Taoist world

Chapter 1,733 The Clan of the Mountain Leader

Just as Yuezun finished speaking, a tall figure shrouded in turbid mist appeared in the sky of this world.

Although he couldn't see clearly what he looked like, it could be seen that he must be quite excited at the moment.

Because the mist outside his body was trembling slightly.

It was as if there was something extremely attractive in the Moon Spirit Clan that he cared about very much!

Naturally, all the Yueling clan members, including the three ancestors under the earth, as well as Jiang Yun, who was in Yuezun's room and did not show up, clearly saw this person.

Jiang Yun naturally did not recognize this figure.

Although Yue Zun reminded that this person was most likely here for him, Jiang Yun did not agree with it.

Because I don’t know anyone at all in this realm of destruction.

Unless the white-haired man who guarded the entrance to the battlefield outside the territory and those cultivators from the Domain of Destruction leaked his whereabouts, no one would even know that he had arrived at the Moon Spirit Clan.

But there is no reason for them to do this, after all, they have not provoked them.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is more inclined to think that the other party is here for the Moon Spirit Clan.

In fact, Jiang Yun was a little skeptical, whether it was Yue Zun who deliberately found an outsider to put on a show for him in order to keep him in the Yueling clan.

With this doubt, Jiang Yun looked at the tall figure and at the same time looked at Yue Zun!

Although the conversation with Yue Zun just now made Jiang Yun feel that Yue Zun wanted to turn his enemy into a friend and win over him, Jiang Yun did not trust Yue Zun very much.

In addition, he also suspected that this person was found by Yue Zun, so he wanted to see how Yue Zun was going to deal with it.

But no matter what, Jiang Yun was ready to take action at any time.

Because he will not place his hopes on others when facing danger.

"Who are you, sir? What do you do with the Yueling Clan?"

At this time, Yue Zun's figure had swayed, and he was standing at the same height as the other party, but he was still under the protection of the Moon Spirit Clan's shield, and he asked.

"Moon Spirit Clan?" After hearing Yue Zun's words, the tall figure repeated these three words and then said: "Never heard of it!"

The figure's voice was loud and loud, like thunder.

His words naturally reached the ears of every Yueling clan member clearly, causing everyone's expressions to change and become filled with anger.

Although the Yueling Clan is indeed not strong, the other party's attitude clearly does not take the Yueling Clan seriously.

Yue Zun said coldly: "Since you have never heard of our Yueling Clan, what do you do to come to our Yueling Clan?"

The figure said: "I'm not here for you Moon Spirit Clan, I'm here to find someone!"

Yuezun then asked: "Who are you looking for?"

The figure replied: "About three days ago, there was a power exerted by a person here. I am very interested. I am here to find the owner of this power!"

"That power is not the power of your Moon Spirit Clan!"

Hearing the figure's words, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

Although the other party did not directly name the word "Nirvana", the power that appeared here three days ago did not belong to the Moon Spirit Clan, only the power of Nirvana exerted by myself!

If this person was not brought by Yue Zun, then not only was he really looking for him, but he also came here specifically because he sensed the power of annihilation!

However, this only deepened Jiang Yun's doubts.

Because the area of ​​the Destruction Domain is extremely huge, far exceeding the Dao Domain.

I am afraid that even the most powerful Creation Clan, and even the strong man who was the first to open up the Dao Domain, would not be able to detect the emergence of the power of Nirvana in the vast Domain of Destruction anytime and anywhere. .

Yue Zun said calmly: "Three days ago, someone broke into our Yue Ling clan. They indeed used some kind of power, but they were driven away by our clan."

"If that's the person you're looking for, then you'd better look elsewhere!"

"What a coincidence?" The tall figure laughed loudly and said, "I think you may have hidden him!"

"Unless you let me search your clan land, I won't leave!"

Yue Zun immediately straightened his face and said: "Although my Yueling clan is unknown, no one can break into our clan's land. If you want to search, you can, let me see how strong you are." Strength!"

"Haha, easy!"

The tall figure suddenly laughed loudly. In the midst of laughter, the turbid mist outside his body exploded, condensing into a hundred-foot-sized fog mountain, and crashed into the Moon Spirit Clan's shield.

Losing the cover of the mist, his true appearance was revealed.

This is a middle-aged man with an extremely formidable appearance. There is a mark shaped like a mountain between his eyebrows.

When he saw this mark, Yue Zun's expression changed slightly and he said, "It turns out he is a friend of the Shankui tribe. How disrespectful!"

While speaking, Yue Zun also raised his sleeves, and the shield covering the mountains of the Yueling Clan suddenly boiled and condensed into a huge shield, facing the charging Wushan.


When the two collided, there was a loud noise that shook the earth, and the shield transformed by the moon spirit fire instantly collapsed.

And the foggy mountain was only half destroyed, and the remaining half continued to hit the shield.

Obviously, this mighty man was extremely powerful, and Yue Zun swayed out of the shield. He stood outside the shield and whispered two words: "Lunar Eclipse!"


As Yue Zun's words fell, a bright moon formed by Yue Zun's own moon spirit fire appeared in front of the foggy mountain, directly wrapping half of the foggy mountain.

Under this package, the half of the foggy mountain actually seemed to be corroded, shrinking bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths, it disappeared without a trace.

This result made the mighty man show a look of surprise on his face and said: "I didn't expect that there would be a master like you among this unknown little clan!"

"However, since you know that I am from the Shankui tribe and your tribe is built on this mountain range, you should understand that even if you can stop me, your tribe will still have to pay the price!"

After the words fell, the man suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Xuxu towards the mountain range where the Moon Spirit Clan was located below.

And under his grasp, although the mountain range was not touched at all, the entire mountain range suddenly and violently shook, as if it was about to be uprooted by this man.

A cold light flashed in Yue Zun's eyes, and he stretched out his fingers to draw a half-circle. Suddenly, a half-moon blade of a hundred feet appeared and rushed towards the man.

"Ha ha!"

The man laughed again, waved his free palm gently in the air, and a mountain as high as a thousand feet suddenly appeared in front of him!

This is not a condensation of spiritual energy or illusion, but a real mountain!

Jiang Yun, who had been watching the fight between the two, couldn't help but suddenly condensed his eyes, and even recognized this mountain at a glance. It was a small mountain not far from here.

This also made him understand that the power possessed by the Shankui clan was obviously related to the mountain just like his clan name!

It seems that they can summon mountains anytime and anywhere!

This kind of power is really unbelievable. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't even imagine it.

Moreover, the world where the Moon Spirit Clan is located has countless mountains. If this man casually captures them and uses them as weapons, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although Yue Zun is stronger than this man, as the man said, even if Yue Zun can win, the entire Yue Spirit Clan will pay a heavy price.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun's voice suddenly sounded in Yuezun's ears: "Let him search!"

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