Taoist Law

Chapter 97, Isos

After Wang Mesen woke up, he saw a few faces of the bed, and a pair of eyes were watching themselves. I thought about it, and I asked: "Jin To, I am in the Junshan Temple?"

Jin Hui nodded, told Qiu Feng and Sheng Bowl of medicine soup, helping Wang Duensen, said: "Wang Daohang, yes, you are in my Junshan Temple, have been lying for a whole, my house, I wish you a good time, Wang Daozhang is waiting. "

Wang Mesen sinks, asked: "So, this fight is the poor passage?"

Qufeen and I can't help it: "I can't defeat anything, my family is awkward, and you will lying two days, if it is ..."

Jin Jiu repelled: "Okay, you have learned so many channels, how can I still don't understand the peace use, my midness?" Turned his head and Wang Fensen said: "Taoist forgive sin, this child The acute child, the young people are impulsive, but also ask for a long to forgive. But the words come back, the road is long into the Junshan Temple, I will wait for the same as the Dowen, and the Dragon Tianshan Tianshi is authentic, it is already trying to do our best. It's been served, I have never thought that the road is actually coming to me. "

Wang Tessen has no smile, just a smile: "I can't talk about what is difficult. It is just a fight. It is two things that is coming to court. For example, your temple wishes, there is a golden Tao, if you have time to go Dragon Hill is a tour, the poor road will be treated. These truths, your temple wishing you must have a number, you won't blame you. "

I am talking about it, Zhao Ran entered the house, went to bed, see Wang Mesen's color is not bad, I am relieved to be a lot, ask: "How is Dao You feel? Where is it not suitable?"

When Wang Mesen was awake, the body's mana has been working on a week. Following: "Thank you Zhao Temple, I wish you all the best. Take the liberty to ask, Zhao Temple wishes the law ... What is it?"

"Moon Ming Fantasy] Zhao Rong said the word" gossip ", the difference between the difference is not the truth, this is to prevent Wang Mesen.

"It turned out ... I only remember that I was going to be broken, but I suddenly had a syncope, but I don't know what it is?"

"This ... this is the secret transmission of my Huayun Hall,

It is not convenient to disclose. "

"It is also, the poor road does not want to steal the teacher, just curious, the temple is a misery."

The two said a while, Zhao Ran commanded to give Wang Tangson's meal, accompany him to eat, ask: "Is Wang Daoyou's next thing?"

Wang Mesen thought about it, replied: "The poor road is too shallow, ready to return to Longhu Mountain to practice, in the future, come to seek the temple, I will also hope that I wish you all the temples."

Zhao Ran said: "Wang Daoyou is too modest, in fact, the level of Taoism is still quite good, believe in the same life, it should be the enemy's hand. But go back to the heart, study, it is also a good choice, after all, learn The sea is endless, huh, huh ... "

Wang Tessen nodded, hehe said: "The previously poor road also thought of extraordinary, did not expect the mountains outside the mountain ..." said, got up and hug, and then left.

Zhao Ran smiled: "Wang Taoyou is gone? Hehe ..."

Wang Mesen doubts: "Is Zhao Temple wish still?"

Zhao Rong said: "That ... we have previously appointed ..."

Wang Mexien said: "The temple is relieved, since the loser, the poor pass is not to say, Cheng An is temporarily delayed. After the poor road will go back, it will be clear, or I will find another brother to challenge the Mountain for the Dragon Hill. , Either poorly practice, repair, and then I wish to learn with the temple. "

"What? Wang Daoyou is gone?" Zhao Ran is not happy.

"Then? What then?" Wang Yusen unexpectedly, thoughts: "Temple wishes something," "

Qifeng and all couldn't see it: "Wang Daohang, is you losing a thousand two silver don't plan to give it?"

Wang Mesen said: "What is one thousand two silver?"

Zhao Ran, Jin Dynasty, Lin Shuangwen and others are all, this is true for this, is it really going to pay? It should not be ah, and the Taoist Taoist Taoist is not the most reasonable?

Qufeen and the pleasure: "No, I said this, Wang Taohang, can you not pay?"

Wang Mesen frowned: "What does your Junshan Temple mean? Only do not contain confused, words between words, the poor can't understand."

Only Zhao Ruyan wakes up a little clue, put the gold for a long time, I will take the king from Wang Mesen: "I have been sleeping for two days, and some things have been forgotten. I will give you a wake up. You I have agreed before you fight. If I lose, I will give you an explanation. If the road is lost, he left a thousand two silver, and the Junshan Temple is used to help the people. "

Wang Mesen suddenly shook his head: "This is no longer possible! Temple wishes to make more silver to make the people, but the poor road is not only proud, but also endorsed, more willing to support it! But the poor road is a thousand two silver and temple wish If you have a mistake, because the poor pass doesn't have this money, how do you dare to open the river? "

Seeing that the other party's smashed the intermediary answer is so simply, Zhao Ran also helpless, the heart is not really hurting the brain? How can this be good? I will regret it in my heart, I know that I have to sign the struggle agreement, there is white paper black word, see how he pays. Now that it's good, the silver is afraid that it is not playing, can you always be strong?

When I was distressed, I listened to Wang Du Sen. "But then I came back, since I came to the picturesque Junshan ..." I murmured two, Wang Mesen Emotion, continue to say: "Well, come to the beautiful Junshan ... The picturesque Junshan ... Temple I wish to give more Junshan?"

Zhao Weizhan: "Ah? Why do you have to get this? You can follow it."

Wang Tessen tangled a moment, finally made up his mind: "The scenery is pictures!" Said that the teller has an angry. "The poor road is coming to the picturesque Junshan, it is necessary to do a heart to the Junshan people. Not much, the tolls left under ten or two will return to Longhu Mountain, the rest is donated to the Junshan Temple, remember there is also a hundred and two ... "

Said, big sleeves on the table, a neat silver ticket appears in front of the two, the top is the big ticket of Jiang. Xihui Feng No. "Hui End" big ticket, the denomination is fifty two!

Zhao Ran finger a silver ticket: "You see! You look! What do I say? It must be one thousand two!"

Wang Mesen is unbelievable, and then he is full of sweating. After you finish, you will be stunned: "This, this, this ... is it from?"

Zhao Ran smiled and took the table on the table, and he was still meditation. Wang Messin said: "Thank you Wang Daoyou, I am grateful to the Taoist friends. I represent Junshan people, specially awarded Wang Tao Chang Junshan's honorary title, In the future, Wang Tonghang is a good friend of my Junshan people! It's not surprised? It's not happy? Yes, when you fight, no matter who comes, still a thousand two fights, how? "

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