Taoist Mind Breeds Demons

Chapter 960: The Great Qin Dynasty

Chapter 960: The Great Qin Dynasty

A qi from the dynasty can bless civil and military ministers in the dynasty, making them practice faster, and Qin Shaofeng, as the sacred dynasty of the Great Qin Emperor, naturally enjoys the most blessings, but only 30 times before Bale, of course, a thirty-fold blessing is already terrifying, but now with the increasing number of Qin Emperor dynasties, Qin Shaofeng found that his cultivation speed has soared again. []

It was already 30 times faster, and now doubles and doubles. After the Qin Emperor's Qihaihai no longer changes, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation speed is already forty times that under normal conditions. Ten times, what a unimaginable thing, but it happened to Qin Shaofeng.

Look at Qin Huang, Zu Huang and other civil and military ministers. It can also be seen from the surprise on their faces that their cultivation speed has increased, and those who have just surrendered to the Qin Emperor dynasty are even more excited. Because they found that they had surrendered to the Great Qin Emperor Dynasty, their practice speed not only did not decrease, but actually increased.

The reason why the emperor dynasties established the Yun dynasty was not to allow their own cultivation speed to be blessed by Qi, so that they could cultivate themselves into the strong in this world. Qin Shaofeng forced them to surrender, naturally they were very upset. However, now they find that their cultivation speed has actually increased, and their unhappiness is gradually disappearing. Moreover, looking at the statue of Qi Shu and the altar of heaven and earth, they have determined that Qin Shaofeng will become the emperor in the future. Following Qin Shaofeng, there must be boundless future.

Qin Shaofeng's practice speed is now forty times that under normal conditions, making Qin Shaofeng immediately stop all three major mysteries. Now he is already at the pinnacle of the Great Saint Eighth Heaven. If he continues to practice, he will break through to The Great Heavenly Nine Heavens, then immediately will be rejected by the rule of the second world heaven and earth to the third heaven.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng ’s 40-fold acceleration, coupled with Qin Shaofeng ’s ability to extract 30% of the world ’s power, Qin Shaofeng ’s power will increase at a horrible rate, so Qin Shaofeng naturally did not dare to run the three mysterious powers, and this way If anyone knows something, it will definitely make people crazy. Even if some people worry about breakthrough and stop practicing, this is too ridiculous.

Finally, the sea of ​​Qishu in the Great Qin Emperor's dynasty no longer violently tumbling, and gradually subsided. At this time, the statue of Qin Shaofeng's Qishu was doubled from the beginning, and it turned out to be nearly 20,000 feet. The altar has also evolved because it has absorbed a large number of Qi, and has become equally huge, and the coercion emitted from it has become stronger.

Looking at this huge altar of heaven and earth, Qin Shaofeng thought together. Suddenly, this huge and incomparable altar of heaven and earth appeared at the foot of Qin Shaofeng, and then slowly carried Qin Shaofeng toward the sky, flying to the distance from the emperor of Qin Dynasty. Qin Shaofeng stopped when the city was 9,999 feet high.

The star emperor's clothes on his body are automatic without wind, flashing the star-like light, and the nine purple Qilong dragons embroidered on it seem to be real and lively, bringing Qin Shaofeng's majesty more, and Qin Shaofeng then turned his hands, and the Star Emperor The Xi appeared in Qin Shaofeng's palm, and then Qin Shaofeng said to the void, "Sacrifice to the heaven today, proclaiming the world that the Great Qin Emperor Dynasty will be promoted to the Great Qin Dynasty!"

As Qin Shaofeng's words fell, a ray of divine light shot out of his eyebrow and shot towards the sky. A flash of light disappeared, and then Qin Shaofeng threw the star emperor's seal in his hand toward the void, and saw that the star emperor's seal rose in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a Taikoo Shenshan, and it covered in the void.

There was a thunderous sound like a loud noise falling from a thunderbolt flashing in the void, and as the star emperor's seal was covered up to the void, countless starlights fell from the sky and fell towards the Great Qin Dynasty, forming a beam of light, as if It is the same as connecting Da Qin Da Yu and the sky.

Immediately after, golden lights fell from the void, and the avenue Tiansheng sounded in the void. A scent of fragrance that seemed to be emitted from heaven and earth treasures emanated in the void, making people smell incredibly happy and stagnant. It turns out that there is a faint sign of breakthrough, even Shen Ji, who has accumulated years, is getting better.

The billions of people of the Great Qin Emperor Dynasty and the tens of millions of troops of the 54th Emperor Dynasty looked at Qin Shaofeng standing in the void. At this moment, the supreme faith power was pouring out, and all of them were surging towards Qin Shaofeng. Divine soul Qin Shaofeng swallowed in, so that the power of Divine soul Qin Shaofeng has been improved a little.

