Taoist Mind Breeds Demons

Chapter 1077: Tianhe Shahai

Chapter 1077: Tianhe Sand Sea

Because Qin Shaofeng got the lost memory from the sky, and Qin Shaofeng's talent, he was advancing swiftly in alchemy, and soon he learned all the alchemy in Yaogu, and both in the quantity and quality of alchemy It surpassed Hu Qinglong and Hu Qingniu. In this way, Qin Shaofeng naturally felt that this medicine valley had nothing to learn, and it was time to go out and practice. He would not be able to get strong power if he wanted to gain strength. 1 in 1

After Qin Shaofeng shared his thoughts with Hu Qingniu and Hu Qinglong, Hu Qingniu and Hu Qinglong naturally had no opinion, but they asked Qin Shaofeng to bring the white crane, golden snake, and black ape. These three monsters are all in the ninth order. Formidable monsters, with such strength, can also protect Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng naturally has no opinion.

When I heard that Qin Shaofeng was going out to practice, Hu Xianer naturally noisy to follow, although Han Ruoxue did not show too intense, but everyone's firmness in that look could be seen, and finally Hu Qingniu agreed. So Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xianer, Han Ruoxue, the three of them started to go to practice.

Of course, there was nothing to prepare. The three of them, Qin Shaofeng, took the White Crane, the Golden Snake, and the Black Ape. The three beasts left Yaogu under the watchful eye of Elder Hu Qingniu, Hu Qinglong, and so on, and watching Qin Shaofeng left In Medicine Valley, Hu Qingniu immediately said to the elder Wu Liuchan who passed on to him, "Elder Wu, this time I will trouble you. You must not be able to make any difference to them. Make sure they are safe."

After listening to the words of Hu Qingniu, the elder Wu Chuanchan passed on the nod, and then said to Hu Qingniu, "Gu Zhu, you can rest assured." After speaking, Wu Liuchan's body flickered, but he disappeared in front of everyone. Hu Qingniu naturally did not worry about a avenue such as Qin Shaofeng to go out to practice, so not only did Bai He and their three monsters follow, but also Wu Liuchan also protected in secret.

Seeing that Wu Liuchan has followed up, Hu Qingniu and they are at ease. Wu Liuchan is now the third-ranked master of Yaogu, with his secret protection, plus three monsters, there should be no problem, which makes Hu Qingniu was relieved a lot. But Hu Qingniu didn't know. The moment Qin Shaofeng walked out of Yaogu, a message passed from Yaogu to Taiyimen.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng did not know that he had been followed by Taiyimen. After leaving Yaogu, Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xianer, Han Ruoxue walked in front, and the white crane, golden snake, and black ape followed behind them, which made Qin Shaofeng I felt a little too guilty, so after walking forward, I said to Baihe, "Sister Baihe, can you be smaller? This is so guilty, we came out to experience it, you guys, we How can it be experienced? "

The white crane, the golden snake, and the black ape took a lot of Qin Shaofeng from Qin Shaofeng during this time. The blood veins were all a lot pure and powerful, and the already huge body has become even larger, but If it becomes smaller, it is also very simple, so after listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Bai He nodded, and then his body flashed white light. Only a small white bird with a big palm appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, and then jumped on Qin Shaofeng. Shoulder.

And the golden snake flickered to become only one foot long. As for the black ape, it also changed into a small monkey with a height of one foot, followed by Hu Xianer and Han Ruoxue, responsible for protecting both of them. Qin Shaofeng was very satisfied. Otherwise, he would be followed by such a behemoth, even if there were enemies, he would be scared away.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also found the elder Wu Liuchan who followed them secretly, knowing that it was protecting them in secret, so Qin Shaofeng did not go to expose it, and continued to walk outside Yaogu while walking towards Hu Xianer and Han Ruoxue. Said, "Xianer, Ruoxue, where is a little more fun, please introduce me."

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Hu Xianer said to Qin Shaofeng immediately, "Hey, Brother Shaofeng, let's go to Tianhe Shahai to play. There are many robbers. We can be a big hero for the skywalk." Hu Xianer I really like the feeling of being a heroine, so after listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, I said to Qin Shaofeng immediately.

