Taoist Mind Breeds Demons

Chapter 1113: Get out

Chapter 1113 Get Out

Although this little girl, Kui Qingfeng, is only 16 years old, she is already a full-fledged little beauty. In addition to her temperament, she is already able to ### people, so the great prince of the Cang Dynasty, Cang Yun Kui Qingfeng will then agree with this family matter very much, but he did not expect that this matter had just been raised in the hall, but Qin Shaofeng appeared.

When Qin Shaofeng was observing Cang Yun, Cang Yun was observing Qin Shaofeng. What Cang Yun didn't understand is how a monk like the third-order legendary monk of Qin Shaofeng could make Kui Sirius such a courtesy, and Manchu Wenwu told him There is no objection to the matter, which makes Cang Yun very confused, but these things have nothing to do with him, anyway, Qin Shaofeng is not the Da Cang Dynasty, as long as Qin Shaofeng does not affect his marriage to Kui Qingfeng.

Knowing there, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng looked at Kui Qingfeng, and then said to Kui Qingfeng, "Girl, you are not obedient, I'm not telling you to wait for me to come back, look, I'm back now, I'm looking for someone to make tea and pour water. You said you should be punished. "After that, I was very dissatisfied.

Qin Shaofeng does not have the slightest desire for Kui Qingfeng, just like Hu Xianer, but he regards Kui Qingfeng as a little sister, but Qin Shaofeng has no meaning to Kui Qingfeng, which does not mean that anyone can pursue Kui Qingfeng. Just observe When the sky was cloudy, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed, but the boy was not at ease with Kui Qingfeng.

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Kui Qingfeng suddenly flushed, and dissatisfied with Qin Shaofeng's glance, but did not say anything. She lost to Qin Shaofeng as a maid, and it has spread all over the country, even if she wants to hide it. It ca n’t be concealed, so when hearing Qin Shaofeng ’s words, Kui Qingfeng could only be the default, and then said to Qin Shaofeng, “Okay, I know, you will bully me, wait until I am better than you, see How can I pack you. "

"Haha, then you are destined to be disappointed, now, this is the Yiqi Dan that I went to the Holy Mountain to pick up the elixir. I will give you a bottle, which is a reward for pouring tea for me some time ago." After listening to Kui Qingfeng's words, Qin Shaofeng laughed and said, as soon as he turned his hands, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then he threw it to Kui Qingfeng.

Kui Qingfeng listened to Qin Shaofeng's words, and immediately hesitated. He took the Qin Shaofeng's jade bottle blankly. Not only did she stay, but the entire hall was also dead, because they heard that Qin Shaofeng went to the Holy Mountain. , I got elixir, all with eyes widened and unwilling to believe. The legend of the holy mountain is no stranger to them. Although some people have been on the holy mountain, no one has ever seen it. I've picked some elixir on it.

Therefore, the people present were some who couldn't believe Qin Shaofeng. People in the Da Kui dynasty knew that Qin Shaofeng was an extremely powerful alchemist, but they did not think that Qin Shaofeng had the ability to climb the holy mountain and pick elixir, and Cang Yun and other Da Cang People in the dynasty directly believed that Qin Shaofeng was bragging, and they did not think it was true at all.

However, at this time, Kui Qingfeng had opened the jade bottle that Qin Shaofeng had handed to her. Suddenly, a medicine fragrance permeated the whole hall instantly, and everyone who smelled the medicine fragrance felt that the origin of their bodies was really fast. When it started to run, all of them were shocked. Looking at the jade bottle in the hands of Kui Qingfeng, Kui Sirius even stood up from the dragon seat.

Kui Tianlang was also shocked. He used Yiqi Dan, which was refined by Qin Shaofeng before, but there was absolutely no medicinal scent to make his original energy work, so naturally he knew the benefits in this jade bottle. Qi Dan was definitely not simple. He stepped in front of Kui Qingfeng and stared at the jade bottle in the hands of Kui Qingfeng. Prince Prince Kui Ying also surrounded him.

When I saw Kui Sirius and Kui Ying surrounded, it was also realized that Qin Shaofeng's Yiqi Dan was definitely not simple. Kui Qingfeng immediately saw the jade bottle and hid it in his arms, and then confronted Kui Sirius and Kui. Ying said, "This is mine, you are not allowed to make an idea." This made Kui Sirius and Kui Ying blush immediately, smiling awkwardly, but still looking at the jade bottle in the hands of Kui Qingfeng.

Kui Sirius and Kui Ying are naturally embarrassed to ask Qin Shaofeng. They can only start from Kui Qingfeng, so Kui Sirius said to Kui Qingfeng, "My daughter, let me see, absolutely not." After hearing Kui Sirius saying this, Kui Qingfeng was relieved, and then slowly poured out a glittering Yiqi Dan. Immediately, Kui Sirius, Kui Ying, and everyone in the hall sucked. A breath of air, this is Yiqi Dan is right, but it is definitely a unique Yiqi Dan.

