Taoist Law

Chapter 45 sentiment

Zhao Ruen was not breathed up, listened to Song Yuqiao training, this is helpless: "I know the sister, I must learn from Cheng'an ... I will go ..."

Song Yuqiao frowned: "What do you say? Where are you going?"

Zhao Ranzi laugh: "I don't want to go."

Song Yuqiao "", and asked: "Is there a row in Cheng An?"

Zhao Ran did not have a good air: "Are you not seen? You didn't look at it?"

Song Yuqiao said: "I am a female crown, I don't have to do it with him, how do you see him? Don't go around, there is something! You are his friend, you still don't know? You don't say I will listen to yourself. go with!"

Zhao Ran thought about the situation of Xinjian, knowing that he was a monk, but the jade is still a yellow crown, so he can't say a clear, so he played a slide: "In the last time, he is still a supershe, now Too clear, he has been in Summer, I will not be very good. "

I saw Song Yuqiao seems to have a long time, but also Zhao Ran: "Remember to pay back to me back."

"Know the sister, you said that you can't let Zhou Mei contact me directly? This turned to turn the scripture, tired?"

"It is very interesting, not tired at all."

"Well ... The sister is troublesome, I will help me with the saying, just let her paint a masterpiece to send it, I haven't appreciated her new painting."

"Look at my mood."

And Song Yuqiao said a bunch of waste time, Zhao Ran returned to the spiritual sword, seeing only Yu Zhichuan in washing pavilion, sitting on him, asking: "Two brothers, they haven't come back?"

Yu Zhichuan took the head: "No." Raohe asked: "The brother saw Song Shimei?"

Zhao Ran is angry and is weak. "See it ..."

Just see Yu Zhichuan, I don't know where to touch the paper, put the pen on the tongue, do it, ready to record, and look up at the eye.

Zhao Ran couldn't help with the handy: "Don't you do this?"


"A bunch of non-nutritional nonsense, don't remember."

"Okay." Yu Zhichuan put the paper pen, and his face regrets.

Jossure has been half a time, I will see the master brothers and the three brothers Luo Zhiqing.

"The four teachers came back, you broke into the Huang Crown, did you have a stable realm? This period can not be, once stable, the Dan is loose, the sea is damaged, and the avenue is not hopeful."

Wei Zhenzhen is still poison tongue, but Zhao Ran has already used to it, said: "Thank you, the master, I will be careful."

Luohuai looked at Zhao Ran smiled, did not speak, he didn't talk to the sex of love, a smile sufficient to show everything.

Wei Zhi really sat down together, said: "The teacher went to the hills, the teacher passed the waterstone Dan to Luo Shi brother. Later, we went to the elderly hall, and the elders allowed Luo Fi brother to pass the law, he Nowadays, we are the Master of the Master of our Lingjian. But the teacher's meaning, Luo Familiarism, no good words, he came to pass, afraid that he would misunderstand your child ... "

Zhao Ran heard a face, heart, do you want to be so straightforward? He knows that the teacher's original words will not be so straightforward, it is inevitably euphemistic, but said by Wei Zhizhen, the taste changed.

It's all the same door, Yu Zhichuan and Luo Zhiqing in the Lingjian Court for many years, familiar with Wei Zhizhen's style, un mind, let the careful wing look at Luo Liqing face Zhao Ran down.

Wei Zhiqi: "So Luo Shili continued to concentrate on practice this work, not only Waterstone Dan Dan, all the skills of this door must be involved, but it can be not fine, but must understand, this is also the Master of the Chuang Master Responsibility. As for the professor, two brothers are still doing, I have to do any questions about the second dividend, and I still have to ask me. "

I thought about it, rush Zhao Rong said: "The teacher said, since you walk for the door, you still have to pay more attention to the good thing that is suitable for cultivation, this is a big event.

Zhao Ran didn't think about it: "I can't help it, this is my negligence. I must keep in mind in my heart." He has been walking for more than three months. In these three months, he has been busy with running officials, hung a Dow the duty, but there is no way, it doesn't say it.

After Wei Zhi is still finished, then let Luo Qingqing and Zhao Ran talk about the understanding and mood of the approach.

This is the exchange between the brothers and brothers. The brothers of the Lingjian Pavilion have been deep, so there will never conceal, the problem is that Luo Zhizhen is not good, it is half a day, I don't know why.

The other three are well known, but there is no urgent meaning, and the three eyes of Baba looked at Luo Ziqing. He immediately slammed the Lu Lu Qing and suddenly swell.

"Dan, single, single, one. But the road is not good, the name is Dan. Heaven, you have a clear, and you have a good time. You have a long life."

Hey, Zhao Ran suddenly stopped, Luo brother's words were very good, very deeply said that his understanding of his own Dan Road is simple, it is a good! It is fully compliant with Zhao Ran's awareness of this Luo brother.

Cut this sentence carefully, Zhao Ran is full of waiting for Luo Bang's post, I saw Luo brother, I still have half-pillar time, and I have two words: "It's over."

Zhao Ranwood, the heart is in the heart of the hard to interruption, don't be more difficult. But he also knows that there is no wonderful brother, it can be said that it is enough.

Ok, now I am in Zhao Ran, Zhao Ranqing, then: "..."

He found that he was not as good as Luo Qing, Luo Migan Mandarin Remote, he did not have an enlightenment, or there was only a process, no results. It's as if he feels that you have to get it, you can think of it, you have no! What should I say?

But the three brothers looked at themselves, not to say that two dozen seems to be unsuitable, when you have a hard walk: "... this, say it is fast, the flash thunder, um, Dansheng became ...... "

The silence of the moment, between the big eyes, and the three brothers finally vocal.

Luo Huiqing: "?"

Yu Zhichuan: "How do I flash the thunder ??"

Wei Zhenzhen: "The brother will then say?"

Zhao Ran silently thinks for a while, decided to change a way, isn't it just exchange realizes? Tear!

"Tao Cangzhan is emphasized that it is necessary to refine Naddan, and must first accommodate more than 800, the mercy is full of three thousand. All of them are ignorant, I am willing."

"Therefore, this, my practice lies in the entry, the entrance to the WTO lies in merits, merit is for the people, for the people who are doing things, doing things in practical ..."

"... we do practical things for the people, we must consciously wear the work overalls of the Taoist, find the work combination and focus, implement the work orientation of the people, and effectively solve the representative, who, who is the problem Enhance the appeal and influence of ten-party jungle ... "

After the Yunshan fog, the three brothers were shocked by him, and they felt that Xuanzhi is also in the middle, and it is deeply uniform!

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