Taoist Law

Chapter 77 Month

In the four months of the Daqing Mountain Cave, the rest of the month, Zhao Ran has been in the training of Longyangzi, Zhang Lao Road, Qing Jun and Qing mother-in-law and others, and strives to study the skills of the sky. Methods.

After practicing the emptiness, it is a chance to get the talent.

For example, Zhang Lao Dao's talents is "bride", that is, after Zhang Lao Road opens talents, he gradually feels, and where there is a benefit, how to do it, there will be some degree of presence .

After I heard that Zhao Ran is very curious, so I ask Zhang Lao Road. This day is the legendary big prophet.

Zhang Lao Road told him that "Zi Ji Was" is not prophecy, nor is it a consideration, and what will be born in the future, I don't know. The biggest benefit of this talent is that some things that you are not very clear about yourself, and you will naturally choose the advantageous direction.

In other words, Zhang Lao said that it is unclear, and it is impossible to predict what will be born in the future, but when they make choices, I will feel this in the future, and I should have benefits in the future, and in the future, I confirmation His choice is really correct.

Longyang's talents added with Zhaoran, all of which are open. However, Longyangzi told Zhaoran, although it is the sky, it can be opened completely in the day after tomorrow.

Longyangzi is the sky opened after the Tianshi, which also made him a master of the top array master. His sky is the day after tomorrow, it is to stop, and it is impossible to improve the truth of the heavens, but do not do "scoring stripping", "rationing the Cleaning War".

According to the description of Longyangzi, Zhao Ran judged that this big monk's eyes is roughly equivalent to his own level, and after he learned "scream peeling" in our last month, he has already smashed him. Behind you.

It turns out that his eyes are "first day", you can advance! Zhao Ran is of course quite happy.

Under the full "crush" of several big monks, Zhao Ran was practiced in the array of Longyang ancestors, and the sky-eyed talent was promoted. At this moment, the scene is self-different.

He looked at the French and carefully resolved the thousands of Wan Xu. In his opinion, Longyangzi stabbed the virtual truth of the Buddha Gang, with the position of the sound of the sound, the position of the heaven and earth, can be said to have found the eye, or found it. The trick of the heaven and earth gas conversion in the Buddha Gang Dam, the means is high.

However, Gao Ming returned, and the technique is also calculated that the power of the disease is a lot thinner. The follow-up gas machine of the Buddha Gangzhou is extremely deep, and the Qinyin is sharp, but it is like a lone star than the Buddha, but where is it to break?

Zhao Ran nodded to Zhang Lao Dao, Qing Jun, and Qing Dynasty nodded. It is indeed the three words of the "Brush Temple" on the Hall of the Main Temple.

So Zhang Lao Road and other big monks have begun to join and take a while.

Zhang Lao Dao's arms were oscillated, and a huge breath came forward from him. As he turned between his arms up and down, this atmosphere was high, gathered into a high tall Taiji two instrumentation.

This figure is composed of yin and yang, the black fish, the black fish, the white eye is the sun, but it is a white fish, the black eye of the white fish is away, but Nanming is from the fire. The sake is alternate, the sun and the moon are rounded, the yin and yield is refining, can cause the void and crush, the transformation of everything is not seen, listening to it, the beat, the wording, the unpolated image of the inexpensiveness.

After the Taiji map is formed, he is suddenly in the Buddha's large array, and the "brush the temple" on the main hall is turned.

Zhaoran hiding under the seven-order hindrance, there is no sound in the ear, but the knowledge is suddenly earthquakey, it is like the thunder, the heart is full, the heart is bloody, a blood is good Not yet.

Qingjun spit out a green eucalyptus,

There is also a spirit of green mother-in-law, the top of the oil paper umbrella, the undercuts, a few huge bars, the honey, rolling the hurricane, take a note of the brush Temple, and the trend is fierce!

The four big monks were in front of the Zhigang, the Director of the Temple, and Longyangzi took a nine palace plus torthard, with a piano, and the Taiji map of Zhang Lao Road mainly attacked, the Qing's Mo Jubi stone was loud. The blue motherhood changes itself to the array.

Brush the temple of the temple, the Buddha Gang, greeted these four big monks, the petals were soaked.

If you don't want to fight for three days, you will see the scope of the Buddha's shroud to shrink, and the rays have gradually dull.

Longyangdiao said: "A force, this is broken!"

So everyone is working together to speed up the output of the mana.

When there is not much time, the light is bleak, and the Buddha is beginning to vibrate.

Long Yangzi is big, drink: "Open!"

A slight and long bell sounded, the Buddha is angry, and suddenly contracted invisible. When everyone thinks that it is necessary to break, listen to the foundation of the Van Gogh, and brush the top of the temple of the temple. At the core position of the Big Array, the Buddha is gradually gathers, and it is condensed into a seminated, and the hands of the brunette.

Everyone has a big earthquake, just listen to Zhang Lao Dao. "Month, the woman!"

Who is the woman in the month?

Regarding this problem, Zhao Ran, who once in Xixi, Xingqing and the power, and a half of the year, Zhao Ran, very clear.

When this brushes, the Buddha's Buddha Gang is now in the world, there is a girl Van Si, there is a flap, this is not a flower of the Buddha's clouds, what is the flowers?

"Vivo · Viewer's Students" records: "Time-dimensional Macquard has a day, seeing the laws of the people, you will have a saying, that is, Tianshua Zhu Bodhisattva, the disciple, Huaying Zhu Bodhisattva That is, it is falling, and the big disciple will not be distracted. All disciples will go to China, can't order. "

Vimmus is Tianzhu Gao Yan, the family has wandering, the wife and the wife are in group, but he has not worried about the enjoyment of the world, but he is studying hard, diligent, can be "unhappy, not hunning," So I finally became a positive, and I had a position of the Western World Bodhisattva.

Vimmount has a beautiful wife, no screas, there is a son name good thing, there is a female moon, a family is a Buddha's deep generation, is the Buddha's legendary homes.

When the woman is eight years old, he will grow a beautiful child woman, paying back, and the Buddha is milesty, and the Buddha is taught.

Since then, Vimmount and the disciples of the discipline, there is a beautiful woman who will be full of blue flowers. The Sheriff is stainted with petals. The rest of the disciples will not be bodied, and the Sheriff is not enough, so it is diverted from this effort.

The flower of the flowers is the daughter of Vimmount - monthly women.

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