Taoist Law

Chapter 2 Zhou Huai and Song Xiong

Jiakang and Zhou Hua, the gratitude of Zhao Ran into the pole in the year, eight years later, the three interpersonal dishes of the year were simply different. Zhao Ran has already reached the scope of the temple, but the two are still mixed in the house.

In the last month, Zhao Ran went to the mountaineering, let the two make a choice. Jiaken is already lazy to the Taoist career, ready for ten years, returning to the Temple of Wen, and goes to the way.

After Zhou Hui left thought, especially after Zhao Ranheng, he finally made a determination, and came to teen Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran handed the instrument in the past, and there was a voice: "It doesn't matter, everything will not be able to come again."

Zhou Huai has been connected to the instrument, squatted for a moment, and also put his handprint. After completion, the eyes were slightly red.

The last one is the monument, Song Xiong, this Jun robs the Jingshan four years ago, was caught by Junshan, and then responded to the "frankly" policy of the Mountain Temple, did not sit in fethest, but got a wide process. Because Song Xionggoff is very hard, the second and Lu Jin are quite admire him, so Zhao Ran let him take the "" on the mountain.

In the past few years, the lady in the Junshan area, the worry of a few people, in addition to the "Zhao Xianshi" and the five-color master, Song Xiong is high. In accordance with the arrangement of Guan 2 and Lu Jin, he pretended to have a lot of Jianghu customers who were prepared to come to Junshan. It was a peaceful horse to the Junshan people.

Song Xiong's hi and ask Zhao Ran early to know, no him, just want to go to the door, even if you do the fireworks, you have to "shake it", according to his original words, you think "it is normal." day".

Zhao Ran has this plan, just going to Xixia to delay for more than a year, come back and have been pressed for half a year, until today, it is necessary to make this matter, it is a wish - the wish of Song Xiong, also It is my wish.

Song Xiong took the instrument and painted it, and then worked in the ground, and louderd his head to Zhao Ran: "Thank you Xianshi, I am in this life, I can finally be re-do. I know, I don't know how much joy. ...... "

Zhao Ran took out two silver tickets from the arms and handed over,

Tao: "I heard that your home is in Changning Fort, this is, give you three months, go home, this is a little bit of my old man to your home, I will have some items when I go home. In addition, when passing by Zhaojiazhuang, Shiquan County, he also helped me to visit my uncle and big, my uncle called Zhao Ming, you went to a question, his home lacked, you will help me buy some. Originally, I want to go back to see it, but it is too busy here, I can only please. "

Song Xiong "" has a sound, and I will slap my head, I don't want to get it for a long time.

Guan Second has laughed and pulled him, and the voice "The old Song finally got out", and then, Song Xiong has been tearing.

In addition to Zhao Ran, the Junshan Temple is existing, three of them are suffering from the sidelines, five firewarters, and the full-editing of the twelve fires. But this is no way. Things, can only be temporarily and empty, who makes Zhao Ran no one?

According to Zhaoran, in addition to the main one, the two of the two papers, the temple is mainly responsible for the trip to the tour, customs, passenger, account, welcome It is also the daily clutter, logistics, volume, personnel, books, temples, and extremely affairs. The responsibility is extremely heavy. Waiting for a year and a half, see if Lin Shuangwen can pick it up, if possible, this duty will leave him, if not, it can only find another person.

The main owner should take the inspections of the Junshan area, can't help but cry, such as no accidents, the second is three months later, so soon, you can sit on this position.

Nowadays, the Paradise in the Junshan Temple has been greatly increased, and all kinds of fasting things must be less, and the excellent passage of the Tongmen homework is, it is, Zhao Ran, secretly supervise the clock, Shulang and Qifeng and the study, on the one hand Also let Jin Li pay attention to it, see if there is any good seedllar in Junshan people worthy of cultivation.

It is also good to study in the young, the cultural skills are not bad, give him a bitter studies, I can get up when I am busy.

After the personnel framework is built, the Mushan Temple is currently facing the most important task is springry, and in fact before this person is free, the spring will have begun.

When I arrived, I didn't think about what I was. Chunfang Qiu, the Taoist Taoist Temple of Junshan Temple is very familiar. Everything is given to Jin Dynasty, and Zhao Ran really appeared on the field, but it was in trouble.

What's more, Zhao Ran is not not available. He will go back to Huayun Mountain as soon as possible so that it will add a flame on his own court.

After paying by Jin Li, Zhao Ran will start, and the old man follows where the spirit is not known. He hasn't seen half a shadow. Zhao Ran couldn't help but sigh the animal, and he only took the horse. "Slowly" back to Huayun Mountain.

Into the mountain gate, I came to the Lingjian Pavilion. I still rewarded the ten silver son of the whole people. The whole people smiled and thanked. How long is Zhao Dao Chang? Wei Taolong and Yu Dao head, I know the meeting A. "

Zhao Ran hooks: "Where is it, I will go to see it."

Wei Zhenzhen and Yu Zhichuan were still waiting in the hands of the handshake. After Zhao Ran went, these two brothers smiled slightly, nor to talk, and continued to close their eyes.

Zhao Ran also took into the pavilion to sit down and wash the dust.

Many times, I'm still in practice, Zhao Ran felt that it seems that the Washing Pavilion is bigger than the help of his help, especially after the fight with Wang Mesen, Du Xingqi fights, and he does not have any talent.

He practiced in the sword, the most growing is to avoid and defense, and the attack power is coming, it is better to use the moon and fantasy gossip, and then apply nine days of Xuanlong's banned homage and hypnosis. Powerful . Of course, its power is sometimes bigger, and it seems that there will be suspicion of sequelae to the opponent. Do you need to carefully consider it when fighting.

However, it is necessary to wash the handsome, every time I returned to Huayun Hall, I can take the heart of the world, I can make the distorting corner of the world, let him find the perception of the practice, let him Re-feeling yourself is still a practitioner.

If you don't wash your heart, you will get yourself in your complicated and trivial.

The brothers and brothers sat quietly, Zhao Ran became clear, and entered a state in which the body and mind were empty.

I suddenly listened to Wei Zhi: "The brother can be better?"

Zhao Ran blind eye, long spit out a turbidity, only I feel refreshed, smell: "Every time I return to the teacher, I am sitting in this washing pavilion, I feel that my life is cleaned."

Wei Zhizhen said: "There is a common understanding, the cleaning of the square, this is the election of the heart, the brother will come back and sit, don't live in the dust."

"Yes, thank you brothers."

Wei Zuozhen said: "The brother is essential in mind, but it is in the Huangzhong?"

Zhao Ran said: "It is, it has been born before seven days."

Wei Zhizhen stretched out two fingers, put on Zhao Ran's wrist, sinking, said: "The brother is really tough, the Danshen Pin is very good, the future achievement is high! This, the teacher Mountain, and was washed more in washing pavilions, and the Master had not returned. I went to the elderly to ask for a teacher, and gave the teacher. "

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