Taoist master wants to ascend

Chapter 26 Preparation before promotion

Not everyone among the apprentices in the inner courtyard can have a room alone. After asking about it, Li Yuan thought about it and decided to share it with Fatty Sun in the middle courtyard.

At least I can eat.

"Shenbing Valley, the sky of Zhelong Mansion."

Li Yuan carried the hammer back to the front yard without leaving his body. On the way, he was still digesting the information that Lao Zhangtou said. His heart was shaken and he felt a little enlightened.

"Qin Xiong is afraid that he has known the news for a long time, so Niu Gui came to the Intermediate Court, not just for the Inner Court... If we really have to postpone it for a year, we will miss it."

Li Yuan felt a little cold in his heart and felt a little lucky.

If he was really a fool and stayed away for a year without letting Tang Tong look at him differently or becoming Zhang Bi's disciple, then by the time he knew that the Divine Weapon Valley was recruiting disciples, it would be too late.

"The importance of connections, intelligence, and showing talent."

It was already dark, and there were only a few apprentices left on the martial arts field in front of the middle courtyard still standing and dancing with hammers. Li Yuan reflected on himself, groping through it, and determining his future conduct.

The difference between past and present lives is not only the language, environment, customs and habits, but also the way people behave in the world, which must be adjusted and changed.

When he returned to the small courtyard, Fatty Sun, who had not drunk much before, had already set up the table. There were four dishes and one soup, including chicken and duck, meat and wine. It was much richer than in the morning.

"Thank you, Zhang Shao, for your hospitality."

As usual, Li Yuan served Fatty Sun first and toasted with a smile.

"Don't call me Zhang Shao. My name is Sun Hao. If you want, just call me Brother Sun."

Fatty Sun responded with a smile.

Of course Li Yuan followed the good deeds, and he was still grateful to Fatty Sun. He got all the money to buy medicines in the past few months from him.

Without Fatty Sun, his progress in learning martial arts would be somewhat compromised.

"Come on, eat!"

"One more drink."

The two of them drank and drank together, much more harmonious than before.

Both of them have large appetites, and even if they had eaten at a banquet not long ago, they could still fill it up at this time.

"Do you know about the Divine Weapon Valley?"

Fatty Sun burped.

Li Yuan nodded: "Shenbing Valley will open its gate next year, but I estimate that it will be difficult to get in."

"It's difficult, but this opportunity is so rare."

Fatty Sun was a little drunk and a little envious:

"In the past few years, Shenbing Valley only admitted children under the age of twelve. Not only did they have to have good bones, but they also had to pay three hundred taels of silver..."

"That's pretty harsh."

Li Yuan was a little stunned.

Not just one in a thousand, but one in a thousand. There are more than 200,000 households in Gaoliu County, including the towns below, so there may not be a few high-quality bones every year.

Not to mention three hundred taels of silver.

In the entire Gaoliu County, there aren't many families that can take out so much cash at once.

"Harsh? You still don't understand the weight of the Divine Weapon Valley."

Fatty Sun said with awe:

"For so many years, the wealthy families in the inner city have been proud to send their children to the Zhelong Mansion. If they have this opportunity, they will go bankrupt!"

It's more exaggerated than taking an exam...

Li Yuan somewhat understood, but felt strange.

For thousands of years in previous lives, it was rare for local forces to be more powerful and popular than the imperial court. This Divine Soldier Valley was simply a country within a country.

"Qiu Long, you know, right?"

Fatty Sun asked.

"The commander of the Gaoliu County Army?"

Li Yuan was somewhat impressed.

After nine murders that year, the commander returned to the city, and three hundred guardsmen patrolled the streets. He was deeply impressed by the loud noise.

"He is a disciple of Shenbing Valley. He came down from the mountain and returned to Gaoliu City a few years ago. Now, his family is the leading family in the inner city, and all walks of life have to give heavy gifts every year..."

As he spoke, Fatty Sun lowered his voice:

"I heard that even the bandits outside the county give him a large sum of money every year, and even the 'Viper Gang' with thousands of people is no exception.

For fear of being wiped out by him, I even heard Lin Dianshi say before that he would have to give him a percentage of the city’s tax money..."


Li Yuan was a little stunned.

