefore, there is no mood of mutual door, and souse the room slowly thinking, pondering, where, where should I start.

When I want to get it, Zhao Qixing is looking for the door.

Zhao Zhi Xing was transferred from Xuan Yuan's gimmer to the county family supervision of Song Dynasty, Yongzhen, and the level rose half. He was still the top, and it was ambitious in his chest. Therefore, the mood is very comfortable.

See Zhao Ran's sullen, Qi Dao: "What happened to the brother?"

Zhao Ran thrown the troubles, and smiled and said: "Congratulations to the brother, now live in one party, future Jinxiu."

Zhao Zhi Xingtao: "With the same happiness, after a few days, you are the quiet Lord of Tianhe Palace, and you will have a lot of points to point out."

Zhao Ran sighed: "I am afraid I can't work with the brother, this quiet staff, I have already resigned."

Zhao Zhi Xingyi: "Why is this?"

"You know."

"I am afraid, I still don't believe in the scenery department how can you take you? You are careful, no penalty, if he does not depend on the rules, you can tell the Xuanyuan view, when you turn it, it is at least Level of the hand and say. "

Zhao Ran shook his head, and his heart Zhao Qingxing was still in the beginning, did not practice in the grassroots, what is that, it is so simple, it is really going to the scene, and people have a lot of ways to rectify you. Even if you don't rectify you, give you one side, you have a five-year ten years, who is got? He is not for the rest of the Lord, and his purpose is to practice step by step!

In case, the second chapter of "Congenital Gongde" is still unlocked, then he is not crying? Don't say five years, ten years later, for a two years, three years, who still remember that there is a small quiet master in the Taoist Palace of Song

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