Taoist Law

Chapter 122 18 Cave

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Listening to Zhao Ran said, "Don't be alarming the Chen Tu Institute", Lin Gao and Xu Fang Lord couldn't help but somewhere, and very enthusiastic, with Zhao Ran went to a restaurant, it was an Asian room.

The wine is placed, and a few cups have touched a few words, Zhao Rong said: "I just said that the Chen Taoist Hospital, I don't know where the supervision is?"

Lin Gao Dynasty: "The Chen Muchuan is Fujian, for the human and good, Zhao Huimi has the opportunity to see it, treating us, these subordinates are also very generous. In fact, we admire him most, it is the wrist of the doing, since it three years since it The relationship between square is very good, never heard who is sin, this is a rare. "

Listening to Lin is briefly introduced a few words. Zhao Ran's heart has established a "old good person" in the hospital, but as a government supervision, it is not good. If you don't have to sin, then Don't do things.

For the question of Zhao Ruyi, Lin Gao's explanation is that the high-rise and courts of Jiujiang City, there are more expensive, and there are more people's direct descent of the immortals, so as a Jiujiang's supervision, "no sinner" is the main political achievement. Or pursue "nothing", is the brilliant thinking of Jiujiang.

Zhao Ran is also waiting for a long time in Sichuan. His skills need a lot of merits, so do things have become a habitual idea. At this moment, I listen to Lin Gao Gong, this is awake, and I have a truth. I didn't consider the special circumstances of Jiujiang.

A meal was eaten, Zhao Ran has a preliminary impression on Jiujiang Taoine and Xing County, and the overall feelings are not very good. If it will come here to serve as an abbot, it is afraid that it is a lot, and it will face the resistance of far exceptions.

After dinner, Zhao Run returned to the house. After the next morning, he got up to Zhaofu, where the lake in the city, the self-propelled "representative" Zhao Qixing visited Zhao, and left a gift.

In the case where the general view of last year, Zhao Ran slammed a total of high-rise faces, and even the title of Zhang Tianshi and the teachings and the teachings were taken by him. .

Most of the tube Zhao Yunyi has also been punished. Although the punishment is not heavy, the attitude of punishment is coming out, and it is quite shameful for him.

At this moment, Zhao Ran must alleviate the relationship with this most tube, of course, the wind wave has not yet fully calm, and it is not appropriate to meet directly. Zhao Ran still remembers a scene in Zhao Huanshu on the same day. As a result, Zhao Datu, who is full of Zhao Mandu, is sapped by his hard, and now meets each other, but it has to make up from elsewhere.

Visiting Zhao, Zhao Ran no longer delayed, out of Jiujiang straight to Lushan. After bypass the golden chicken peak, trace the stream back to the green water pool, after the waist is joined, and a huge force will be involved in the water.

From the Shuiling Tan, I entered the Golden Peak Tongtian, the jungle, full of simple spirit. This is Zhao Ran's second time, and compared with last year, his man's miles have been doubled, and it is much easier than last year.

It is still the golden happiness monkey. He jumped from the tree, and immediately recognized Zhaoran in front of him.

"Seeing the spiritual official, the thirds of the road San Qingge Wei Zhao Ranran, last year, I have been here, I don't know the spirit, can I remember?"

"Remember, you don't give me it when you come last time ... oh, oh,, the last time, it is this, delicious! Oh, go in, hm, ok, delicious ..."

Zhao Rukamu Jing Road, came to the Sanqing Court of Tianxinghu, first went to the door to take the window, wake up the old road sleeping on the table: "Your old compassion, the small road is the Zhao Ziran, which is the Xiqiao, which is the Xiran, which is me. Letter waist, have been with Exadit, come over, you will be able to open a strip. "

The old road blinks, open the door, tearing down to Zhao Ran, just want to open, Zhao Ran has already pretended: "You are worried,

After that, Zhao Ran entered the door, and the old road opened his mouth, but he didn't say it in a word. He looked at Zhao Ran, and he said: "Nothing!"

The old old man seems to have a variety of information that can not be caught, Zhao Ran is waiting for a while, and Zhuo Long raises his head and laughs: "It's coming."

Zhao Rong said: "Your old is really hard, I am Jiujiang last night, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am in the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Tao. Yes, this is my gift to catch in Yuxi. The river, the ceremony is marinated with chili, saying that you like this. "

Zhuo Long immediately excited, and slammed his hand and opened the wooden box of Zhao Rong. I saw that there were dozens of salted fish on the end of the thick red pepper, a spicy and strange taste. Come on.

Zhuo Long, I took a deep breath, Intoxicated: "I haven't been eaten for a long time. I have dreamed in the past few days. Haha." Hey, the cover smiled: "After looking for time, drink two cups."

Zhao Ran smiled and agreed, asked: "Wu Tianshi is very empty now?"

Zhuo Long said: "Come with me."

Zhao Ran followed him to the Sanqing Pavilion's back, not much, look at it, it is a continuous rolling pastry, fine grass, fine and smooth, obviously human trimming, the grass is sitting in the grass in the grass The pond, a few ginseng trees.

The two Taoists are in their hands, and they are gone around the grass. Zhao Ran, the body is burly is the three-clear cabinet, the Tianshi Wuyang, next to another short child, but the East Pavilion, Tianshi Li Yanyang.

Seeing Zhuo Long and Zhao Ran, Wu Tianshi far smiled: "If you come? Just talking about you, come over."

Going to the past, Zhao Ran quickly went to see: "Wu Tianshi, Li Tianshi, has seen two predecessors!"

Wu Tianshi said: "How? This place is not very familiar? Haha. Last year, I and Xu Zhen people didn't drink me, I found out that his family has changed, and you changed to you. Stadium. I learned to play, I found it is quite interesting. But that is too small, the place where the bar is big, only one hole, it is not addictive. He draws you a picture, I Just a place here, it is set up. "

Said, heroic waving: "18 holes, seventy-two poles, how?"

When Zhao Ran, I felt familiar. At this moment, I will react it at this moment. Suddenly I can't smile. When a fairy home is like this, how to see how ... Don't say, I feel like it is really good.

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