Taoist Law

Chapter 69 1 Pot

In the face of Wang Shouyu's arrogant words, Zhao Ran felt very inexplicable: "Daoyou seems to be not too smooth, but I don't know what I do? If you want to find someone, go anything else, and find another person. Things, not accompanying! "

Wang Shou Yu said: "Your Huayun Pavilion is not to say that I am flattering the Temple of Tiangong, and it is not surprising. I have no surprise? I will come today to let you see it."

Zhao Ran understood that this is the same day, there is no such thing as the day, and his master brother Wei Zhiqing will use the three palace monks all black. It can only be made by his own, so ask: "You and blue What do refineries? "

Wang Shou Yu: "I think it is? Yes, the blue-filming master is my teacher, Fang's Kun Zhong is my brother. You have more people who are more popular, fold my teacher and two brothers, this pen Is it necessary to be counted? "

"What do you think?"

"I am not as shameless like you, I will not learn from your building. If you are on the ground of the three palaces, I still give you a fair opportunity for a single fight. You I am I have been doing it here. If you win me, I will go, I will not be non-non-abuse; if you lose, you will be smash, to me, to all the Chao Tiandong Monk, admit that you can't work in your life! "

Is a fair trial opportunity? Zhao Ran looked at the little beast of the five faucet snakes in Wang Shouqiu, I couldn't tell this beast in Huayun on the day. I seem to see Blue Tian Jade Jade Jade. The embroidered object is the same as this, and it is necessary to be a sign of the Chao Tiande.

The five gods marks mean that the name of the Dynasty Timen Palace in front of the eyes was sent by the Master. And what? Three flame mark, but a yellow crown monk.

Is this the opportunity of the other party's fair compaction?

However, Zhao Ran did not want to distinguish, since the other words mentioned their own teacher, even if the moon fantasy gossip fade is damaged, even if the robe from fire, I can't worry, I have to worry about it. !

Li Da is listened to here, can I don't understand what Wang Shouyu is doing, so I am quickly discouraged: "Damage to the friends, here is the Yuan Fukongshan door ..."

Wang Shou Yu interrupted his words, laughed: "Liyuan makes it on true, a small yellow crown, you must take it, you can't make much movement, you can't damage your Yuan Fukongshan door."

Zhao Ruo Le, when it is the sound: "Wang Shouyu, you must fight, today is trying to test with you, and see me a yellow crown, how to fight you a big master!"

Zhao Ran said, with the mantrang, suddenly resounded to Jinshan.

After listening to Zhao Ran, I laughed when I was lurked, Wang Shouyou laughed, couldn't help but despise: "Zhao Xiaodao, are you afraid? Is it called the same brother? You can rest assured, I can slowly Waiting for you, despite the move of your teacher's rescue, come to a pair, come to a pair, I will destroy a pair, today I clean up your building, I don't ask you to know that I am in the Tiangong! "

Zhao Rong said: "You have a big saying, pick up the building? This is afraid to laugh at the side of the big teeth. The landplace road method, the source is long, the profit, is you, can you say? I don't have to come out of the brothers. You don't want to pick up my floor to send it? I will take the brothers who have just entered the Huangzhan to lead the gods! "

Wang Shou Yu: "You are not a little life, you are welcome! What is the watching method? Today, let you open your eyes, see the real Confucianism ..."

Li Dawei is anxious, reminding: "Damaged Dao You, Yuanfu Palace is undergoing ..."

Wang Shouyu once again interrupted: "Liyuan makes it, don't do this with you. Today, I will borrow this Yuan Fu Gongmen, and I will pick up the building. I personally go to Chen Tianshi!"

Li Da Haiwang said: "Damage! My teacher is now in the Yuanfu Palace, and the real teacher!"

Wang Shouqiu stayed, said: "Chen Tianshi came back?"


One of the priests and sorrows and asked Wang Shouyu: "Is you here?"

Wang Shouyu knows the real teacher, but this Taoist is one of them, it is Chen Shan. Seeing that Chen Tianshi got to, he was a sudden, and he quickly worshiped: "See Tianshi!"

Chen Shan Dao glanced at Wang Shou Yiang and said: "Don't retreat!"

Wang Shouyu, moved to Li Da stealth, and Wang He did not dare to speak.

But see Chen Tianshi, there is a monk of a fairy-style bone to Zhao Ran, asked: "What do you say here? Who is going to fight?"

Zhao Ran referred to Wang Shouyu, which said: "The Dafa Master of the Tiandong Palace, saying that it is necessary to pack up my building, the disciples must only be invited to fight. Please ask Xu Shiji disciple to go to the enemy!"

This teacher is Zhao Ran's cheap teacher Jiang Tenghe's a year of money, I will listen to the real people and laugh: "Let me give you the enemy's gap? The courage is not small! Let me say, how do you hit the people? "

Zhao Ranjun, how to "insult my teacher, the disciples have to fight ..."

Xu Zhen people: "It is also said to have a long time, but it is always a long time. If you have a good thing, you will have time to eat. Even if you have to fight, you have to have a big lifetime, you don't delay the practice. Don't be a dead board, please ask for aid, it is better than the two armies, but when you don't hurry, do you still seek aids? "

Zhao Ran quickly admitted: "Thank you, Master Botti, the disciple understands. Don't know if Tekroke will help?"