The endless golden light fell on the Daqin Great Realm, and then this Big Qin Great Realm also released a series of golden light, radiating out to the surrounding space, and seeing such a scene, the people of the 54th Dynasty did not know what had happened What, however, the people of the Great Qin Emperor have already experienced it once, and now they naturally know what is going on.

But they did not expect that the Daqin Emperor had just come to the second world of Daqian for more than two years, and they could be promoted to heaven again and entered the third world of Daqian. This made them a little unacceptable, but the fact Right in front of them, they were filled with excitement while they had to believe.

The people of the Great Qin Emperor Dynasty were originally the people of the first dynasty. They never dreamed that they could be the day when they could be the people of the Heavenly Dynasty, so naturally they were extremely excited. The man who brought them all was Qin Shaofeng It is for this reason that when the Great Qin Emperor Dynasty is about to be promoted again, the people of the Great Qin Emperor Dynasty naturally have a deeper belief in Qin Shaofeng.

As the golden light radiated toward the surroundings, the 54 large areas in the second heaven and earth all moved closer to the place where the Da Qin large area was located, and the 54 large areas were extremely far away. Little bit of movement, I don't know what time it will take to gather here in Daqin Dayu.

However, being called by those golden lights, the large realms directly passed through the heavy space, and it didn't take long to appear around the large Qin large realms. When the large realms appeared, the various dynasties The Holy One was dumbfounded again, and at this time, they finally understood what was happening, and they all became more excited.

Fifty-four large areas approached the large Qin large area one after another, and even after being combined with the large Qin large area, they began to merge. One after another and the large Qin area merged together, making the territory of the large Qin large area even larger, at the same time With the integration of a large realm, the vitality of the heavens and earth of the Daqin and large realms increased many, many times, and various spiritual veins and natural treasures were derived.

This kind of scene appeared in the first heaven and earth, but at that time it was the integration of the mainland. Although the vitality of the heavens and the earth increased and various spiritual veins continued to be derived, it was not as intense as it is now. The integration of the large area, on the earth of the ever-expanding large Qin large area, is constantly deriving from veins, as if a dragon is tumbling, and the endless vitality of heaven and earth is released from it.

Looking at such a scene, the sacred dynasties of the imperial dynasties are naturally more excited, which indicates that the Daqin Dayu is evolving towards the Daqin Dajiang. As long as it has evolved from the Dayu to DJI, then their cultivation in the future The environment will be even better, which makes them unhappy!

One by one, the large realms moved closer to the large Qin realm and merged together. The entire large Qin realm was undergoing earth-shaking changes. The entire large realm continued to become thicker and larger, and finally, fifty-four large realms were merged together. After being together, it has expanded by a total of seven, forty-nine times.

The imperial city of the Great Qin Dynasty is still the highest place in the newly formed Great Qin Dynasty, and Qin Shaofeng slowly landed over the Great Qin Dynasty, standing above the sea of ​​clouds and screaming, "The Great Qin Dynasty, born from the sky, Ordered by the sky, both longevity and prosperity! "With the shout of Qin Shaofeng, countless golden light was released from the ground of the Great Qin and Dajiang, and shot into the void, and the sky sounded the avenue of heaven that rang through the sky, It's as if all kinds of fairy music are singing together, it seems to be cheering for the appearance of the Great Qin Dynasty!

And as Qin Shaofeng's words just fell, the sky of Da Qin Tianchao will suddenly drop a huge number of Qi, and merge into the Qi Qin Heavenly Cloud of Qi Qin Dynasty, making the Qi Qin Heavenly Cloud of Qi Qin once again expand a lot, this is naturally the world of Da Qin The number of rewards for the promotion of heaven.

Looking at the number of descending qi, the emperor's pilgrimage is finally no longer indifferent to Qin Shaofeng, and he has completely recognized the position of Qin Shaofeng in their hearts. With the appearance of the number of descending qi, the speed of cultivation of the subjects of the Qin Dynasty is naturally It has been improved, and Qin Shaofeng is the same, but the increase is not large, but it has been increased twice, to 42 times.

Although not much has been improved, Qin Shaofeng is very satisfied. Nowadays, with his mental cultivation and the speed of such cultivation, he can definitely improve his strength quickly, so he doesn't care too much, just looks at his eyes. The sky, and at this time, under the leadership of Suhou and the Twelve Beasts of Heaven, the civil and military ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty and the people of the Great Qin Dynasty all shouted to Qin Shaofeng, "Long live Heaven, Long live, Long live!"

Although the Daqin is still the dynasty, it can only be called the emperor, but it cannot be called the emperor. However, since the Daqin is already the dynasty, is it still far away from the dynasty?

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