The glittering Yiqi Dan, do n’t say you ’ve seen it, even if you have n’t heard of it, if it ’s not the medicine fragrance released from this Lingdan, it really belongs to Yiqi Dan. I ’m afraid no one will think of this. A Lingdan is Yiqi Dan, and the most important thing is that the energy contained in this Yiqi Dan makes everyone frightened.

"Brother Qin, are you really ... really going to the holy mountain?" Kui Sirius looked at Yi Qi Dan in the hands of Kui Qingfeng, and looked at Qin Shaofeng in wonder, and asked Qin Shaofeng, at this moment he had already I believe what Qin Shaofeng said, because only the elixir on the holy mountain can make such a powerful Yiqi Dan! But what makes Kui Sirius so unfortunate is that since there is an elixir, why should Yiqi Dan be refined? Isn't it good to make other miracles?

Of course, Kui Sirius will never know that Qin Shaofeng is telling a lie, and the elixir is indeed there, but it was gathered by Qin Shaofeng to gather the essence of the elixir, which was then used to promote the king of medicine and enhance his strength. As for Yiqi Dan These miracles are made by ordinary herbs that Qin Shaofeng picked on the holy mountain. Although the efficacy is many times stronger than that of ordinary herbs, it is far from the miracle of miracles made by miracles. They are enough to flicker Kui Sirius.

After listening to Kui Sirius, Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then said to Kui Sirius, "Just luck, I just found a few elixir on the periphery, and used it to make a few bottles of Yiqi Dan." Talking, but stopped in the ears of Kui Sirius and others are sunny and thunderous, making them unbelievable to their ears.

Holy mountain, no one who has been there has explored it, but they have never been able to enter the holy mountain, let alone picking an elixir, so everyone in the hall looked at Qin Shaofeng and was full of envy. However, this is Qin Shaofeng's opportunity. They are useless even if they are envious. After all, the holy mountain is not for anyone who wants to go in.

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Kui Tianlang gasped for two breaths, which stabilized his emotions. Looking at Qin Shaofeng was full of envy, and then he looked at the jade bottle in his daughter's hand. It ’s uncomfortable. Kui Sirius can feel that the Qi Qi Dan refined by Qin Shaofeng is definitely a great help to his own strength. It does n’t matter if he raises his rank and strengthens his original energy. .

You must know that Kui Sirius, who has reached the fifth level of the legendary realm, is very difficult to improve his original energy. It takes a lot of time to cultivate, but now only one Yiqi Dan can do it. Now, this is definitely a big ### for Kui Sirius. He can suppress the ** in his heart and not grab the jade bottle of Kui Qingfeng, which is already very rare.

"Brother Qin, how do you want to trade Yiqi Dan? You can rest assured that I will never bargain." Kui Sirius can only ask Qin Shaofeng in the end and grab his daughter's things. Kui Sirius cannot do it I can only buy it from Qin Shaofeng here. This will help Yiqi Dan who is helpful to himself.

Qin Shaofeng listened to Kui Sirius, opened his eyes wide, pretending to look surprised, and asked Kui Sirius, "Do you want it? Speak early, this Qi is not a good thing, I have refined a lot. What money do we mention in our friendship? It hurts our feelings. "While talking, I took out a jade bottle and gave it to Kui Sirius.

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Kui Tianlang was immediately excited. He quickly took the jade bottle from Qin Shaofeng's hands, and then opened the scent of the medicine in the jade bottle. Suddenly, he felt that his pores were unfolding, all at once. I just laughed, and quickly covered it again, for fear of wasting a little medicine.

Then Kui Sirius looked at Qin Shaofeng again, nodded to Qin Shaofeng, and then said to Qin Shaofeng, "Brother Qin, I remember this feeling, there will be a thick report in the future." If this bottle of Yiqi Dan can help Raising Kui Sirius by one rank, it is simply a kindness to Kui Sirius, which makes Kui Sirius so excited.

And the civil and military ministers in the hall looked at Qin Shaofeng with jealous eyes. The desire for Yiqi Dan was absolutely extremely strong. Even the prince Kuei Ying stared at Qin Shaofeng tightly, very annoyed that he was not his daughter. Otherwise, how can he get a bottle of Yiqi Dan from Qin Shaofeng depending on his appearance.

Qin Shaofeng listened to Kui Sirius, but just smiled and waved his hand, and then said to Kui Qingfeng, "Girl, go, I haven't been drinking your tea for so many days, and I'm really not used to it." Just walking towards the outside, and at this time, the Prince Cang Yun of the Great Cang Dynasty stopped Qin Shaofeng and said to Qin Shaofeng, "Prince Ben is very interested in your Yiqi Dan, you can ask for a price. I have as many as you have. "

"Get off!" Qin Shaofeng heard the words of Cang Yun and gave them only to His Highness His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

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