I didn’t know what to say for a moment, but I had a deeper understanding of the deterrent power of the Divine Weapon Valley.

Bandits just need to pay "protection fees". It was not uncommon in the past to raise bandits to respect themselves, but how can they still collect taxes?

Is this still a sect?

It is simply a prince, a country within a country.

"If you can worship in the Valley of Divine Weapons, then you will truly be like a fish leaping over the dragon gate, and you will soar into the sky!"

Fatty Sun's face was flushed, and his chest was slapping loudly:

"If you need any help from me, just ask, Sun will never be vague!"

What he said was so heroic that Li Yuan took it seriously and raised his glass:

"As for the gold matter, leave it to..."


Fatty Sun was mostly drunk, and his big head shook like a rattle:

"What? You, you want gold? That's not possible, no, absolutely not..."

No, it's not no.

Fatty Sun brought a surprise, exchanging an IOU for one tael of gold, and walked out with the latter's painful eyes.

"I got one tael of gold, but I still need some silver and pig iron. Pig iron is easy to talk about. I have a relationship with the master. I don't know how to do it. It's only a thousand pounds. It's not difficult to get it. But this silver..."

Playing with the Master's Hammer, Li Yuan thought.

He had a one-hundred-tael silver note from Qianbao, but it had to be exchanged for silver. To exchange for silver, the only one in Gaoliu County was the "Yuanda Bank" in the inner city.

"If I were a government official, Qin Xiong, I would definitely keep an eye on anyone who wants to withdraw cash..."

Li Yuan walked through the streets and alleys and came to the inner city.

The inner and outer cities are separated by a wall, and the layout is quite different. From the outside, the streets are just neater and the clothes of pedestrians are cleaner.

But from the outer city to the inner city, there is actually a copper coin entry fee.

"So naked..."

After pinching his nose and taking out the money, Li Yuan found a secluded place, stuffed the gold into Liuhe boots, and threw it back on the gray stone platform.

He wouldn't feel safe leaving valuables anywhere except Liuhe boots.

Even when he came to the inner city, he still carried the Great Craftsman's Hammer, and he really couldn't put it down.

"The inner city is really lively. It's just the Chinese New Year, and all the stalls have been set up..."

Yuanda Bank is located in the middle of Xingyuan Street. The door plaque is very eye-catching, but Li Yuan did not approach it. He just looked at it from a distance. The inner city was very prosperous and there were many people.

He scanned around for a few times, but he didn't know if there were people from the Yamen or Qin Xiong watching here.

"Although no one may be watching, you shouldn't take unnecessary risks if you can help it..."

After wandering around for a while, Li Yuan shook his head, turned and left Xingyuan Street.

"Brother Qiu, after all these days, is there no clue about the thief?"

Opposite the Yuanda ticket office, in the private room on the third floor of the teahouse, Qin Xiong asked with a calm face.

"The big thief has not been arrested in Nianjiu. The yamen's manpower is really stretched and we can't take care of it for the moment. I hope Brother Qin can forgive me."

Qiu Da glanced at the Yuanda ticket number opposite:

"I sent two brothers to stay here for ten days. Magistrate Lu was quite dissatisfied and ordered them to be transferred back several times to search for the big thief Nian Jiu..."

Qin Xiong's face turned dark. He wanted to have an attack but had no choice but to knock on the table bitterly:

"Liang Ashui can't catch him, but what about Li Yuan? He also has a loan relationship with Qian Bao. He has enough martial arts skills, so he is also suspected!"

On the day of the inner court examination, he became suspicious after seeing Li Yuan display his amazing hammering skills. Before Qian Bao's accident, he had followed his instructions to intimidate Li Lin.

"Although Zhang Bi has not yet developed his inner strength, he has accumulated a lot of contacts over the years while working in the iron industry. You don't want to provoke me, so I am willing to do it?"

Qiu Da put down his tea cup and his face turned cold:

"Don't forget, my uncle's Conglong Broken Sword was repaired by Zhang Bi!"

As soon as they disagreed, both of them snorted coldly and were about to leave.

At this time, a Yamen servant trotted upstairs. He glanced at Qin Xiong first, and then Qiu Da nodded and said:

"A brother said that two days ago, someone pawned a hundred-tael silver note at Jinyi Dangxing for ninety-three taels!"


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