However, Qin Shaofeng simply ignored Hu Xianer's opinion and continued to look at Han Ruoxue, and Han Ruoxue saw Qin Shaofeng looking at himself, and thought for a moment, then said to Qin Shaofeng, "If you want to play, The rivers and sands were fine that day, but if you want to strengthen your strength, let's go to Chaos Demon Sea. "

In these days of Yaogu, Qin Shaofeng also learned about some of the world called Qingyuan Continent. He knew that there were some dangerous places and ancient relics on this Qingyuan Continent, but basically all were in the sea of ​​chaos. So in this world, If a monk wants to go through the training, he will usually enter the sea of ​​chaos, but the sea of ​​chaos is too dangerous, and ordinary monks are afraid to enter it.

The sea of ​​chaos and magic is not only a harsh environment, it is also a place where the monks are gathered. If a monk does not have strong strength and enters the sea of ​​chaos to practice, I am afraid that no benefit will be left there. However, the sea of ​​chaos and magic is full of various opportunities. Maybe you can meet an ancient relic, and ascend to the sky in one step.

As for the Tianhe Sandy Sea that Hu Xianer said, it is also a good place for experience and has some relics, but the environment of this day is not much better than the sea of ​​chaos and there are countless robbers. , Specializing in doing some killing and overdoing things, so the average monk rarely goes there to practice.

However, the range of sand and sea in this day is extremely large, and it is located in the central zone of the Qingyuan continent, which almost crosses the north and south of the entire Qingyuan continent. The road passed, so Qin Shaofeng finally decided to go to the sand and sea of ​​Tianhe first, and then to Chaohai.

Qin Shaofeng's decision was naturally supported by Hu Xianer, because not only can it satisfy the little girl ’s dream of the heroine, but also she can go to the chaos of the sea. It was the best decision, and Han Ruoxue heard Qin Shaofeng's arrangement and had no opinion, so the three flew forward.

From the classics of Yaogu, Qin Shaofeng learned that although the Qingyuan continent is just a dust in this world, its area is larger than that of a star in the Hongmeng world. Qin Shaofeng estimated that there may be Hongmeng The lunar star of the world is so large, which shows how much stronger this world is than the Hongmeng world.

However, these impacts on Qin Shaofeng were not much. He now has only one wish: to improve his power as soon as possible, and when he has the power to return to the Hongmeng world, he also leaves here to return to the Hongmeng world. Of course, before this, the sky eyes must be awakened, because only the sky eyes have the coordinates of the Hongmeng world.

Qin Shaofeng is now the first level of the original environment, so there is no problem with flying, and the strength of the first level of the Qin Shaofeng is far more horrible than the first level of other origins, because Qin Shaofeng is the avenue of Hu Qingniu's mouth. Body, in the promotion of the origin of the realm, but understand the power of all kinds of heaven and earth,

In addition, Qin Shaofeng has no meridians, and the original Qi is all infused into the body's three thousand acupoints. Although it is said that the space of Qin Shaofeng's body three thousand acupoints is much smaller because of the changes in the laws of heaven and earth, compared with other monks, The source of Qi is huge, and after this period of practice, Qin Shaofeng has filled the Qi of the whole body with Qi.

The location of Yaogu is southwest of Qingyuan mainland, and the distance from the sand and sea of ​​Tianhe is extremely far away. However, Qin Shaofeng's flight speed is very fast, so it only took less than ten days to reach the sandy sea of ​​Tianhe. . In these ten days, Qin Shaofeng did not encounter any trouble. Although they met some monks, but they saw Qin Shaofeng as a disciple of Yaogu, so naturally they did not embarrass them.

There are five immortal gates and five magic gates on the Qingyuan continent. The right path between the various sect gates is extremely powerful, but even the five magic gates rarely have disputes with Yaogu. Of course, except for Dan Dingmen, because Dan Dingmen has always been suppressed by Yaogu on alchemy, and his reputation has always been worse than that of Yaogu. Therefore, the disciples of Dandingmen will almost always fight against Yaogu disciples in all aspects.

Standing in the air looking at such a vast desert, Qin Shaofeng also sighed. This is the first time he has seen such a huge desert, and in the middle of this vast desert, a long river running through the north and south flows slowly. It is the origin of the sand and sea of ​​this river that this river seems to have fallen from the sky.

There are relics sent in the sand and sea on this day. Although most of them have been explored, there is still one that has not been explored. It is not that no one wants to explore this relic, nor is it a ban on this relic. Too much, blocking everyone out, but because the monks entering this site are basically gone or not, so this site has not been fully explored until now.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng decided to come here is because of this relic. Other people get nothing good in this relic, which does not mean that Qin Shaofeng can't do it. Qin Shaofeng, who has a golden number of true dragons, believes that he will definitely gain something. No doubt is needed, Qin Shaofeng is still very confident about this.

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