Taoist Law

Chapter 58 Discount

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The second pile is the decree of ten-party jungle grass.

Zhang Yangming looked at Shen Yunjing. See Shen Yunjing, staring at the floor, only have to come to see himself: "The same trends in the past, the same pendants have gone, I hope to squat in the name of the overall, and clear the museum and ten Fang Conglin's mutual ... Hey ... "Division Difference ..." Said, open a paper bag next to it, take out a manuscript, give each real man one.

The monks changed by Zhang Yang Ming, did not enter the ten-party jungle, and the original eight reasons were deleted. There were only three left, that is, the monks did not have time to handle customary, monk to manage the customs. Daoxin dust, the original system of ten-party jungle cannot handle the rush of the monk. This is a decree that has been placed and used as much as possible.

For the customs of the simple and hope, this is a big event. It is related to whether the old system of the ten-party jungle can continue, so everyone will work together, Zhong Zhicheng City, with extraordinary courage to bubble It became the hand of Zhang Yang, and wanted to deliver the euphemism that the real teachers can accept and finally passed.

But for the True Mastang's big monks, it is a little more than a matter, so even before Zhang Yangming, he has a shortage of the truth, but it is really careless to think about this.

Yang Zhenren in the Rab Pavilion is one of them. She is a flying aqual day before yesterday. At that time, she didn't think much, just with a question, I would like to ask Zhang Yangming: "Zhang Cheng, this decree Sign? Monk to take the customs, of course, will affect their own practice, do not need to go to the decree, they will not go to the ten-party jungle to serve as a road? Is this not more? "

Zhang Yangming said: "Of course, most monks are all practiced, they will not be able to serve as a duty ..."

Just said, I was interrupted by Yang Zhen people: "Zhang Jun's meaning, still have a few monks to work in ten party jungle?"

Zhang Yangming said: "There is indeed such a one, it is the abbot Zhao Zhao Zhao, Longanfu, Sichuan Province, and he is also a monk of Huayun Hall. It is the disciple of Jiangai Master, and now the Huangshou."

Yang Zhen people think about a moment, asked: "What are you talking about Zhao Ziran, it seems to be familiar?"

Xu Yunyu interface: "Yang Zhen people still remember the sternum of the Jade Emperor Pavilion and Huang Yunli in the first day of the summer and autumn?"

Yang Zhen people suddenly: "Ah, it turned out to be him." The current is very curious and asked: "Why do he serve in Yanyu County?"

Zhang Yangming has done some homework before the past, and the resume of Zhaoran is roughly said.

Yang Zhen people said: "It turns out that this is said that this person is in the ten-party jungle, but it is also the same, but why did he speak, concentrate on cultivation? Five, six years to the yellow crown ... After the bone is bone, the nature and the root bone are the best choice ... Is it unreasonable under the Jiangfai teacher? Or is it not suitable for the inheritance of the Lingxiange? Jiang Teng crane I also understand that the sword is super, the top of the young life, looking back, I will ask him, if he is really not suitable for the practice of practice the spirit of the sword, you can come to me to try, so the qualification, and It is always a pity to stand up to the Taoist, it is always a pity ... "

When she said, Zhang Yang Ming suddenly became very embarrassed. I didn't know what to say in a time. In the other, the other of the Leisha Du Tianshi took the end: "This Zhao Qiran, I have also had a hear, just Zhang Jian The court said that Zhao Ziran once served as a Junshan Temple, and I would like to be this. I have a small generation in my family. I walked in Yunshan, Yogang County, and this Zhao Ziran has tried it. The words are very uncomfortable, but recognition It is really defeated. "

Yang Zhen asked in a hurry: "Which one goes to Junshan? Star ? Star ..."

Du Tianshi said: "It is Star Yan, the child has hugged, hug, huh."

Yang Zhen said: "It turned out to be Star Yan.

Du Tianshi said: "Yes, he said that this Zhao Ziran is a mailing. It is indeed a quarter of the spiritual sword. But he is very good for the Missing Mountain. It has always been to find a chance to go to Junshan."

Two high-revolutions have been talking about this, just talk to the building, Zhang Yangming and Shen Yunjing have no words, slightly embarrassed.

Or Zhang Yunyi pulled the topic: "Yangming, you will find this decree of drafting, is Zhao Ziran?"

Zhang Yunyi returned to the topic, Zhang Yangming was secretly tone. He and Zhang Yunyi were from the Dragon Tiger Zhangjia, and the same is true. His generation is higher than Zhang Yunyi, but Zhang Yunyi is a family of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and is one of the top big monks of Doumen, so Many matters involving practice are actually listening to Zhang Yunyi.

This part is the same. In the first two days, he and Zhang Yunyi had a face-to-face talk, and he had to tell Zhang Yunyi for the hard work of the Taoist. Zhang Yunyi understood the wishes of the situation, but it is not optimistic about this decree.

Discuss it to discuss, when Zhang Yunyi has an idea, when the Quality Hall consultation, turn the attention point to Zhao Ran's specific object, put the contradiction in Zhao Qiran, rather than the group of the library, do the best possible Avoid the community of trors.

In other words, Zhang Yun does not agree to introduce this decree, but in order to maintain Zhang Yangming's status, or more straightforward, maintain the status of Longhu Mountain in ten-way jungle, nor to oppose certain measures to limit Zhao However, partially meets the common wishes of ten-party jungles, thereby slowing down Zhang Yangming's enormous pressure.

Of course, according to Zhang Yunyi, even if it is for Zhao Ziran, it is not yet in two, while do not allow Zhang Yang Ming to the front.

So Zhang Yangming said: "This order is the first to play the court, and the two delegates of the square will be played, and the first drafters of the eight deaciaons are the first drafters. The main view is from the detailed manner to the truth, this Jinghe is rushed to the capital from Lushan, and now I am waiting outside the Yuanfu Palace. "

Yang Zhen people once again inserted: "Is the child of Jing Jia? There is no qualification, but unfortunately. I ..."

Zhang Yunyi is afraid that he once again, busy breaking: "It is the descendant of Jingjia. Yangming, will call him in and ask."

Zhang Yangming has gone in the Ziyu Hall. When I went outside the Yuanfu Palace, I was sitting in the scenery of the door.

The scenery has been waiting here, see Zhang Yangming's gesture, take a deep breath, is a genuine coat robe, followed by Zhang Yang Ming, entered the Yuanfu Gate, went to the Ziyu Hall.

All the way, Zhang Yang Ming said: "I can't speak, I have to spend it. I have talked with you yesterday. This thing, everyone's wish is good, but I can't expect it once, this is impossible."

{Old Tie, please remember the new eight one Chinese network}

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