Taoist Law

Chapter 94

The coral trees referred to by Longyangzi flashed a golden light, turned into a pagoda, is the Xuanci Jin Luo Han Tower, Xu Chi Sitting in the Tower, the eyes are slightly closed, and I ignore it, continue to wonder.

Long Yangzi is a small motion, and it will recruit dozens of a long squatting, these squats immediately enclose the golden contraders, and the countless lightning thunder is released.

Xucei and self-contained, there was a blink of it, and then it was extended to the four sides. At will, it will be wrapped in all dozens of squatting.

More ,,

Longyangzi, Zhang Lao Road and Qing Jun and others have a law, continue to surround the mysterious attack, and Chuyang Chengmei also wounds the arrow in the perimeter, and keeps the mysterious mana.

It's so siege for Sixty-Japanese, I suddenly see Xuanci and again from the tower, the hand of the bodhisattva has no mask, the mouth is in the mouth:

"If you encounter, you have no, you have never, habits, it is like it. For your confrontation, I am actually the law, so I am changed, and I am telling me."

After reading, the double-handed ring refers to the eight parties, and drinks: "It's not a real phase, saying that the fake is said. Broken!"

The sea is shaking, and Xuanci is in the golden tower and .

The siege of a mutter is not anxious, waiting for Longyangzi to continue to track.

In Chang Pavilion, Zhao Ran began to be busy again.


Western Shadow is five years, Daming Jiajing twenty-two years, the first month.

Just passed, He Lanshan Zhuzhang, the Handheld, etc., will gather together Wanfa Temple, come to listen to the Master of the Words. As one of the five major Buddhas of the West, the Five Buddha, the Master of the Wenyu Temple will convene a Faith in Wanfa Temple, explain the Buddhist scriptures for each temple, and the matter has become practical.

He Lanshan is divided into the north and the 13th Buddha Temple in the north, and the Helan South Temple is headed by Helannam Temple. It is mainly the Wanfa Temple, but because of the common Buddha in the Temple, it is a five-day Buddha. One of the ancestors, so, in the past few hundred years, Helan South Temple has been honored as a temple.

Tianma Temple Founder Longji and lived in the Dragon, in the blocked, the Dragon is specially rushed from the Xingqingfu, since the hook hooks with Jinbo Club, after the Tianma Pharmaceutical, the days of Tiangu Tama Temple suddenly improved Get up, not only has sufficient amount of money, but also built a residential hospital in the Xingqing House.

In this huge-funded construction of the Cui Mingshan, Longji, Longyang and the four major classes have lived in a single-storey monk, and the whole Cui Mingshan has been transformed into a mountain clear show. The bird language is fragrant, and it is really comfortable, and even the cultivation of the monks in the temple will also rise.

For example, from the police, I was because I stayed in the Cuiming Mountain for two years. I suddenly saw my own "dust-sealed", so I returned to Tiangu Temple to continue to repair, I saw it to enter the identity world, become a one The big monk of Bodhisattva.

Also because of this, Tianma Temple is in the temple in Nanshan, Helan, from nearly the last one, and now the dragon and Longji two have sitting in the middle of the southern Temple. Waiting to Longji's day, it will sink to the forefront.

After the public entered the seat, there were Wanfa Temple to defeat the bell, and he was in the first master of the Wanfa Temple. He turned out later, and he was in a 10: "I have seen the teacher's brothers."

The public is busy, respecting the road: "I have seen the Puusi brother."

Pu Zhen is a disciple of Menyong, and seven years ago, the Bodhisattva, in Helan Mountain, Zhizi Zhongwei Heikh, in seat, only Helannam Temple square feet and shoulder.

Just listening to Puzhen: "The teacher is out of the temple because of the temple, this year's Faith, by my master," "

The Master of Zhu Yucheng is disappointed, but the master of the Pu Zen Master, the master of the Master, and a sorghum, which is a second view of the three views of the Bodhisattva. It has begun to enlighten the surname, and by him. It is also a blessing.

So the Puji Master stepped on the stage, and there were three times,

After the Fa Conference, Pu Zhen came to the husband's house, and the two were sitting after sitting, Puti Road: "This is really strange, what is the teacher?"

Puzhen shook his head: "I don't know what the fly is said ..."

Master of Many hurriedly left Hequs Mountain, and did not dare to delay all the way. The second day of early morning arrived in Ba Zala. At this moment, the sky is bright, so it is depressed, and the route is adjusted after carefully identifying the direction, and go to the southeast.

When I got the arrow, I suddenly suddenly moved, and I slowed down in the air. Here is the southeast of the arrow furnace. It has been in the clearness. It will be in the surroundings of the mountains. It is a flat dam, surrounding a clear creek, opening out more than ten mu of rice fields.

Nowadays, there is a thin snow in the field, and there is a farmhouse in the field, and an old farmer is dressed in a few caulies in the hospital.

The literary face sinks down, and she looked at this old road. The old road is busy, straight start, slamming the waist, to the courtyard of the witches: "Where is the Master of the Visan, this is going?"

Silent silence is a moment, said: "Feng Song, do you want to fight with me?"

This old road is the wind that will be rescued from the water last year.

The old road turned to look at the mountains, and the rice fields opened in the mountain dam, sighed: "I spent seven years here, what do you think I am doing? In these years, I Here, I saw that you killed so many doors, I have never loud, I haven't been to this last seven years, and I have said that I will give you a good time. Zhang Zhen people have to fly, he Walk, I lost a sudden warp column, don't take the mysterious way, what should I do in the future? It is difficult to do! "

Silver ridicule: "You are a victorious me?"

The old road shakes his head: "The old road I fight but master, but the master wants to be better than the old road, it is not so easy. This way, you will fight here, after a year, old road I automatically Encourse, leave here, the master wants to go, how? "

The Wenyu Paper is spent on, said: "I don't hurt you, give you a month, after you leave, how?"

The old road continued to shook his head: "I can't do it in a month, but since the master opened, I wanted to sell the master, ten months, and ten months I left."

"Two months."

"No, at least eight months."

"Three months."

"For six months, I left, I didn't stop the master."

The mandie shook his head, thinking about it, said: "For four months, if you can't, let's play a good."

The wind is laughing, said: "Then four months! Master is interested in eating meals? I just called the new Valley, incense."

Literary nod: "It is good, but I will cook, your old laigue is tight, I am afraid that you deliberately put meat inside!"

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