Xu Zhen nodded: "This is right." I looked at Wang Shou Yu, who was next to Li Da, and smiled: "Confucianism, good tone, this world has Confucianism?"

Wu Tianshi laughed at the side: "What is the practice of Confucianism, Taoism ..."

Due to not finish, I suddenly listened to the corner of the palace hospital, there was a high drink: "Zhao Ziran quickly took away!" Two people were flashing in the pine forest, and screened.

"Today, let you see the real Confucianism!"

"Good thief, you also have today!"

When Wu Tianshi suddenly went down, he went to the front, and the sleeve waved. These two people suddenly be hit by it, "" two, hit it on the palace wall, and fell to the ground , Suddenly fell seven episodes, and they couldn't say it.

It is also Wu Tianshi unintentionally hurts, otherwise these two people are in this moment?

Wu Tianshi frowned: "What is these two?"

Zhao Ran looked happy, on the front: "These two are also Chao Tiandong, this is called Fang Zheng, that is called Fang Qing."

"Do you finish Liangzi?"

"His brothers have been to Sichuan, saying that they have to be a trial method with my building, and I have been in seconds of my brother."


"Oh, just ... this suddenly ... I will kneel."

Wu Tianshi smiled: "This is also interesting. Then they are looking for you to revenge?"


"Not a kid to save the surname?"


Zhao Ran looked at Wu Tianshi like a laughing expression, and the heart was a hundred turns, and the dry tongue was dry.

It is tangled, but I heard the truth. "Not here."

Zhao Rancheng took a breath, grateful to Xu Zhen people. Xu Zhen people picked him from the difficult choices, otherwise Zhao Ranzhen did not know what the answer to the answer hopped.

Xu Zhen people turned to Chen Shan Road: "These guys and buildings, and the little calls of the real hooks, they are all people of the Tiantian Palace, do you manage?"

Chen Shan Dao's face, his face: "When I met Zhu Xian, let the Tiantian Palace gave Jiangxian to a regret."

Wu Tianshi gave Zhao Rong said: "If you can't explain it with Jiangxiao, don't see you generally, you will not be worth it."

Zhao Ran is busy: "Yes, I will listen to Wu Tianshi!"

Wang Shouqi heard his ear, ashamed, but did not dare to expose a free. Just kidding, although he doesn't know, since he will do it with Chen Tianshi, "You I" is commensurate, and one is one, which is what he encompacted?

The two brothers of Fang, were shouting, he did no matter who managed? Even the brothers who were thrown into the two people, they wanted to leave, but they were drank by Chen Shan Road: "They are born to the wall, let your Master come to lead!"

Wang Shouqiu did not dare to neglect, dragging Fang's brothers leaned against the wall.

Just squat, I suddenly came to the corner of the palace wall, shouted while rushing: "The surname of Zhao's rape thief, you also hit me in my hand!"

"Zhao Ziran, hahaha, when it is God open, today, let you taste the taste of arrogance!"

Wang Shouqiu looks like this, is this not a gay to watch and the spring breeze? How did they come? There is another one in the last side, it seems that I have just arrived in Beijing, it seems that Lin Zhibin, is there a "Happy Road,"?

Wang Shou Yun suddenly smashed his face and couldn't bear it again.

Sure enough, " " three times, there are many homotents that have been squatting under the palace wall, but Chen Shan Road is out!

Zhao Ran didn't think hello, but I wanted to pay more than a few so I greeted Yang Zhen people who have always been interested in Zhao Ran, and struck Zhao Ran. "Zhao Ziran, you come over "

Zhao Ran passed the gift: "I have seen Yang Zhen people."

Yang Zhen took a few steps on the edge of Zhao Ran, and the right hand was a circle, and the sound was drawn, and then asked: "Is it a few years old this year?"

Zhao Rong said: "Disciples are twenty-eight this year."

Yang Zhen people got up and down, I saw Zhao Ran, I did something awkward. I didn't know how to be good, I listened to Yang Zhen people: "The appearance is unachable, but also Zhou Zheng, good qualification, the avenue During the period, it is also the disciple of Jiang Teng crane, the teacher is also not good ... "

I listened while listening, Zhao Ran's heart drums: "This Yang Zhen, what is this? Will not ..."

Sure enough, Yang Zhen people asked: "Can you have a child?"

Zhao Ran wants to say "booked a pro", but this kind of thing will know, from him to lie, only have to be old and actually: "Not booked yet."

Yang Zhen people said: "I have a lady here, and I have been matching the age, the appearance doesn't have to say, and the practice is also a good material, and the family is extremely unique, and it is good to make a good match. If it is intentional, I I will take the Huayun Mountain, give you a teacher, do you see it? "

"You don't have to say anything." What does this mean? Usually for the media, the three-point appearance should be blown to seven points. If there is a seven points, it will inevitably blow it. Zhao Ran has always taken people, this is a crucial prerequisite, listening to Yang Zhen people, it is cold in the heart.

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