Taoist Law

Chapter 7 Total Views

It is hesitant, and the summer, the old and the teacher, Jiang Tenghe finally returned to the mountain, and once, he called the old agenda in the elderla, but also specified Zhaoran and the meeting.

After the others arrived, Xia Hou is a long wife: "This time, with the Yuhuang Oriental Tianshi went to the summary, the" orthodox ", the total view is extremely valued, the Tianshi in the real manner, all the people arrived. , Zhang Da Tiansheng and Wang Dafu were arrived, and the special truth verified the effect of "orthodox". Jiang Chang, you tell everyone. "

Jiang Tenghe should be out, telling the way: "This verification, a total of eight rounds, a total of forty-eight people. Zhengyi, all four highways, respectively, refining teachers, big refining teachers, Tianshi and The number of lives, Da Tianshi and big real-race, especially the big man, the number of big real people, is in person with Zhang Yun Zhi Tiansheng and Wang Changyu, the real person, personally ending. Participate in the orthogonics, share three categories, respectively: Qualified In terms of inferior roots, there is no rootless person, no qualified non-rootless.

The results show that there is a qualified root bone, and the six people have successfully successful; there is no rootless, the average bone can be successful, but in the seventeen people participating in the orthored bone, five people have three times, two of them Humanism; a total of 25 unqualified non-rootless people participate in the orthosilant, one person who is sophisticated, and there is no difference from the past, indicating that the orthodontics

Strict old and asked: "The Zhengke Book is targeting the qualifications, this is in our original expectation. How much is these people die?"

Jiang Tenghe Road: "Difficult to do five people ..."

Everyone is all silent, five dead, this is a bit horrible. Xia Yan, the old man sighed: "Say, these are the Taoist friends who are difficult to do, and the emerce is out of the sea."

After the people caught my grief, Jiang Tenghe said: "Therefore, the general approach set new regulations, the future is in the future, when there is a qualitative root forady, the second consideration has the qualification without root, nothing, such as No special fate, no longer be orthogonal in the future. "

It is a very resource that is a very resource, not only the material of the altar is rare, but the refining of the bone Dan is not easy. It used to be no way, only waste and consumption, fighting people, with " ", you can specifically for qualified potential practitioners to come to orthopedia, efficiency does not know how much, not to endure High death.

Jiang Tenghe said again: "The general view of the Truth Hall has agreed that in view of the limited current bone resources, it is not possible to use the positive bone needs. Therefore, it is not possible to use the orthodontic bone. Allow non-Dao Men's monks to disclose, this is not allowed to pass to all provinces.

In the future, there is no longer division of bone Dan to all provinces. All the places need to be orthodontics, first to the general view report, and then send a list of people, and will be sent to Lushan, and the Shengmen Altar is held by the total. "

I heard here,

Zhao Ruxin can't help but sigh, there is a high person!

Jiang Teng crane suddenly smiled: "In order to reward Sichuan Province's major contribution to Taoism in the sternum, the general view is specially allowed to set up a new door in Jade Emperor and Huayun, and allocate the jade rumor. Cloud Hall five! "

While the Lushan summary will return the right to return, but I have opened my mouth to Sichuan Province. The rewards in this policy are really the biggest reward!

The elders can't help but smile, there is no doubt that the success rate given in the future will be greatly improved, and the importance of scattered bone Dan will also be highlighted, and each year's five-bit bone Dan, that is, five practice opportunities, Even if the Huayun Pavilion doesn't have to use, take out to exchange, how many benefits can be exchanged.

Since then, Huayun Hall in Sichuan Province's strength and status will be greatly strengthened. If Huayun Hall has recognized the third, who dares to recognize the second!

Xia Hou is very open, and his eyes are smile. Once again, you will be kept confidential to the positive bones, and it is not allowed to pass through, especially the spread of people in the non-service.

The latter: "Drinking water", this time, " ", the contribution to Zhao Zhaoran with the spiritual secrets is not open, Teng He, you received a good apprentice! "

Jiang Teng crane twisted smile: "The big elders can don't be a disciple of my disciple, as a disciple of Huayun Hall, this is what it should be."

Xia Hou is a long wife: "So big credit, why do you have to win?" The award is still awarded? "Asked Yan Hao:" After I got on last year, what is Zhao Zhaowei? "

Strict old road: "I used a psychic jade to refine a set of cars."

Xia Hou is a head of the old man: "Tongling jade is indeed a good item, with the principal of the brother, the anti-refining chart is not bad ..."

Zhao Ran quickly started at the beginning and said seriously. He now has this set of cars, and then with its own nine-day Xuanlong big ban, power is not too exaggerated, even flying swords are too lazy.

Xia Hou is old and old, laughing: "It seems that it is very satisfied. But I think that the ball is good, it is still not enough to reward the power, see what you want?"

Zhao Ran, Zhang Zhang, I really want to say: "Can you give me a way to think about the way?" But I still have to live, I have experienced that many times, he already understands, in the ten-party jungle On this issue, it is not a lot to look at the facade. People must first don't understand, followed by, this requirement, exceeding the routine disposal range of the library, belongs to the incompetent job.

"The old old, my Lalai brother before returning to the mountains, I have to hit the Master of Jin Dan, when the door to the air, can you come from me? I am also Huangshou."

Strict old eyes jumped, said: "Dow door walks the duty, this is to stagnate for the Huangshou, through the walking, growing, adding an experience, adding experience, to understand the road, looking for the binding machine You just entered the Huang Crown, when it is a stable realm, it is still going to go to the mountain. Is it true for your practice? "

Zhao Ran talks: "Thousands of avenues ..."

Just said four words, was severely interrupted: "You choose one! Well, this set will not repeat any more. I want to negotiate with your Master, let you go to the mountain It is a period of time, and the realm is consolidated, and then you will go down the mountain. In this case, there is nothing to say, you have to walk, see your Master, don't agree. "

After listening to it, he had a talent in the array of law, and these months also fully appreciate the power of the array. If you can follow the serious old learning array, it is undoubtedly a good thing.

It's just that I have been too long. Hey, the original meaning of this sentence doesn't seem to mean?

Hesitatting, Zhao Ran bargain: "Well, the serious old words is reasonable, I think it is bad, can follow the serious old and study, this is the blessing of the disciple. It is a bit a little longer for a year. Ten and a half months? "

Strict old face is dark: "What are you playing? Is it brought? Ten days? Can you get started? Don't think about it! Wait for you, let me die, come to me!"

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