Taoist Law

Chapter 22 Xi Zhenwu Palace

(twenty two-)

The Taoist Taoist Lin Yuwen in the temple was from the West Rushwu Palace. After ten years of fireworks, it was very familiar with the West Louvus Palace, so Zhao Ran has issued him in the past, special responsibility and Bai Tengming Contact, what news is to report it as soon as possible.

In May, Xu Tenglong, Xu Tonglong, Xu Tonglong, was recruited to Qingcheng Mountain. After a few days, Xu Tonglong returned to Xizhenwu Palace, and he immediately called the three ages. It agreed that he proposed white Teng Ming as the west of the West Rushwu Palace. Xuan Yuan look.

After the Three Trunge of Xi Zhenwu, the Guests of the Guests and Teng Tengmo, the room welcoming Zhuang Tengru rushed to see Xu Tonglong.

These two are also Zhao Ran's "acquaintance", when Zhao Ranzhen, when the Qing Miao reform, the support of Du Dukuojing was seeking time, and was once counted by these two, and finally did not see it alone. Covered.

If it is not Zhao Ran, it is very likely that there is a way to go back to the government, let alone unexpectedly got a survey of Zhang Yunzhao.

Sun Tengmo was driven to Zhao Ran, because of the challenge of Zhuang Tengru, too small.

The Zhuang Teng is like chaling Sun Tengmo, but it is just that it is, and the revenge is a matter of the vulgarity of his customs.

Du Hu Shizhang and Xu Jun Institute are people selected by Lushan, and there is no foundation in Sichuan Province. Therefore, Sun, Zhuang two people saw the machine very quickly. After Zhang Yunzhao, he immediately posted up. After several years, it has risen the eight deacons of Xizhenwu Palace, which became the heart of Du Hu Shizhang and Xu Jun Institute.

However, Bai Teng Ming was rising from the earth. It was not good news for these two. In the past few years, in order to "show faith", these two can be smashed with Liao Klan, and the Gao Yi Kawn Time Tenghong is a topiness.

Therefore, these two people rushed to the Monitoring House of Xu Jun Institute, and suddenly cryed to tears. Finally, the Xu Jun Institute fell to the cup, and did you want to harm me to Sichuan West Xuanweed? "I don't know how, this sentence is soon being spread through the Xizhenwu Palace, and I was back by Lin Yuwen Junshan.

Zhao Ran heard that the mute laughed, and the heart is the original Xuanyuan view to force the Bai Tengming public to push the customs, and the Xu Jun Institute is called to Qingcheng Mountain for this matter.

If you can't keep the white Tengming public, you will be prepared to go to Sichuan Xuan Wei Si to suffer!

This is still the sequelae who has jumped in Ye Xueguan, did not expect the first to be on Xu Tonglong.

The publicity of the Xizhenwu Palace is very successful. Bai Teng Ming is elected by the abbot. After the next lift, it is a hundred feet and further, ushered in the second peak of life.

After the Bai Teng Simed, I haven't been afraid of the fear of the Xu Jun Institute, and I will pay the replenishment of the Sansu, and the cuisher's selection of people.

Zhao Ran remembered that when Xu Tonglong arrived in Xi Zhenwu Palace, he had discussed him with Song Dynasty, and he agreed that this person lacks uniqueness, and controls the ability and strength of the overall situation. Today's facts have clearly confirmed this, there is no Du Teng will be the main bone. Xu Jun Institute immediately lost to the White Earth and Liao Klan who have been teamed up.

Zhong Tenghong has gone, and Jiang Zi launched, not only that, these two continued to serve as a tip and high work.

This is Zhao Ran through the mouth of Lin Yuwen, giving Bai Tengming, as a abbot, there is still enough, and must take the important amfilms and passions of the eight actors to get the hand, talk to the words!

From the middle of May, Xu Tenglong was started to get to Qingcheng Mountain Xuanyuan. In June, the list of Zhong Tenghong and Jiang Zhihua Sanbu reported to Xuan Yuan's view. One month, the entire power structure of Xizhenwu Palace took place. The giant change, Bai Tengming took advantage of the extremely fruitful means, thoroughly mastered the authority of Longanfu, and Zhao Ran had to admire, secretly bricking thumbs, praise a "ginger or old spicy"!

On June 20, Lin Yuwen stayed in Xizhenwu Palace returned to Junshan, and he brought white Teng Teng: you can do it.

The expansion project of Junshan Temple,

This gang went to sleep with a moon, Zhao Ran went to Xiaojun Mountain to turn a circle, found that there was no awake, calculated a so-called "Second Taiwan Wars", and there is still Two months, Zhao Ran's affairs of the Junshan, riding the old, and rushed to the Academy.

Under the accepted mountain, Zhao Ren said, decided not to go to the mountain, quietly living in the golden books under the mountain.

In the unprofessory, high-powered Liu Zhiyang has just got the class industry. On the way to his own high-job from the passing hall, the owner of the hand has been found.

"Gao Jie brother, today's class is over? Can you go smoothly?"

Liu Zhikui shakes his head: "Now this help, no effort. You have been a business for many years. The situation is afraid that it is better than me. I will take the month of the month of the month. Several columns In this, can there be an outstanding course? If you put it in that year, I am afraid that I am in the second class. "

Fang Zhi and the road: "That is also teaching when the brother is the main job. Teacher, I am a master, I have a lot, I have to be brothers."

Liu Zhidao: "You have no problem, this is a known thing, don't be self-purple. Or the reason for talents. How many good seedlings have you been in the past, you have a lot of horses, you are very solid, not to say There is also Zhao Ziran, why, a top, it is far from this help. "

Fang Zhi and comfort: "Teachers are motivated, slowly come."

Liu Zhi Guangde: "You are relaxing, as high, my heart is still awkward. If you can meet a few people like this, you will be good, as for Zhao Ziran and all, then don't want, I don't know that ten years, I can't encounter one in twenty years. "

Fang Zhi and a smile: "The brother nothing is today? Since it comes to Zhao Shi, um, Zhao Tui, do you want to go together

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